Exam2Lec2CutaneousSensation,Touch,andPain Flashcards
What is the somatosensory system?
A network of neurons that help humans recognize objects, discriminate textures, generate sensory-motor feedback and exchange social cues
Somatosensory receptors are what?
free nerve endings (no synaptic terminus, not myelinated)
sensation that they process is based on the shape of the receptor/protein at the receptive end of neurons
Nociception vs pain
Nociception is peripheral stimulation tellingus this can cause damge
pain is cognitive: no pain receptos; the brain motivates us to move away from damage
For modality Mechanoreception, Merkel cell receptor, what is the fiber type and role in perception and adaptation type?
Fiber type: AB
Role in perception: pressure, form, texture
adaptation type: slow
For modality Mechanoreception, Meissner corpuscle receptor, what is the fiber type and role in perception, and adaptation type?
Fiber type: AB
Role in perception: flutter, motion
adaptation type: rapid
For modality Mechanoreception, Ruffni corpuscle receptor, what is the fiber type and role in perception, and adaptation type?
Fiber type: AB
Role in perception: stretch
adaptation type: slow
For modality Mechanoreception, Pacinian corpuscle receptor, what is the fiber type and role in perception and adaptation type?
Fiber type: AB
Role in perception: vibration
adaptation type: rapid
For modality Mechanoreception, free nerve ending receptor, what is the fiber type and role in perception?
Fiber type: C
Role in perception: pressure
For modality thermoreception, free nerve ending receptors, what is the fiber type and role in perception?
Fiber type: C and AY
Role in perception: C-> Warmth alpha delta->cold
For modality nociception, with the submodality SMALL, MYELINATED what is the receptor, fiber type and role in perception?
receptor: free nerve ending
Fiber type: alpha delta
Role in perception: sharp localized pain
For modality nociception, with the submodality UNMYELINATED what is the receptor, fiber type and role in perception?
receptor: free nerve ending
Fiber type: C
Role in perception: Burning
Mechanoreceptors are responsible for what?
Discriminative touch
What two layers do we have for mechanoreceptors?
Superficial layers and deeper layers
What type of receptors can we find on the superficial layers of mechanoreceptors?
- Meissner corpuscle: flutter, motion, more “general” touch and superficial pressure on skin
- Merkel disks: Pressure, form, texture, identification of “edges and stripes and shapes”
What type of receptors can we find on the deeper layers of mechanoreceptors?
- Ruffini corpuscle: stretch
- Pacinian corpuscle: deep pressure and vibration
What is receptive field?
An area of skin that when stimulated with an adequate stimulus, will cause a specific neuron to alter its activity, may vary in size
a stimulis to which a receptor is most sensitive
The highest density of neurons is where?
Index finger, palms of hands, and thumbs
What is two point discrimination?
The ability to discern that 2 nearby objects are truly 2 distinct points not one.
The ____ the receptive field, the more we are able to distinguish between sensations
the back, limb,s etc have a much higher threshold to discriminate 2 sep points
Explain cutaneous sensory transduction
- When skin is stretched, the membrane of the cell is stretched
- Ion channels open, get ion influx and can reach threshold generating an ap
- this then goes to neurons
channel stretches (mechano) and influx of ions occur
cutaneous receptors transduce degrees of skin deformation (stretch) or thermal energy
Receptors produce a generator potential through?
voltage or ligand gated ion channels
What do receptor code?
- Spatial location
- modality
- stimulation duration
- intensity
Perception of texture and pattern is a function of what two things?
Both rapidly and slowly adapting receptors
What are slow adapting receptors? And what they help us detect?
merkel disks and ruffini’s ending
helps us detect place and duration
keeps firing , respinds over course of stimulius
ex: holding on to a cup of water to maintain muscle control or holding on during tug of war
What are rapidly adapting receptors? and what does it help us detect?
Meissner corpuscle and Pacianian corpuscle
Helps us detect changes in form
rapidly responds to changes in stimulus. Gages what is not impt once the stimulus has been noticed
ex: putting on clothes and not sensing that you have clothes on for the rest of the day
Somatosensory info enters the CNS via what structure?
Via the dorsal root ganglia into the dorsal root
this is outside sc
Once somatosensory info enters the spinal cord, the sensory fibers carrying touch, pressure, and vibration (mechanosensory) info travel up where?
Posterior/dorsal column
Once somatosensory info enters the spinal cord, the sensory fibers pain and temp info travel up where?
Lateral column
remeber it crosses anterolaterally
Where do large myelinated fibers bifurcate?
At the dorsal root entry zone
one branch ascends in the posterior (dorsal) columns
the other branches synapses in deepr laminae of the sc
Where do small, myelinated fibers synapse?
In the dorsal horn of the spinal cord