Caesar 4.33-5.26 Flashcards
Conicio, icere, ieci, iectum
To hurl, throw, cast
Perequitō, 1
To ride around, ride about, ride through
Plerumque, adv.
Mostly, generally, very often
Turma, ae, f.
Troop, squadron
Insinuo, 1
To wind into, make one’s way into, penetrate
Excedo, cedere, cessi, cessum
To go out, go away, withdraw, retire
Colloco, 1
To place, set, station, arrange
Declivis, e
Sloping downward, declining
Praeceps, cipitis
Headlong, steep, precipitous
Premo, premere, pressi, pressum
To press
Consuescō, suescere, suevi, suetum
To become used to, be accustomed to
Temo, onis, m.
Ere, ivi, itum
To arouse, harass, provoke, irritate, attack
Contineo, continere, continui, contentus
To keep, hold, restrain
Praedicō, 1
To proclaim publicly, declare, report, tell of
Cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum
To force, compel, collect, assemble
Impetus, us, m.
Attack, force, vehemence
Nanciscor, nancisci, nactus sum
To get, obtain possession of, meet with, find
Acies, aciei, f.
Battle line
Perago, agere, egi, actum
To lead through, complete, finish
Siccitas, tatis, f.
Confinium, i, n.
Common boundary, neighborhood
Praeficio, ficere, feci, fectum
To put in command of
Conscribo, scribere, scripsi, scriptum
To enroll, enlist
Praesum, praeesse, praefui
To be in command/charge of, to rule over
To where, as long as, as far as, till, until
Obtineo, tinere, tinui, tentum
To hold, retain, possess, maintain, acquire
Inimicus, a, um
Used as a noun: enemy
Openly, publicly
Deficio, ficere, feci, fectum
To fail, desert, fall away, revolt
Munio, 4
To defend with a wall, fortify
Repentinus, a, um
Sudden, unexpected, hasty
Defectio, onis, f.
Falling away, desertion, revolt
Lignator, oris, m.
Vallum, i, n.
Wall, rampart
Despero, 1
To despair, be hopeless
Desperatus, adj. Despaired of