Exclusion and Limitation Clauses Flashcards
L’Estrange v Graucob
Cigarette vending machine contract stated all implied conditions and warranties were excluded. Signed contracts are binding
Curtis v Chemical Cleaning
C took her wedding dress and signed a contract that exluded all liability. She asked what shw was singing and was told it only exluded liability for loss or damage to sequens or beads. Dress was damaged and court held that the misrep of the exlsuion cluase meant she could claim damages
Chapelton v Barry UDC
ticket to hire deck chair contained exclusion clause
Deemed invalid as clause was only viable after contract formed
Olley v Malborough court
Olley checked into hotel, there was exclusion clause behind door of her room.
As contract already formed, exlcusion clause not valid.
Red hand Rule
Denning LJ in Spurling v Bradshaw
“The more onerus the clausem the more notice must be given, for some it would require red ink and a red hand pointing to it”
Hollier v Rambler Motors
C used services of garage severla times, each time was asked to sign exclusion clause. On this ocassion contract was formed over the phone and no mention to the exlucision clause. Due to infrequency of previous dealings court held not reasonable for C to remeber clauses - NOT valid
Transocean Drilling v Providence 2016
Used rule that exclusion clauses should be interpreted Contra Proferentem - only apploes to exclusion clauses where one party has more bargaining power
“Prohibits the use of exclusion clauses in relation to sale of goods”
S.31 CRA
s.6 UCTA
“Prohibits use of exlclusion clauses for sale of services”
s.57 CRA
s.7 UCTA
“Prohibits use of exlusion clauses for negligence that cauase death or personal injury”
s.65 CRA
s.2(1) UCTA
Prohibits liability for negligence leading to loss or damage
s.2(2) UCTA
Excluding liability for breach of contract
s.3 UCTA
Grey List
Schedule 2 UCTA
Watford v Sanderson
A term limiting liabiloty for cost of computer programme was found to be reaosnable as was agreeemnt between two buissness of equal bargianing power
Smith v Eric Bush
It was unreasonble term to exlcude laibilty for building survryors for any inaccuracies