Examination and diagnostics Flashcards
What is the current definition of health?
The ability to adapt and self manage (social, physical and emotional)
What is the difference between the current definition and the definition from 1946
Health is not static
What are the three most common conditions?
hypertension, urinary tract infaction and diabetes
What are the three steps of the diagnostic process?
Anamnesis, examination and investigation
What are the four steps of examination?
Inspection, ausculation, percussion and palpation
X-ray (principle, used for, resolution and risk)
electromagnatic radiation, dense areas show white. For bones, soft tissue and organs. Resolution for bone is good. Risk of radiation is medium.
Same as x-ray but mutiple x-rays for 3d image.
radioactive contrast material, function at cellular level (blood flow, oxygen use), low resolution, high risk of radiation
Magnet that forces protons in body to allign. Dense areas show dark. Soft tissues. Low radiation risk
Utrasound waves are reflected at surfaces between the tissues of different density. Organs, blood vessels and fetusses. Low resolution and low risk.