Exam questions Flashcards
We need to investigate the concept of violent situation”. Five kinds: (Remember for exam!)
- The five kinds of violent situations: 1) Attack the weak 2) Focus on the technical 3) Long distance 4) Focus on the audience 5) Use of deceit (surprise attack)
Need to be someone (important! Exam). Key to understanding this theory. All human beings need to be someone, to matter respect to matter.
- The need to be someone is a part of the NNN-theory. The three pillars: Needs, Narrative and Network. There are psycogelic and biological needs. Psycologically, we need to feel respected, we need to have a feeling that we are someone. If we do not have this feeling, we might end in a quest for significance, where we are looking for something which can make us feel that we matter. This could for instance be found in a terror organization, where you adopt their narrative, about how to matter. In this network, you will be respected, if you live up to their ideals.
Exam: Mention precisely this concept: Quest for significance
- Quest for significance is a concept in the motivational imbalance theory. People have a need to feel that they matter. If thet looses this feeling, they will be sent into a search for significance.
Activation of S quest can happen in three ways (Exam, reemeber!)
- Quest for significance: There are three ways, that this quest can be started. 1) you have lost it 2) you fear to loose it 3) you want more.
Who can activate this quest for significanze
- Terror-organizations are very good at it.
Question Exam: Explain what the conception for the parallel world is?
- The parallel world is a “small world” within the big world, which extremist groups live in. A girls called Sarah whom Orsini talks to in Sacrifice describes quite clearly, how she has a feeling of living in this small world, which no one else knows of.
Exam: Remember that according to McCauley we should study radicalization on three different levels:
- Individual, group and mass
Exam: “Could you please employ Clark McCuleys theory to explain the case of xxxx terrorist attack?”
- According to the Friction theory, terrorism should be studied on three levels: individual, group and mass level.
- On the individual level, it is personal grievance, group grievance, slippery slope, love for a friend/family/love for risk taking or personal prestige and unfreezing.
- On the group level there are group polarization, group competition and group isolation.
- On the mass level there are jujitsu politics, hatred against the enemy and martyrdom.
Exam: “Can you please talk about friction, but if you can not manage to talk about polarization through discussion he might ask: “can you please answer what radicalization through discussion is?”
- Radicalization through discussion is a group-mechanism in the friction-theory, which describes how people in extremist groups gets more and more extreme, because they admire the most extreme. Nobody wants to admit, that they are less extreme, so they get more and more radicalized.
Exam: Will ask: “can you please tell me what a radical mental universe is?”
- A radical mental universe is the universe of a vocational terrorist. It is a mental universe which lives up to the seven characteristics described in the DRIA-model: Radical catastrophism, waiting for the end, obsession with purity, identification of evil, obsession with purification, exaltation of martyrdom or desire to be persecuted and purification of the means through the end.
Exam: What can you tell us about Megan K. Mc Bride
- Mc. Bride is the woman behind the existential feedback loop. The existential feedback loop describes how people suffer from existential anciety due to morality. They handle this existential fear by violence which only increases their anciety.
“Imagined community” (Exam, remeber this concept)
- An imagined community is a concept especially used for untrained lone wolf theorists. These can sometimes imagine, that they are part of a terror-network, even though they have never met them.
Exam: Can you please talk about the IED model?
- The eid stands for: E = engagement, I = involvement and D = disengagement.
- I focuses on the steps after a person have joined the terror-group, and they are going to plan an attack.
- It is made by John Horgan
- Involvement is the least active participation. You support the terror-organisation, but you are not taking part in planning or carrying out attacks.
- When you are engaged, you take active part.
- Disengagement is when you are no longer taking part for some reason.
- So the planning happens in the “E” of the model, where there are four phases. They are called the circle of the terrorist:
o Decision and search activity (define the goal, which have a political message, that fits with the. One of the organization)
o Preterrorist activity (the logistical part, who is going to do it and how and with what)
o Event execution (do the attack)
o Postevent and strategic analysis (get away from the place, get rid of the things)
A cognitive opening happens (THIS is a very important concept for exam)
- A cognitive opening is when a person has experienced something, which makes them question their believes and values until now. They are open for something new.
- It is described in the four-phase radicalization model by michel silver.
Can you describe the everyday-life within a terrorist organization? (Likely that he will ask this during the exam)
- In your article “interview with a vocational terrorist” they people who a interviewed describes it as stressful and quite lonely. You are constantly afraid of being stopped by the police or attacked, and do not dare to go out at night, because it is easier to hide in the masses at daytime.
- On the other hand, in Sacrifice, it is also described how you are supposed to love your comrades like a family. The bog world hates them, but they have a close relationship internally in the group.
Who is Niccoló Giani?
- One of the most important authors for Sacrifice and in fascist literature generally.
- He is the founding father of facist mysticism
- Gave up his life as a professor to fight for facism
- The writer of “Mysticism of the Facist Revolution”
- The most important theorist within revolutionary facism.
- A professor and Mussolini-supporter, who died fighting.
- Descripes facism as a spritituaæ education
- Gave up his comftable life as a professor, in order to fight for facism. In other words, he sacrificed his life for facism.
- Considered original facism, centered on “action squads” the most pure form of facism.
- Facism is an inner challenge you set up to fight your own bourgesie values.
- Is considered a hero by Sacrifice, since he lives fully up to the ideals of courage, sacrifice and honour.
What does Codreanus book say?
- “The Nest Leaders Manual”
- The organization is a family, should love each other like brothers and perform total obedience to the leader.
- Christian fundamentalist
- Did not agree with all the facist elements, but sypasized with them
- Anti-Semitic, anti- Bolshevik, anti-capitalist, anti-bourgeois, but also Christian fundamental- ist, Codreanu had made the archangel Gabriel the pivot of his political life and was profoundly influenced by mysticism.
- Besides extolling Fascist mysticism, the book contains a series of very precise rules for militia behavior that perfectly describe daily life in the Lenintown and Mussolinia militias
- Most important is to show courage and sacrifice in order to gain honour.
- 6 fundamental laws that the members should follow:
a. Discipline
b. Honour
c. Education
d. Reciprocal help (always help your comrades no matter the situation!)
e. Work (not for yourself, for the cause)
f. Silence (talk little and act for the love of his ”nest”)