EXAM3/CH32- Children Flashcards
branch of medicine concerned with children + their diseases
population between infancy (birth) + adolescence (from puberty until growth stops)
are children typically considered a “clinical” population
aerobic fitness is easy/difficult to measure in children
-increased physical activity does NOT result in increased aerobic capacity
-HR responses can vary more widely in children
-children perceive intensity differently than adults (usually as less difficult than adults)
-VO2 max is lower in children compared to adults
does increased physical activity result in increased aerobic capacity
HR responses can vary more widely in children/adults
children/adults percieve intensity as less difficult
VO2 max is lower/higher in children compared to adults
pediatric concern
increasing numbers of children are obese or overweight
-many children being diagnosed with associated conditions that we often see in adult clinical populations
-type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome
when are exercise evaluations used in children
only when ABSOLUTELY necessary
what is the goal of exercise evaluations in children
to ensure that the benefit of testing outweighs the risk associated with the tests
exercise evaluation is dependent on what
signs + symptoms
-may aid in diagnosis or in development of a treatment plan
signs + symptoms typical of what we see in adults
-shortness of breath
-chest pain
-unusual fatigue
-exercise intolerance
common indications for pediatric stress testing
- to evaluate specific signs that are induced or aggravated by exercise
- to assess or identify abnormal responses to exercise in children with cardiac, pulmonary, or other organ disorders, including the presence of myocardial ischemia and arrhythmias
- to assess efficacy of specific medical or surgical treatments
- to assess functional capacity for recreational, athletic, + vocational activities
- to evaluate prognosis, including both baseline + serial testing measurements
- to establish baseline data for institution of cardiac, pulmonary, or musculoskeletal rehabilitation
why may clinical exercise testing of children be difficult
-children’s body size in relation to testing equipment may be problematic (equipment designed for adults)
-their peak performance may be poor
-their attention span tends to be short, + they may have poor motivation during exercise testing, most often with longer exercise protocols
contraindications for pediatric exercise testing
same as those listed in ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing + Prescription
safe environment for pediatric exercise testing
2 testers to ensure constant visual + verbal contact with child
-also to have 2 spotters during test
tester should explain test to who
child AND parent
what may be used (if appropriate) to properly fit size of child
modified testing equipment
what may be used to keep the child interested during exercise test
motivational factors/encouragement
pediatric exercise testing modes
-treadmill (76% preference by clinical centers)
-cycle ergometer (24% preference)
-arm ergometer (population specific)
make sure equipment can be adjusted to fit child’s size
what mode is most commonly preferred in pediatric exercise testing
can protocols for adults usually be used for children
-may need to accomodate earlier onset of fatigue in children
ExRx- aerobic training is dependent on what
training goals
3 categories of training goals for aerobic training
-basic health-related fitness
-intermediate health-related fitness
-athletic performance
aerobic training goals- basic health-related fitness
get them going
-focus on “play”
-active games
-recreational activities
aeroic training goals- intermediate health-related fitness
introduce fitness principles
-fitness-based games
-higher intensity activity
-league sports
aerobic training goals- athletic performance
structured training
allow for accomodation of differences in what of children
abilities, interests, + fitness objectives
ExRx- resistance training
-historically thought that resistance training may not be safe for prepubescent children (potential damage to growth plates)
-numerous controlled studies provide evidence to the contrary:
*improvements in muscle strength and endurance
*enhanced motor skills
*protection against injury
*psychological benefits
ExRx- resistance training is dependent on what
training goals
3 categories of training goals of resistance training
-basic health-related fitness
-intermediate health-related fitness
-athletic performance
resistance training goals- basic health-related fitness
-use of body weight
-focus on large muscle groups
resistance training goals- intermediate health-related fitness
-use of machines
-introduce overload principles
resistance training goals- athletic performance
structured training
-multi-joint lifts (clean, press, etc.)
-involve overload procedures
____ is key to ensuring proper technique
ROM prescription is dependent on what
training goals
3 categories of training goals for ROM prescription
-basic health-related fitness
-intermediate health-related fitness
-athletic performance
ROM prescription- basic health-related fitness
static stretches for major muscle groups
ROM prescription- intermediate health-related fitness
static stretches + introductory dynamic stretches
ROM prescription- athletic performance
structured training
-sport-specific + dynamic strethces
what declines as children age
how do we measure intensity of exercise for children
use OMNI RPE vs Borg RPE
poor temperature regulation
-children have greater risk of heat-related illness due to lower sweat rate
-longer acclimatization required
-greater risk of dehydration
-faster body cooling in water
includes images
-scale of 0-10
it is important to review important issues in regard to ____ + pediatrics
many drugs that are prescribed for children…
were not initially developed for children
what do physiologic differences in children result in
alterations in the pharmacokinetics + pharmacodynamics of medications
CEP must be cognizant of what
pharmacology issues + be aware of possible adverse drug reactions
pediatric ExRx overall
-tailor it to child’s goals
-safety is key
-exercise EVERY day (focus on physical activity)
-make it fun!