Exam Two Prep Flashcards
how to measure heritable variation
phenotype = genotypic effects + enviornmental effects
Vp = Vg + Eg
how is genetic variance broken down
Va= additive genetic variance
Vd= dominance variance
Vi= epistatic variance
additive genetic variance
variation due to additive effects of alleles at aall relevant loci
- inherritance of alleles
dominance variance
variation associated with interactions between alleles at a specific locus
affects the phenotype derived from genes, not affected by how genes are inherited
epistatic variance
genetic variation associated with non-additive interactions between different alleles in different loci
proportion of the variance in phenotype that is transmissible from parents to offspring
influenced by natural selection
heritabillity ranges from 0 to 1,
heritabillity= 1 trait influenced by genetics only
heritabillity = 0 trait influenced by environment
what are the measures of heritabillity?
broad sense heritabillity (H)
narrow sense heritabillity (h^2)
broad sense heritabillity (H)
measures the proportion of phenotypic variation due to genetic effects
easy to measure less informative
H= genetic variance/phenotypic variance
narrow sense heritabillity (h^2)
determines the degree to which offspring resemble their parents
harder to measure more informative
h^2= additive genetic variance/phenotypic variance
on a linear graph what is the heritabillity?
the slope is the heritabillity
Breeder’s equation
can be used to predict the response to direction selection on a trait
R= response to selection
S= Selection differential
h^2= heritabillity
artificial selection
“managed evolution” practice of selecting a group of organisms from a population to become the parents of the next
truncation point
cut off level of phenotype that determines which individuals will be used for breeding purposes
Selection differential (S)
the difference between mean length of the breeders and mean length of the inital population
strength of selection
Response to selection (R)
difference between mean length before and after selection
breeder’s equation rearranged for heritabillity
h^2= (next gen - original)/(selected- original)
modes of selection
effects of natural selction on the distribution of a trait
what are the three modes of selection
directional selection
fitness consitently increases (or decr.) with the value of a trait
mean value of trait will increase or decrease
stabilizing selection
selection favors intermediate trait
variation of the continuous trait is** reduced**
doesn’t change mean value of trait
disruptive selection
selection favors extreme phenotypes
variation of trait increases
doesn’t change mean value of a trait
may lead to speciation
smallest evolutionarily independent unit, basic unit of classification
what consititutes a species is highly debated
biological species concept
a species is a group of interbreeding natural populations that are reproductively isolated from other groups
reproductive isolation is a mechanism of preventing two species from producing viable, fertile offspring
types of reproductive barriers
prezygotic and postzygotic
prezygotic reproductive barriers
prevent mating or fertilization from happening
examples: habitat isolation, behavioral isolation, temporal isolation, mechanical isolation, gametic isolation
example of
habitat isolation
parasites living on different hosts
example of
temporal isolation
plants that flower at different times, insects that emerge at different times of year
example of
behavioral isolation
different mating calls or dances
example of
mechanical isolation
structural differences that prevent mating
example of
gametic isolation
sperm of one species cannot fertilize eggs of another
postzygotic reproductive barriers
prevent a hybird zygote from developing into a viable, fertile adult
prevent the formation of fertile offspring even if mating does occur
reduces hybrid viabillity and fertillity
problems of biological species concept
- not applicable to asexual organisms
- difficult to apply in “real world”
- not applicable to extinct organisms
morphological species concept
species are sets of organims that ** look similar ** to each other and distinct from others
problems with morphological species concept
- descriptions of morphological characteristics are subjective
- some morphological characters may not reflect evolutionary theory
- not applicable to organims that are morpholocially indistinguishable but are clearly different lineages
as per 2. an example would be traits produced by convergent evolution
phylogenetic species concept
species are the smallest monophyletic group on evolutionary tree
problems with phylogenetic species concept
- phylogenies are often unknown
- cut off for a species is often arbitrary
as per 2. how much genetic distinctiveness is required to seperate one species from another
general lineage concept
species are evolving metapopulation lineages
species criterions dont typically arise at the same time or order
attempts to unify all other species concepts
under the general lineage concept
species criterions (SC)
evidence for lineage diversification
ex- reproductive incompatible
gentic differention
morphologically distinct
lineal descedent from an ancestor
allopatric speciation
speciation involving geographical separation of populations
geographical isolation
physical barrier prevents genetic exchange
basically allopatric
types of geographical isolation
- isolation by dispersal
- isolation by vicariance
geographic isolation by dispersal
dispersal (migration) past the barrier
can cause founder event
geographic seperation by vicariance
when a new geographical barrier appears and seperates a once continuous population
ring species
new species can arise through circular overlap without limiting gene flow
think about the salamanders aroudn the mountains
parapatric speciation
speciation event occurs in continuously distributed population without disninct geographical isolation
a hybrid zone is formed
sympatric speciation
new species evolve from common ancestor w/o geographical isolation
for sympatric speciation
examples of isolation mechanisms
- habitat isolation
- temporal isolation
- behavioral isolation
- polyploidy
whole genome is duplicated and double chromosome #
offspring unable to breed with parental species
two types: autopolyploids and allopolyploids
genome duplication within a species
individuals have extra set of chromosmes from SAME parental species
genome duplication in a hybrid
individuals have extra set of chromosomes from DIFFERENT species
How would hybridization affect speciation?
A. Hybridization may slow or reverse differentiation by
allowing gene flow and recombination.
B. Hybridization may accelerate speciation via promoting
adaptive divergence through gene introgression.
C. Hybridization may cause speciation by
D. All of the above.
D. All of the above
seperation caused by geographical isolation
- seperation
- divergence
- reproductive isolation
in terms of speciation caused by geographical isolation
genetic isolation of populations, some form of physical isolation prevents gene flow
in terms of speciation caused by geographical isolation
differentiation among populations, due to natural selection or genetic drift
in terms of speciation caused by geographical isolation
reproductive isolation
if physical barrier is removed, populations cannot interbreed
evolutionary history of a group of organisms
phylogenetic ( or evolutionary ) tree
graphical summary of evolutionary hsitory
what does an evolutionary tree demonstrate?
- hypotheses about relatedness and common ancestry
- timing of evolutionary modifications (transitions) that occured