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Over … days, …‘Robespierrists’ were executed
3 days, 100 Robespierrists were executed
Thibaudeau on the happiness after Robespierre’s downfall:
“Immediately after 9 Thermidor all hearts embraced the most joyful hopes”
Doyle on Robespierres downfall:
“The 9 Thermidor marked … the rejection of a form of government”
By …, … Girondins were released
December 1794, the 73 Girondins who were imprisoned were released
Law of 22 Paririal repealed:
1 August 1794
Law of Suspects abolished:
End of 1794
Revolutionary Tribunal abolished :
31 May 1795
Revolutionary Commune of Paris abolished:
24 August 1794
Jacobin Club closed:
12 November 1794
Carrier executed for war atrocities (Drowning of Nantes)
16 December 1794
Doyle on 1795:
“1795 was to be a year of revenge”
From … to …, … ‘terrorists’ were killed
April to May 1795, 2000 terrorists executed
Britain delivered … émigrés troops to invade Western France on:
10 June 1795, 4000 troops
Pro-Federal monarchy invasion began :
26 June 1795
Pro-Federal monarchy invasion defeated:
21 July 1795
… émigrés executed
Meat ration stood at … grams per person, every …
125 grams per person, every 10 days in 1794
Between … and …, Assignat was worth … face value
August and December 1794, Assignat was worth 20% face value
By …, prices had risen to … above … levels
By April 1795, prices had risen up to 750% above 1790 levels
Sans-culottes break into the National Convention and demand an end to to the scarcity of bread on:
1 April 1795
Prairial uprising:
20 May 1795
Over … were exiled and … lost their citizenship rights in the Prarial uprising
10,000 were exiled and 1,700 lost their civil rights
Lefebrve on the Prairial uprising:
“This date should mark the end of the Revolution”
Louis XVII, The Dauphin’s death:
June 8 1795