Exam prep week 13 Inferential statistical analysis Flashcards
Measures of
Concerned with the spread of data Variability answers: -Is the sample homogeneous or heterogeneous? -Are the samples similar or different? Measures of variation describe extent to which individuals/scores in sample vary Most common measures are: -range -variance -standard deviation
Simplest & most unstable measure of
The difference between the highest &
lowest scores
Disadvantage: depends on the 2 extreme
scores only (outliers)
Can use difference between other scores
e.g. semi-quartile range
Measure of the variability that includes every score in
the distribution rather than only 2 scores
Some of the scores will be > mean
Some of the scores will be
Standard deviation
Standard deviation is the square root of the variance –
therefore in same units as original measurements
The most frequently used measure of variability
A measure of average deviation or distance of each
score from the group mean in a normal distribution
Should always be reported with the mean
Advantages of the standard
Takes all the scores into account
Can be used to interpret individual scores
SD allows reader to get a feel for the
variation the data contain
Used in calculation of many inferential
Inferential statistics
Descriptive statistics - summarise data Inferential statistics – allow inferences or conclusions to be drawn from data Usually two purposes: 1. Estimate how well a sample statistic reflects the population parameter 2. Test hypotheses or predictions about the population
Confidence interval (CI) & sample size
CI can be calculated from sample mean,
sample standard deviation and sample size
Greater the sample size, smaller the CI:
i.e. the greater the confidence we have
that sample statistic estimates population
Hypothesis testing
Inferential statistics provide objective basis
for decision-making
Statistical hypothesis testing based on
disproving: ie it is easier to disprove
something than to prove it
Research hypothesis vs null
Research (alternative) hypothesis (HA
): statement
about expected relationship between dependent and
independent variables
e.g. wounds will heal more quickly with a gauze
dressing than with no dressing
Null hypothesis (H0
): statement that there is no
relationship between dependent and independent
e.g. there is no difference in wound healing time
between gauze dressing & no dressing
In statistical hypothesis testing we accept the
research hypothesis by rejecting (disproving) the
null hypothesis
Level of significance
In statistical hypothesis testing we try to
minimise the chance of making a Type I
To do this we set a low probability that our
statistical test will reject a true null
hypothesis - ie will conclude that there is a
relationship between dependent and
independent variables when in fact there is
no relationship
This probability is called the level or level
of significance:
0.05 (5%); 0.01 (1%); 0.001 (0.1%)
Level of significance is set at the start of
the research study
i.e. before undertaking the statistical test,
not after
Minimum level of significance always 0.05
More stringent levels of significance (0.01
or 0.001) set when making Type I error
would have serious consequences
Statistical power
Power of a statistical test is the probability of not making a Type II error ie of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis Power determined by amount of variation in data, strength of relationship between dependent & independent variables (effect size) & sample size
Power analysis
We do not set a significance level for Type II error,
but we would like power to be ≥80%
For a given sample size, Type I () & Type II (β)
error levels are inversely proportional - ie the more
stringent the level, the lower the power of the
statistical test
The only way to reduce both Type I & Type II errors
is to increase sample size
Power analysis can be used to determine the sample
size needed to maintain 80% power in a statistical
test at a given level of significance
Statistical tests
HA: there is some specified relationship
between dependent & independent
: there is no relationship between
dependent & independent variables
A statistical test enables you to reject HO
with a certain degree of confidence
e.g. at the 0.05 significance level, you have
a 95% chance of being right in rejecting H0
and a 5% chance of being wrong
Statistical tests:
How do they work?
Set a desired significance level – 0.05, 0.01 or 0.001
Calculate a test statistic that summarises the
relationship between dependent and independent
variables: usually the greater the test statistic, the
stronger the relationship
Calculate the probability of obtaining the value of
the test statistic if in fact there is no relationship
between dependent and independent variables
(probability value or p value)
If p value significance level, then accept H0 &
reject HA
If p value is significance level, result of
statistical test is said to be not significant
Statistical tests:
How do they work?
Example: Pressure areas (indicated by redness of
skin) are developing in your patients in an aged care
ward. Which of 2 types of preventative treatment
(sheepskin cover, air mattress) should you use to
reduce the size of the pressure areas?
How would you test this?
What is the dependent variable?
What is the independent variable?
t = 3.5, P
Statistical significance & clinical
Statistical significance should not dictate our
actions, it should guide our actions
Statistically significant test means that we can reject
HO with only a 5% (or less) chance of being wrong
A result may be statistically significant, but of little
clinical significance
Example: diameter of pressure areas reduced by 2
mm when using new air mattresses rather than the
current sheepskin covers. This difference is
statistically significant (t-test, p
Statistical significance and clinical significance (cont.)
Clinical significance depends on the effect size ie:
the strength of relationship between dependent &
independent variables. For a finding to be clinically
significant, it should be statistically significant &
have an appropriate effect size
Example: diameter of pressure areas reduced by 50
mm when using new air mattresses rather than the
current sheepskin covers. This difference is
statistically significant (t-test, p