EXAM Words Flashcards
condo, condere, condidi, conditus
to found, establish, hide
ex) until he (Aeneas) would found a city
laedo, laedere, laesi, laesus
to strike, hurt, offend
ex) with what divinity having been offended
volvo, volvere, volvi, volutus
to revovle, roll, undergo
ex) to undergo so many misfortunes
impello, impellere, impuli, impulsus
to strike against, drive, force
ex) did she drive a man
ostium, i, n.
mouth, entrance
ex) the mouths of the tiber
asper, era, erum
harsh, rough, fierce
ex) most fierce in pursiots of war
colo, ere, ui, cultus
to cultivate, dwell (in), honor, cherish
ex) to have cherished more than all
gero, ere, gessi, gestus
to carry on, wage
ex) she had first waged at Troy
excido, ere, i
To fall from, perish
ex) fierce griefs fell from her mind
sperno, ere, sprevi, spretus
To despise, reject, scorn
ex) the wrong of scorned beauty
immitis, e
fierce, cruel
ex) the remains of cruel Achilles
velum, i, n.
cloth, sail
ex) they, happy, were giving sails
spuma, ae, f.
foam, froth, spray
ex) sprays of salt
sal, salis, n.
salt, sea
ex) sprays of salt
inceptum, i, n.
beginning, undertaking, purpose
ex) Am I to cease from the undertaking
exuro, ere, ussi, ustus
To burn up
ex) Was Pallas able to burn up the fleet…
noxa, ae, f.
crime, fault
ex) on account of the fault and rages
scopulus, i, m.
rock, cliff, crag
ex) impaled him on a sharp cliff
praeterea, adv.
besides, hereafter
ex) adore the divinity of juno hereafter?
voluto, 1
to ponder, revolve
ex) pondering such things
fetus, a, um
teeming, pregrant
ex) teeming with raging winds
Auster, tri, m.
(South) wind
ex) teeming with raging winds
sonorus, a, um
roaring, howling
ex) howling winds
carcer, eris, m.
Prison, inclosure
ex) restrains with chains and a prison
claustrum, i, n.
barrier, bolt
ex) roar around the barriers
fremo, ere, ui, itus
To murmur, roar
ex) they roar around the barriers
profundus, a, um
deep, vast, high
ex) the vast sky
verro, ere, i, versus
to sweep
ex) they sweep them through the breezes
habena, ae, f.
ex) when to give free reigns
mulceo, ere, lsi, lsus
to calm, soothe
ex) to soothe and to raise the winds
incutio, ere, cussi, cussus
to strike into (+ DAT)
ex) strike force to the winds
obruo, ere, u, utus
to overwhelm, crush
ex) crush the sunken ships
praestans, antis
surpassing, excellent
ex) nymphs of excellent body
capesso, ere, ivi, itus
to undertake, perform
ex) it is right to undertake orders
acccumbo, ere, cubui, cubitus
to recline
ex) you grant me to recline at banquets
cavus, a, um
hollow, vaulted
ex) he struck a hollow mountain
converto, ere, i, rsus
To turn around, reverse, overturn
ex) with an overturned spear
incumbo, ere, cubui, cubitus
to lie upon, brood over (+ DAT)
ex) they brood over the sea
creber, bra, brum
frequent, crowded
ex) crowded with blasts
procella, ae, f.
blast, gust
ex) crowded with blasts
stridor, oris, m.
creaking, grating, whirring
ex) the creaking of ropes
rudens, rudentis, m.
rope, cable
ex) and the creaking of ropes follow
polus, i, m.
pole, sky, heaven
ex) the heavens thundered
mico, are, ui
to quiver, flash
ex) the sky flashes with
beatus, a, um
happy, blessed
ex) o thrice and 4 times blessed
contingo, ere, tigi, tactus
to touch, befall
ex) for whom it befell
occumbo, ere, cubui, cubitus
to fall (in death), to meet death ex) for whom it befell to meet death
scutum, i, n.
ex) the snatched shields
galea, ae, f.
ex) helmets, and strong bodies of men
prora, ae, f.
ex) then the prow turns away
cumulus, i, m.
heap, mass
ex) falls in a heap
dehisco, ere, hivi
to split, gape, open
ex) the others gaping water
aestus, us, m.
boiling, tide
ex) the tide rages with sands.
syrtis, is, f.
sand bar, reef
ex) into shallows and sandbars
inlido, ere, si, sus
to dash against + DAT.
ex) dashes them onto the shoals
cingo, ere, cinxi, cinctus
to girdle, encircle, surround
ex) surrounds them with a bank of sand
pronus, a, um
leaning forward, headlong
ex) headlong is rolled on his head
voro, 1
to swallow (up) ex) the swift whirlpool swallows up in the sea.
gaza, ae, f.
treasure, wealth
ex) and trojan treasure through the waves
laxus, a, um
loose, open, lax
ex) by the loosened seams
imber, bris, m.
rain, flood, water
ex) welcome hostile rain
fatisco, ere
to split, open, gape
ex) gape with cracks
lateo, latere, ui
to lie hid, escape the notice of
ex) did not escape the notice of her brother
praesto, are, stiti, stitus
to surpass, be better
ex) it is better to calm the moved waves
luo, ere, i
to atone for
ex) you will atone to me
maturo, 1
to hasten, speed, ripen
ex) hasten flight
aula, ae, f.
court, hall
ex) vault himself in that hall
tumidus, a, um
ex) he soothes swollen seas
detrudo, ere, si, sus
to push off, dislodge
ex) dislodge the ships from sharp rock
rota, ae, f.
wheels, chariot
ex) on light wheels
perlabor, i, lapsus
to glide over
ex) glides over the wave tops
ignobilis, e
inglorious, common
ex) an inglorious crowd rages
secessus, us, m.
inlet, recess
ex) a place in a long recess
efficio, ere, feci, fectus
to make, form
ex) the island forms a port
sinus, us, m.
gulf, bay, fold
ex) splits itself into black gulfs
minor, ari, atus
to threaten, tower
ex) twin rocks tower into the sky
scaena, ae, f.
background, stage
ex) a scene with flashing wods
coruscus, a, um
wavering, flashing
ex) a scene with flashing woods
contendo, ere, i, ntus
to strive, hasten
ex) they strive to seek
uncus, a, um
curved, bent, hooked
ex) with its curved bite
tabeo, ere
to drip, soak, melt, waste
ex) dripping with salt
silex, silicis, m.
ex) and first with flint
scintilla, ae, f.
ex) Achates strikes out a spark
aridus, a, um
ex) and gave dry nourishment
suscipio, ere, cepi, ceptus
to catch up, recieve
ex) he caught up fire with leaves
fomes, fomitis, m.
tinder, fuel, shaving
ex) he seized flame in tinder
torreo, ere, ui, tostus
to parch, roast
ex) toast the recovered fruits
armentum, i, n.
herd, drove
ex) all herds follow these
sterno, ere, stravi, stratus
to lay low, spread, strew
ex) he lays low the leaders themselves
maereo, ere
to mourn grieve for
ex) he soothes mourning hearts
maestus, a, um
gloomy, sad
ex) send away gloomy fear
forsan, adv.
perhaps, perchance
ex) perhaps some day
discrimen, inis, n.
crisis, danger
ex) through various dangers
semita, ae, f.
ex) wherever the path shows
stratum, i, n.
pavement, bed
ex) the beds of the roads
sulcus, i, m.
furrow, trench, ditch
ex) enclose it with a ditch
effodio, ere, fodi, fossus
to dig out, excavate
ex) some dig out ports
apis, is, f.
ex) such work trains bees
stipo, 1
to stuff, crowd, sow
ex) they stuff flowing honey
fucus, i, m.
ex) they keep off the drones
ferveo, ere
to glow, boil, seethe
ex) the work boils
praesepe, is, n.
stall, hive
ex) from their hives
fastigium, i, n.
height, top, summit
ex) to the heights of the city
cerno, ere, crevi, cretus
to percieve, discern
ex) he is not percieved by anyone
pharetra, ae, f.
ex) she carries a quiver
insto, are, stiti
to urge on + DAT.
ex) urging work and future kingdoms
foris, is, f.
door, gate, entrance
ex) in the doors of the goddess
subnixus, a, um
resting on + ABL.
ex) resting high on her throne
aveho, ere, vexi, vectus
to bear away
ex) born away to other shores
ex) Achates astounded with joy and fear
dissimulo, 1
to hide, disguise
ex) they hide and watch
venia, ae, f.
pardon, favor, grace
ex) praying for pardon
face to face
ex) an opportunity of speaking face to face
infandus, a, um
unspeakable, accursed
ex) keep unspeakable fires from our ships
uber, eris, n.
richness, fertility
ex) in richness of soil/glebe
nimbosus, a, um
stormy, rainy
ex) rising in a wave, rainy Orion
caecus, a, um
blind, hidden, dark
ex) into dark depths
procax, acis
wanton, boisterous, insolent
ex) with the insolent south winds
invius, a, um
impenetrable, pathless, trackless
ex) pathless rocks scattered us
consisto, ere, stiti, stitus
to stand, settle
ex) forbid us to settle on the first land
temno, ere
to scorn, despise, disdain
ex) if you despise the race of men
it repents, it causes regret
ex) may it not cause regret
certo, 1
to strive, rival, fight, vie
ex) that you first vied
quasso, 1
to shake, shatter, toss
ex) the fleet, tossed by winds
trabs, trabis, f.
beam timber
ex) furnish beams
stringo, stringere, strinxi
to graze
ex) to graze oars
salus, utis, f.
safety, security, health
ex) if salvation has been taken away
fretum, i, n.
strait, sea
ex) let us seek the straits
gesto, 1
to bear, wear, carry
ex) we punics do not bear hearts
Seu, sive
or (if), whether
ex) Whether you choose great Hesperia
juvo, are, juvi, jutus
to help, please
ex) I will help with resources
pariter, adv.
side by side, equally
ex) Do you want to settle side by side?
statuo, ere, ui, utus
to establish, build
ex) the city which I found is yours
would that! oh that! if only
ex) if only King Aeneas himself
careo, carere, ui, itus
to be free from, lack + ABL.
ex) gifts of the trojans lack tricks?
lignum, i, n.
wood, timber
ex) Greeks inclosed in this wood
compages, is, f.
joint, seam, fastening
ex) curved with joints
alvus, i, f.
belly, body
ex) the belly of the beast
uterus, i, m.
belly, womb
ex) the belly having been shaken
mens, mentis, f.
feeling, mind, intention
ex) if the intention had not been unlucky
laevus, a, um
left, foolish, unlucky
ex) if the intention had not been unlucky
macto, 1
to sacrifice, slaughter, honor
ex) Laocoon was sacrificing a huge bull
iuba, ae, f.
mane, crest
ex) having been raised between the waves and crests
sinuo, 1
to fold, curve, twist, wind
ex) twists immense bodies
sibilus, a, um
hissing, whirring
ex) licking hissing jaws with quivering tongues
ligo, 1
to bind, tie, fasten
ex) they tie him with giant coils
squameus, a, um
ex) having given scaly backs
divello, ere, vulsi, vulsus
to tear apart
ex) he strives to tear apart the knots
vitta, ae, f.
fillet, garland, band
ex) drenched to his garlands with blood and black venom
mugitus, us, m.
bellowing, roar
ex) such a roar as when a wounded bull
tego, ere, texi, tectus
to cover, hide
ex) are hidden under the feet of the goddess
expendo, ere, i, pensus
to expiate, pay for
ex) Laocoon was paying for a crime
stuppeus, a, um
ex) they stretch hempen cables
scando, ere, i, scansus
to mount, climb
ex) the deadly device mounts the walls
funis, is, m.
rope, cable
ex) they rejoice to touch the rope
inclutus, a, um
famous, renowned
ex) famous for war
immemor, oris
unmindful, heedless
ex) we pursue heedless
monstrum, i, n.
ex) we set up the unfortunate omen
gratus, a, um
welcome, pleasing, grateful
ex) most welcome it creeps in
quondam, adv.
sometime, formerly
ex) as formerly dragged by two-horse chariots
lorum, i, n.
strap, rein, thong
ex) pierced with straps through swollen feet
subeo, subire, subei, subitus
to approach
ex) Forsaken Creusa approached (me)
diripio, ere, ui, reptus
to plunder, ravage
ex) and the plundered house and fortune
indeed, so much, truly
ex) And now I indeed was left alone
fleo, flere, flevi, fletus
to weep, lament
ex) Voluntarily weeping
expromo, ere, mpsi, mptus
to express, bring forth
ex) address the man and express gloomy voices:
Erinys, yos, f.
fury, curse
ex) the common curse of Troy and the fatherland
exardesco, ere, arsi, arsus
to blaze up
ex) fires blazed in mind
ulciscor, i, ultus
to avenge, punish
ex) to avenge the falling homeland
sumo, ere, mpsi, mptus
to take, exact
ex) and to exact wicked punishments
doubtless, of course, forsooth
ex) doubtless she unharmed will see Sparta
sudo, 1
to sweat, perspire
ex) Will the shore have sweated so many times
although, even if
ex) Indeed even if there is no memorable name
expleo, ere, evi, etus
to fill (with), sate + GEN. ex) it will please me to have sated my mind
ultrix, icis
avenging, vengeful
ex) with a vengeful flame
almus, a, um
nurting, kind(ly)
ex) my kindly mother
whither, where on earth
ex) Or whither has care for us withdrawn for you?
sooner, before first
ex) You will not sooner see
haurio, ire, hausi, haustus
to drain, drink; destroy
ex) and an unfriendly sword would have destroyed
inclementia, ae, f.
cruelty, harshness
ex) the cruelty of the gods
hebeto, 1
to blunt, dull, weaken, dim
ex) dims mortal vision for you
pareo, ere, ui, itus
to obey, yield + DAT.
ex) nor refuse to obey instructions
accingo, ere, cinxi, cinctus
to gird, equip
ex) equipped with iron
sisto, ere, steti, status
to stand, settle stop
ex) I will set you on your father’s doorstep
spissus, a, um
dense, thick, crowded
ex) She hid herself in the dense shadows
dirus, a um
fearful, dreadul, dire
ex) dire shapes appeared
amnis, is, m.
river, stream
ex) rivers flow down from mountains
letum, i, n.
death, destruction, ruin
ex) That was the first day of ruin
meditor, ari, atus
to meditate, design
ex) no longer designs a secret love
praetexo, ere, ui, xtus
to fringe, cloak
ex) she conceals guilt by this name
vigeo, ere, ui
to flourish, be strong, thrive
ex) she thrives with motion
pravum, i, n.
wrong, perverse act
ex) a messenger of the false and perverse
tenax, acis
tenacious, holding to
ex) so tenacious a messanger
multiplex, icis
manifold, multiple
ex) she was filling the peoples with manifold gossip
dignor, ari, atus
to deem worthy, deign + ABL.
ex) Dido deigns to join herself
turpis, e
shameful, disgraceful
ex) taken by shameful desire
continuously, immediately
ex) immediately she turns courses to King Iarbas
aggero, 1
to heap up, pile up, increase
ex) and increases dangers.
sacro, 1
to consecrate, dedicate, hallow
ex) and had dedicated a watchful fire
excubiae, arum, f.
watch(fire), sentinel
ex) the eternal watches of the gods
pinguis, e
fat, rich, fertile
ex) the ground (was) rich
amarus, a, um
bitter, unpleasant
ex) inflamed of bitter gossip
supinus, a, um
flat, upturned, outstretched
ex) with outstretched hands
fulmen, inis, n.
thunderbolt, lightning
ex) when you twist the thunderbolts
mitra, ae, f.
mitre, cap, turban
ex) with a Maeonian turban
madeo, ere, ui
to drip, be wet, reek
ex) dripping locks
fulvus, a, um
yellow, tawny
ex) studded with yellow jasper
murex, icis, m.
purple, crimson, scarlet
ex) burning with Tyrian purple
laena, ae, f.
(woolen) mantle, cloak
ex) a cloack was burning with
faux, faucis, f.
jaws, throat; gulf
ex) and the voice clung to throat
attonitus, a, um
thunderstruck, astounded
ex) thunderstruck by such a warning
exordium, i, n.
beginning, commencement
ex) What first beginnings should he take?
obliviscor, i, litus
to forget + GEN.
ex) forget the kingdom and your affairs!
discerno, ere, crevi, cretus
to separate
ex) and separated the textiles with fine gold
immediately, at once
ex) immediately he addresses:
tero, ere, trivi, tritus
to rub, wear, waste
ex) or with what hope do you waste
otium, i, n.
idleness, leisure, quiet
ex) do you waste leisure on Libyan lands?
sententia, ae, f.
opinion, resolve, view
ex) changing this opinion seemed preferable
novo, 1
to renew, make new, alter, change, build
ex) what the cause is for altering things
when, since, because
ex) since the best Dido would not know
ocior, ius
swifter, quicker, very swift
ex) Quite swiftly all, happy, obey his command
Inops, opis
needy, bereft (of), destitute
ex) bereft of her mind, she rages
deferro, deferre, detuli, delatus
to carry down, report
ex) raging Rumor reported
propero, 1
to hasten, hurry, speed
ex) you hasten to go through the deep
pudor, oris, m.
shame, modesty, honor
ex) my honor was ruined
suboles, is, f.
offpsring, progeny, child
ex) if some child for me had been begotten from you
indeed, truly, surely
ex) indeed I would not seem
altogether, completely, utterly
ex) I would not seem to have been completely abandoned
obnixus, a, um
having struggled
ex) was repressing the care under his heart, having struggled
valeo, ere, ui, itus
to be strong, be able, fare well, deserve
ex) I will never deny that you deserved
abscondo, ere, didi, ditus
to hide
ex) I neither hoped to hide this
fingo, ere, finxi, fictus
to fashion, pretend, imagine, form, mold
ex) don’t image
praetendo, ere, ntus
to hold before, use as screen , hold out
ex) nor did I ever hold out the torch
foedus, eris, n.
treaty, agreement, pact
ex) or come into these agreements.
recidivus, a, um
revived, renewed
ex) I would have put down a renewed Pergama
injuria, ae, f.
injury, injustice, wrong
ex) the injustice on his dear head
invidia, ae, f.
grudge, envy, jealousy
ex) what grudge is there that…?
exterus, a, um
outside, foreign
ex) we seek foreign kingdoms
umens, entis
moist, dewy, damp
ex) as often as in dewy shadows
fraudo, 1
to cheat, defraud, deprive
ex) whom I cheat out of the kingdom
interpres, etis, m.
interpreter, agent
ex) now even an agent of the gods
Desino, ere, sivi, situs
to cease, desist
ex) Cease to burn both me and you
querela, ae, f.
complaint, lament
ex) to burn both me and you with your complaints
inultus, a, um
unavenged, unpunished
ex) we will die unavenged
plangor, oris, m.
wailing, beating (of breast)
ex) the air resounds with great wailing
otherwise, differently
ex) not otherwise than if all Carthage
unguis, is, m.
nail, claw
ex) defiling her face with her nails
pugnus, i, m.
ex) and her chest with her fists
germana, ae, f.
ex) This was that, sister?
abluo, ere, ui, utus
to wash off
ex) Grant that I might wash wounds
halitus, us, m.
breath, exhalation
ex) if any last breath wanders beyond
evado, ere, si, sus
to go forth, pass over, climbs
ex) she climbed the high steps
obitus, us, m.
death, downfall, ruin
ex) having pitied her difficult downfall
pereo, ire, ii, itus
to perish, die
ex) since she was dying
croceus, a, um
yellow, saffron, ruddy
ex) through the dewy sky on saffron wings
roscidus, a, um
ex) through the dewy sky on saffron wings
seco, are, ui, ctus
to cut, cleave, slice
ex) she spoke and cuts the air with her right hand
caenum, i, n.
mud, mire, dirt, filth, slime
ex) here a gulf thick with filth
canities, ei, f.
grayness, gray hair
ex) for whom much grayness lies shaggy on the chin
incultus, a, um
unkempt, shaggy
ex) for whom much grayness lies shaggy on the chin
ferrugineus, a, um
rusty, dusky
ex) transports bodies by a dusty boat
cumba, ae, f.
skiff, boat, bark
ex) transports bodies by a dusty boat
defungor, i, functus
to finish, perform + ABL.
ex) and bodies having finished life
apricus, a, um
sunny, sun-loving
ex) and sends (them) forth to sunny lands
lividus, a, um
blue, dark, livid
ex) sweep over the dark depths with oars
stagnum, i, n.
lake, marsh, mere, pool
ex) you see the deep pools of Cocytus
juro, 1
to swear by, take oath
ex) even the gods fear to swear
fluentum, i, n.
stream, river, flood
ex) to dire banks and resounding floods
exopto, 1
to choose, desire, hope (for)
ex) they revisit the hoped for depths
iniquus, a, um
unequal, unfair, unjust
ex) having pitied the unjust lot in his mind
increpo, are, ui, itus
to reprove, chide
ex) and chides voluntarily
from where you are
ex) say why you came from where you are
carina, ae, f.
keel, ship, boat
ex) to carry living bodies on a Stygian boat
solium, i, n.
seat, throne
ex) from the seat of the king himself
thalamus, i, m.
bridal chamber, bedroom
ex) to abduct a mistress from the bedroom of Pluto
castus, a, um
chaste, pure, holy
ex) it is allowed that chaste Proserpina
forus, i, m.
gangway, deck
ex) he opens the gangways
alveus, i, m.
boat, hollow, trough
ex) at the same time he recieves in his boat
rimosus, a, um
full of cracks, leaky
ex) The boat, leaky, groaned under the weight
limus, i, m.
slime, mud, mire
ex) out on the shapeless mud and gray grass
glaucus, a, um
gray, green, gleaming
ex) out on the shapeless mud and gray grass
ulva, ae, f.
sedge, marsh grass
ex) out on the shapeless mud and gray grass
coluber, bri, m.
serpent, snake
ex) now seeing the snake bristle with serpents
resolvo, ere, i, solutus
to loosen, relax
ex) and loosens the immense back
juxtus/iuxtus, a, um
next, nearest to + ACC.
ex) next to whom the Trojan hero
invitus, a, um
ex) unwilling I left from your shore
sentus, a, um
rough, thorny
ex) through places thorny with neglect
situs, us, m.
position, neglect, mould
ex) through places thorny with neglect
queo, quire, ivi, itus
to be able, can
ex) I could not believe that by my departure
torvus, a, um
fierce, grim, lowering
ex) her fierce mind and was rousing tears
meatus, us, m.
course, path, motion
ex) they will map the courses
egregius, a, um
extraordinary, distinguished
ex) distinguished in form and shining arms
slightly, hardly, too little, not
ex) but his brow was hardly happy
stirps, pis, f.
stock, lineage, race
ex) descendents of such great stock
instar, n. indecl.
likeness, weight, dignity, presence
ex) How a great a dignity in himself!
oborior, iri, ortus
to spring up, arise
ex) with tears having sprung up
too much, too great(ly)
ex) To you the roman race seemed too greatly powerful
propago, inis, f.
offshoot, offspring, race
ex) To you the roman race seemed too greatly powerful
tumulus, i, m.
mound, tomb
ex) when you glide past the fresh tomb
avus, i, m.
grandfather, ancestor
ex) will raise his Latin ancestors so much in hope
priscus, a, um
ex) alas ancient loyalty
pedes, itis, m.
footsoldier, infantry
ex) whether he was going as a foot soldier
calcar, aris, n.
spur, goad, prick
ex) piercing with spurs the flanks of a foaming horse
fungor, i, functus
to perform, fulfill + ABL.
ex) and I will perform useless service.
thence, thereupon
ex) thence he recounts to the man
corneus, a, um
made of horn, ivory
ex) one of which is said (to be) made of horn
candens, entis
ex) the other gleaming
Manes, ium
shades of the dead, Hades, shades
ex) but the shades send false dreams to the sky
eburnus, a, um
of ivory
ex) he sends forth by the gate of ivory