Exanthem/ Enanthem infections Flashcards
Measles- Eti
- Exanthem
- Improper immunization
- Resp droplets
- Exposure 9-14 days
Measles- Sx
- Prodrome- fever, cough, conjuntivitis, & coryza
- Koplik spots (few to many white papillose on diffusely red base, buccal mucosa)
- Maculopapular rash (hairline to trunk)
- Desquamation
Measles- Dx
- IgM antibody in serum
- Ab fluorescence
Measles- Tx
- Supportive care, fever reduction
Rubella- Eti
- Teratogenic
- 80% subclinical
- Resp secretions
- 5 days before to 5 days after rash
Rubella- Sx
- Maculopapular rash beginning on face, rapid spread to entire body
- Gone on 4th day
- Ocular pain, myalgia
Rubella- Dx
- IgM titer
- Serology
- Vaccinate!
Erythema infectious (5th disease)- Eti
- HPV B 19
- Resp spread
- Rash day 10-17
- Age 5-15 yrs
Erythema infectious (5th disease)- Sx
- Slapped cheek facies
- Raised, fiery red maculopapular lesion on cheek
- Spares circumoral region
- Spreads to extensor surfaces
- Lacelike pattern
- Arthritis
Erythema infectious (5th disease)- Dx
Erythema infectious (5th disease)- Tx
Supportive care
Chicken pox (varicella)- Eti
- Primary infection with varicella-zoster
- Resp secretions & fomites
Chicken pox (varicella)- Sx
- Red macules to vesicles
- Dew drop on rose petal
- Trunk & face
- Intense pruritus
Chicken pox (varicella)- Dx
Florescent ab staining or rapid culture
Chicken pox (varicella)- Tx
- Hydration
- Acetaminophen
- Acyclovir
- Tx secondary infections
Roseola infantum- Eti
- Benign
- HHV 6 or HHV 7
- 6 months - 3 years
Roseola infantum- Sx
- Non-pruritic rose pink macules
- Lethargy & irritability
- Absent conjunctivitis & pharyngeal exudate
- Fever
- Bulging anterior fontanelle
Roseola infantum- Tx
- Acetaminophen
Herpangina- Eti
- Coksackie Group A virus
- Enteroviruses
- Summer & fall
Herpangina- Sx
- 3mm ulcers, surrounded by halo on tonsil, palate & uvula
- Spares anterior mouth
- Fever, chills, HA, dysphagia & aches
Herpangina- Tx
- Self resolves after several days
- Viscous lidocaine & antihistamine for pain
Herpangina- Dx
- Clinical
Thrush- Eti
- Candica albicans
- infants & older, debilitate children
Thrush- Sx
- White, curd-like plaques
- Easily scraped off, reveal erythematous border
Thrush- Tx
- Nystatin suspension
- Replace contaminates binkis
Hand-foot-mouth disease- Eti
- Enterovirus, coxsackie viruses
- 3-6 day incubation
Hand-foot-mouth disease- Sx
- Painful oral leasions on tounge, checks, hard palate
- Bright pink macules to yellow/ grey erosions with erythematous halo
- Cutaneous appear after oral
- Football shaped
- Low grade fever, sore throat
Hand-foot-mouth disease- Tx
- Supportive
- phosphodiesterase inhibitor
Pityriasis rosea- Eti
- Mild, acute inflammatory disease
- Spring & fall
- Lasts 6-8 wks
Pityriasis rosea- sx
- Herald patch
- Fawn colored eruption in christmas tree distribution
- Proximal extremities
- Mild pruritis
Pityriasis rosea- Tx
- None, UVB lights or topical corticosteroids
Roseola infantum- Eti
- Benign
- HHV 6 or HHV 7
- 6 months - 4 years
- Spring & autum peak
- Mildly contageous
Roseola infantum- Sx
- High fever, drops after 3-4 days then rash.
- Rash- centrifugal, trunk to extremities
- Non-pruritic rose pink macules
- Lethargy & irritability
- Lymphadenopathy of head & neck
- Absent conjunctivitis & pharyngeal exudate
- Bulging anterior fontanelle
Roseola infantum- Tx
- Acetaminophen/ fever control
- Reassurance
Pityriasis rosea- Tx
- None, UVB lights or topical corticosteroids
Roseola- Complications
- Febrile seizures
- Encephalitis
- Multiorgan in immunocompromised
Erythema infectious (5th disease)- Eti
- Parvovirus B 19
- Resp spread
- Rash day 10-17
- Age 5-15 yrs
- Winter & spring
- Mildly contagious, only before rash
Erythema infectious (5th disease)- Sx
- Slapped cheek facies
- Raised, fiery red maculopapular lesion on cheek
- Spares circumoral region, palms & soles
- Spreads to extensor surfaces
- Lacelike pattern
- Arthritis
Roseola- Complications
- Febrile seizures
- Encephalitis
- Multiorgan in immunocompromised
Erythema infectiosum (5th disease)- complications
- Aplastic crisises- erythropoiesis
- Anemia
- Hydrops fetails- CHF, edema, ascites & hemolytic anemia
Rubella- Eti
- Teratogenic
- Togavirus
- 2-3 wk incubation
- 80% subclinical
- Resp secretions
- 7 days before to 4 days after rash
Rubella- Sx
- Maculopapular rash beginning on face, rapid spread to entire body
- Centripital (face to trunk spread)
- Enanthum- of soft palate (petechia)
- Gone on 4th day
- Ocular pain, myalgia
Rubella- Dx
- IgM titer
- Serology- 4 fold rise
- Vaccinate!
Erythema infectiosum (5th disease)- complications
- Aplastic crisises- erythropoiesis
- Anemia
- Hydrops fetails- CHF, edema, ascites & hemolytic anemia
Rubella- Tx
Rubella- Complications
Arthralgia & arthritis
Measles- Eti
- Exanthem
- Highly contagious
- Paramyxovirus
- Improper immunization
- Resp droplets
- Exposure 9-14 days
Measles- Sx
- Prodrome- fever, cough, conjuntivitis, & coryza
- Koplik spots (few to many white/ blue on diffusely red base, buccal mucosa)
- Maculopapular rash (hairline to trunk)
- High fever
- Photophobia
- Desquamation
Measles- Dx
- Clincal
- IgM antibody in serum
- Ab fluorescence
Measles- Tx
- Prevent!
- Supportive care, fever reduction
- Vaccine will prevent disease within 72 hrs
Rubella- Complications
Arthralgia & arthritis
Measles- Complications
- Encephalitis
- Pneumonia
Chicken pox (varicella)- Eti
- Primary infection with varicella-zoster
- Resp secretions & fomites
- 5-10 yrs
- Highly contagious
- Incubation 10-21 days
Chicken pox (varicella)- Sx
- No prodrome
- Red macules to vesicles
- Dew drop on rose petal
- Crusts and scabs
- Trunk & face
- Intense pruritis
Chicken pox (varicella)- Dx
- Florescent ab staining or rapid culture
- Tzanck smear
- Lesions in mouth, hair, nose
Roseola infantum- Eti
- Benign
- HHV 6 or HHV 7
- 6 months - 4 years
- Spring & autumn peak
- Mildly contagious
Measles- Complications
- Encephalitis
- Pneumonia
Varicella- Complications
- Secondary staph infections
- Pneumonia
- Uveitis, orchitis
- Hemorrhagic
Hand-foot-mouth disease- Eti
- Enterovirus, coxsackie viruses
- 4-6 day incubation
- Infants & young children
- Summer - fall
Hand-foot-mouth disease- Sx
- Painful oral lesions (aphthaelike) on tounge, checks, hard palate
- Bright pink macules to yellow/ grey erosions with erythematous halo
- Cutaneous appear after oral
- Football shaped, pale white
- Palms, soles, dorsal finger & toes
- Low grade fever, sore throat
- No prodrome
Pityriasis rosea- sx
- Herald patch, 1-2 wks prior
- Fawn colored eruption in christmas tree distribution
- Fine scaling (collarette) macules & papules
- Proximal extremities
- Up to 14 weeks
- Mild pruritis
- Exanthum
Pityriasis rosea- Tx
- None, UVB lights or topical corticosteroids
- Hard to distinguish from syphallis, test for at risk