Excretory Systems Flashcards
What are the two fundamental physiological functions of the kidney?
Excretion and osmoregulation
Are avian loops of henle short or long? Why? Do all birds have these loops?
short -produce very concentrated urine.
Most birds DO NOT have loops of henle
What are the 3 routes of eliminating ammonia?
Describe Ammonotelism
Direct excretion of ammonia
common to animals living in water
eliminated through gill epithelium, skin &other permeable membranes
Describe Uricotelism
Excretion of uric acid
performed by birds & most reptiles
Describe Ureotelism
Excretion of urea
performed by mammals
Freshwater fish excrete?
voluminous hypo-osmotic (highly dilute) urine
Marine fish excrete? and how do they compensate?
small amounts of hyper-osmotic (very concentrated) urine.
They drink sea water to help w/ water loss. Actively transport salt out through gills
Amphibians nephrons are similar to?
Fresh water fish.
What is estivate(ing)?
dry-weather equivalent of hibernation.
Store nearly pure water to be returned to the blood when needed.
Performed by some frogs.
Reptiles excrete? And lack?
uric acid
Lack loop of henle
Which animals have salt glands?
birds & reptiles
Birds excrete?
uric acid
What is a urolith?
growth or aggregation of solid waste crystals in urine, can be found anywhere in urinary tract
A bit about urolith formation
formation of crystal nidus (embryo)
initial phase called nucleation
dependant on supersaturation of urine w/ calculogenic crystalloids