Executions Flashcards
Marie Antoinette executed:
16 October 1793
Girondin leaders tried and found guilty:
30 October 1793
Bristol, Verginaud and 20 other Girondins guillotined:
31 October 1793
Madame Roland executed:
8 November 1793
Doyle on why Girondins killed:
“The sans-culottes wanted their enemies silenced.. no compromise seemed possible with men who denounced patriotic Parisians as anarchists and blood drinkers”
Destroying Catholicism was viewed…
in the same vein as destroying the moarchy
Paris Commune ordered all Churches to be closed …
November 1793
By … most churches had been closed
May 1794
Between … to …% of priests gave up their priesthood during this period
10 and 35%
The Law of Frimaire created :
5 December 1793
Law of Frimaire ended anarchy by identifying the National Convention as:
“the sole motive centre of government”
Schama on Law of Frimaire:
It was intended to end “the anarchic process by which zealots could take the law into their own hands”
Law of Frimaire:
“Every infraction of the law … will be punished”
Townson on the Law of Frimaire:
“Marked the complete reversal of the principles of 1789 … and many of the characteristics of the ancien regime reappeared”
Hebert guillotined:
24 March 1794
Danton in criticising Robespierre:
“Perhaps the terror once served a useful purpose, but it should not hurt innocent people”
Danton guillotined:
5 April 1794
Danton’s “execution marked the beginning of a new phase … where people would die for their potential as much as for crimes”
Law of 22 Prairial:
10 June 1794
…. people were guillotined between … and … .
2639 between March 1793 and August 1794
Between … and … over …% were executed
June and July 1794, over 50% of 2639 were executed
Victory in the Battle of Flereus:
26 June 1794
Madelin on Paris:
“Fear was on every side”
Robespierre dies:
July 28 1794