Exercise 1.2 Flashcards
Revise if necessary:
The consumption of excessive junk food by children will result in obesity.
If children consume excessive junk food, they will become obese.
cf. 1.8.2 (note: we have to introduce the absent character they)
Revise if necessary:
There is opposition among many voters to nuclear power based on a belief that it is dangerous.
Many voters oppose nuclear power because they believe it is dangerous.
cf. 1.8.2 (note: we have to introduce the absent character they)
Revise if necessary:
The doctor’s recommendation consisted of a change in diet.
The doctor recommended that he change his diet.
cf. 1.8.2 (note: we have to introduce the absent character he/she)
Revise if necessary:
Americans strongly disagree about immigration.
No revision necessary.
cf. 1.8.1 (although immigration is a nominalization, it is typically written as one and thus does not need to be changed)
Revise if necessary:
The outsourcing of graphic design work to artificial intelligence at companies has meant the loss of jobs for graphic designers.
Graphic designers are losing their jobs because companies are outsourcing their work to artificial intelligence.
cf. 1.4, 1.6.4
Revise if necessary:
It is a common belief that the death of Jesus occurred in AD 33.
Many believe that Jesus died in AD 33.
cf. 1.8.2 (note: we have to introduce the absent character many)
Revise if necessary:
Data analysis must be done immediately subsequent to its collection.
You must analyze the data immediately after collecting it.
cf. 1.8.2 (note: we have to introduce the absent character you/we)
Revise if necessary:
The concert was attended by thousands of fans.
Thousands of fans attended the concert.
cf. 1.4, 1.6.4
Revise if necessary:
The fact that he worked so hard paid off.
His hard work paid off.
cf. 1.8.1, 1.8.4 (note: the nominalization work replaces a clunky the fact that…; also, notice that this makes work an abstract character)
Revise if necessary:
He was awarded a purple heart for saving two of his comrades.
No need to revise.
cf. 1.8.3 (note: the omitted character is irrelevant, so we can leave it in the passive voice)
Revise if necessary:
There needed to be a material for manufacturers that was resistant to all kinds of weather and tough enough to withstand all types of terrain.
Manufacturers needed a material that was resistant to all kinds of weather and tough enough to withstand all types of terrain.
cf. 1.4, 1.6.4
Revise if necessary:
Experiments testing the depth of local rivers throughout the western half of the state proved our hypothesis.
Researchers/we proved our hypothesis by testing the depth of local rivers throughout the western half of the state.
cf. 1.8.2 (note: we have to introduce the absent character reasearchers/we)
Revise if necessary:
Our understanding of the universe was significantly increased after the invention of the Hubble Space Telescope.
We began to understand the universe much better after the Hubble Space Telescope was invented.
We understood the universe much better after the Hubble Space Telescope was invented.
cf. 1.4, 1.6.4 (note: we can omit the character Edwin Hubble and leave the latter half in the passive voice because it is not relevant who invented the telescope, cf. 1.8.3; but we still need to make Hubble Space Telescope the subject of the second clause and change invention to was invented because Hubble Space Telescope is acting as a character, whereas invention is not.)
Revise if necessary:
Those who are found guilty may be fined.
No need to revise.
cf. 1.8.3 (note: the omitted characters are irrelevant, so we can leave it in the passive voice)
Revise if necessary:
It is possible for my opinions to be different from yours.
I may think differently from you.
My opinions may differ from yours.
cf. 1.4, 1.6.4 (note: we can treat I and you as characters or opinions as an abstract character)
Revise if necessary:
Solar power may be a potential catalyst in the reduction of global warming.
Solar power may [help to] reduce global warming.
cf. 1.4, 1.6.4
Revise if necessary:
Rituals are an important value in many cultures because they are an aid to the preservation of cultural identity.
Many cultures value rituals because they help to preserve cultural identity.
cf. 1.8.4 (note: cultures and rituals are abstract characters, and help is a verb form of the nominalization aid)
Revise if necessary:
The fact that people are migrating here has led to a significant transformation of the economy.
Migration has significantly transformed the economy.
cf. 1.8.1, 1.8.4 (note: the nominalization migration replaces a clunky the fact that…; also, notice that this makes migration an abstract character)
Revise if necessary:
A knowledge of poetry is necessary for a correct understanding of Dante.
You must understand poetry in order to understand Dante.
cf. 1.8.2 (note: we have to introduce the absent character you)