Comparative Heart Anatomy Flashcards
Name the circulation pattern of mammals & reptiles
Double circulation
blood passes through heart twice
Name the circulation pattern of fish
single circulation
How many chambers does a mammalian heart have?
4 chambers
Ruminants & horses have a larger right lung. What affect does this have on the heart?
Displaces 60% of heart to left of mid-line
Where is the heart located?
lower ventral part of mediastinum
Most of the horses heart surface is covered by?
the lungs
Why is the CV system of the horse superior?
due to proportionately larger heart & spleen per unit body mass than other large animals
able to double pack splenic red cell volume & oxygen delivery during exercise
Ascending aorta curves to the …. in birds and the …. in mammals
right in birds
left in mammals
The avian heart lacks…? And apex is surrounded by…?
lacks diaphragm & chordae tendinae
Apex surrounded by liver lobes
How many pulmonary veins do mammals have compared to birds?
Mammals have 4-6
Birds (chicken specifically) have 2
Cranial vena cava enters right atrium as one major vessel in mammals.
What is the difference in a chicken?
enters right atrium as two seperate vessels: R & L cranial venae cavae
Which heart is larger relative to size & body mass, mammal or avian?
A bit about the fish heart
One atrium
One ventricle
Single circulation
2 chambered
A bit about the reptile/amphibian heart
Two atria One ventricle, partially divided Double circulation -oxygenated & deoxygenated blood are MIXED 3 chambered heart
A bit about the mammalian heart
Two atria Two ventricles Double -oxygenated & deoxygenated blood are SEPERATE 4 chambered heart