Caesar 1.1-1.4 Flashcards
Institutum, i, n.
Established plan or principle, custom, institution, habit
Lingua, ae, f.
Language, tongue
Cultus, us, m.
Civilization, lifestyle
Effemino, 1
To weaken
Pertineo, ere
To extend, aim at, concern
Virtus, utis, f.
Praecedo, cedere, cessi, cessum
To go before, surpass, excel
Prohibeo, 2
To prevent, prohibit, keep away from
Contineo, ere, ui, tentum
To hold, keep, restrain, bound, border, contain
Ere, attigi, attactum
To touch or border on, reach, extend, arrive
Vergo, ere
To be situated, look/lie toward
Orior, oriri, ortus sum
To arise, begin, spring up, be born, descend
Occasus, us, m.
Falling down, setting
With solis: the west
Copia, ae, f.
Supply, resources
Perfacilis, e
Very easy
Praesto, are, stiti, statum
To stand or place before, show, exhibit, be superior, excel, surpass
Potior, 4
To become master of, get control, obtain, capture
Natura, ae, f.
Nature, character
Lacus, us, m.
Fio, fieri, factus sum
To result, happen, come to pass
Vagor, 1
To wander, roam around
Adficio, ficere, feci, fectum
To affect, inspire
To annoy greatly
Multitudo, inis, f.
A great number, multitude, common people
Fortitudo, inis, f.
Bravery, courage
Angustus, a, um
Narrow, compressed
Arbitror, 1
To decide, think, believe
Pateo, ere, ui
To lie open, be passable, extend
Auctoritas, atis, f.
Influence, authority
Coemo, ere, emi, emptum
To buy
Comparo, 1
To acquire, prepare
Iumentum, i, n.
Yoke or pack animal
Sementis, is, f,
Suppeto, petere, petivi, petitum
To be near, be in store, be supplied
Biennium, i, n,
Two years
Conficio, ficere, feci, fectum
To make or do thoroughly, complete, finish
Deligo, ligere, legi, lectum
To choose, pick out
Suscipio, cipere, cepi, ceptum
To take up, undertake, begin
Obtineo, tinere, tinui, tentum
To hold, retain, possess, maintain
Probo, 1
To demonstrate, approve
Potens, entis
Powerful, influential
Indicium, i, n.
Informer, information, disclosure
Obaeratus, a, um
In debt
As a noun: debtors
Exsequor, exsequi, exsecutus um
To follow out, enforce
That not, but that