Caesar 1.5-1.7 Flashcards
Oppidum, i, n.
Fortified town, town
Constituō, ere
To decide
Vicus, i, m.
Village, hamlet
Frumentum, i, n.
Grain, pl. crops
Besides, except
Comburo, urere, ussi, ustum
To burn up
Reditio, onis, f.
Paro, 1
To prepare, acquire
Molita cibaria
Utor, uti
To use
Consilium, i, n.
Proficiscor, ari
To set out
Adscisco, ere, scivi, scitum
To recieve (as allies)
Exeo, ire, ii, itum
To go from, leave
Angustus, a, um
Carrus, i, m.
Cart, wagon
Impendeo, 2
To overhang, impend
Expeditus, a, um
Unimpeded, without baggage, light armed
Propterea quod
Paco, 1
To subdue, pacify
Vadum, i, n.
Ford, shallow
Existimo, 1
To reckon, think, consider
Patior, pati, passus sum
To endure, suffer, allow
Profectio, onis
Rescindo, ere, scidi, scissum
To cut down, destroy
Voluntas, tatis, f.
Wish, goodwill, consent
Occido, ere, cisi, cisum
To cut down, kill
Pello, pellere, pepuli, pulsum
To defeat, rout
Iugum, i, n.
Concedo, cedere, cessi, cessum
To depart, grant, permit
Facultas, tatis, f.
Opportunity, power, resources
Tempero, 1
To refrain, abstain
Spatium, i, n.
Space, period, length of time