exam mix Flashcards
RF for GDM
Family history Obesity Black ethnicityPrevious GDMPrevious macrosomic baby
Screening for GDM
Glycosuria Fasting plasma glucose 5.6 OGTT at 2h 7.8
GDM plasma glucose >7 management
GDM plasma glucose <7 management
- Diet exercise (2 weeks)2. Metformin 3. Add insulin
GDM risks
MacrosomiaNeonatal hypoglycaemia Traumatic birth Perinatal death
Chronic hypertension in pregnancy
HTN <20 weeks
Gestational hypertension
> 20weeks hypertension| NO proteinuria
HTN >20 weeksPROTEINURIA Resolves 6 weeks post partum
Urine dipstick proteinuria
PCR >30| ACR > 8
Pre eclampsia risk factors
>40 yo Obesity Multiple pregnancy 1st pregnancyPrevious pre eclampsia
Pre eclampsia complications
Placental abruption Eclampsia HELLPFoetal growth restriction
Pre eclampsia medications
Seizure prevention in pre eclampsia
IV magnesium sulphate
VTE Management
LMWH (enoxaparin)At least 3 monthsAt least 6 weeks post partumAt least until end of pregnancy
Which VTE drugs to avoid in pregnancy?
Warfarin DOACs (rivaroxaban, apixaban)
Obstetric cholestasis
No rashItchingAbnormal LFT (raised ALP)
Complication of obstetric cholestasis
Preterm birth (check weekly LFT)
Obstetric cholestasis management
Weekly LFT| Urodeoxycholic acid
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy symptoms
N & VAbdominal painJaundice-always 3rd trimester-
Haemolysis (LDH)Elevated Liver (ALT AST) Low Platelet
Placenta praevia management
If bleed: Admit Steroids 24-36th weekDelivery (C section)
Placental abruption symptoms
Severe abdominal painVaginal bleedingTense rigid abdomen
Risk factors for placental abruption
HypertensionSmokingCocaineMultiple pregnancy
Placental abruption management
Placenta praevia - where does placenta attach?
Deep into myometrium
1* post partum haemorrhage causes
4 TsToneTraumaThrombinTissue (retained)
Preventing PPH routine
Prophylactic uterotonics 1st IM Oxytocin2nd IM Syntometrine (if high risk)+ Tranexamic acid
IM Syntometrine contraindications
Major PPH management
Bimanual compression IV oxytocin 5UIV/IM ergometrine 0.5mgOxytocin infusionIM Carboprost 0.25mgSublingual Misoprostol 800ugSurgical / Balloon tamponade
First stage of labour rate
1cm - 2h
2nd stage of labour length
Nulliparous: 3hMultiparous: 2h
Membrane sweep
Trying detach the membranes from inner cervix - 40+ weeks
Induction of labour
Membrane sweep24h later: prostaglandin pessaryProstaglandin gel/tablet Artificial rupture of membranesSyntocinon
1st stage latent dilatation rate
0-3cm /6h
1st stage active length
3-10cm| 1cm/hr
Antibodies in haemolytic disease of a newborn
Sensitising events treatment
1st term: 250 u anti-D immunoglobulin2nd: 250 u in 72h of event + Kleihauer test 3rd: 500 u in 72h + Kleihauer test
Kleihauer test
Quantifies how much foetal blood is in maternal circulation
Hyperemesis gravidarum
> 5% weight lossElectolyte disturbance Dehydration PUQE sforę
Antiemetics in pregnancy
1) cyclizine, prochlorperazine, promethazine, chlorprimazine| 2) metoclopramide, domperidone, ondasetron
Ectopic - expectant management
No pain< 35mmNo heartbeat hCG < 1000
Ectopic - Medical management
PAIN< 35mmhCG < 1500 No heart beatIM METHOTREXATE
Ectopic - surgical management
PAIN> 35 mmhCG > 5000 Salpingectomy / salpingotomy
Threatened miscarriage
HeartbeatPain, bleedingOs closed
Inevitable miscarriage
No heartbeatPain, bleedingOs Open
Incomplete miscarriage
Retained products of conceptionPain, bleedingOs Open
Complete miscarriage
Empty uterus| Closed Os
Missed miscarriage
No heartbeat| Asymptomatic
Miscarriage Medical management
Vag misoprostol Pain relief Antiemetic
Surgical management of miscarriage
Manual vacuum aspirationSurgical management
Antiphospholytic syndrome triad
Recurrent miscarriage ThrombocytopeniaVTE
Antiphospholipid syndrome screen
Lupus anticoagulant| Anticardioliptin antibodies
Medical TOP
Mifepristone Misoprostol+ >22 feticide
Surgical TOP <14 w
Vacuum aspiration
Surgical TOP 14-24 weeks
Dilation and Evacuation
Complete mole
Sperm + empty egg = 46XX
Partial mole
2x sperm + egg = 69 XXY
Depot - characteristics
Weight gain Slow return to fertility Every 12-14 weeks
Prevents ovulation Makes period lighter Quickly reversible
Thickens mucus Irregular period Small window for taking
Hormonal coil
Lasts 3-5 y Thins endometrium Lighter, less painful period
Copper coil
Work immediately Makes period more heavy5-10 y Sterile inflammation
Prevents ovulation 3 years Irregular period
Weekly 3 weeks, 1 week offSkin sensitivity Similar to COCP
Kallman syndrome
- hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism| - reduced or absent sense of smell (anosmia)
PCOS on USS >12 cysts in 1 ovaryHyperandrogenism Anovulation
Estrogen only
-> endometrial cancer
Stimulates egg release in PCOS to improve fertility| metformin also improves fertility
Diagnosis of premature ovarian insufficiency
2x FSH >30| 4-6 weeks apart
Ovarian cancer symptoms
Bloating Constipation Urination trouble PM
Ovarian cancer diagnosis
CA 125
Endometrial cancer diagnosis
TVUSS >4mm suspiciousHysteroscopy biopsy Mx: high dose progesterone
Cervical cancer symptoms
Postcoital bleeding| Intermestrual bleeding
Cervical cancer diagnosis
HPV 16/18| Check for CIN Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia
Routine screening in 3 years
HPV +| Normal CIN
Re test in 1 year
HPV +| Abnormal
Invite for colposcopy
PID treatment
IM Ceftriaxone STAT 500mgPO Docycycline 100mg BD 14dPO Metronidazole 400mg BD 14d
PID management in penicillin allergy
PO Ofloxacin + Metronidazole 14d
Urge incontinence management
1) bladder retraining 6w2) oxybutynin, tolterodine3) mirabegron (b3 agonist)4. SNS, botox, PTNS
Stress incontinence management
- Pelvic floor exercise 3 mth| 2. Duloxetine SNRI
Syphilis in pregnancy
FGR| Mx IM Benzathine Penicillin
VZV in pregnancy
Neonatal varicella - cutaneous scarring, FGR, Limb hypoplasia
Cytology Abnormal: colposcopyNormal: 12mth test
If +HPV and cytology normal at 12 month follow up
Repeat in 12months
If +HPV and cytology abnormal at 12 month follow up
Inadequate sample cytology
1x return in 3 mth| 2x colposcopy
<20 w pregnant exposure to VZV
Check varicella antibodies| If negative, IVIG in 10 days
<20 w pregnant with VZV
> 20 weeks pregnant with VZV
Acyclovir within 24h of rash
> 20 weeks pregnant with VZV exposure
If not immune: give VZIG or acyclovir 7-14 days post exposure
HSV in pregnancy
1-2nd term: acyclovir from 36w3rd term: acyclovir until delivery1st ever episode in 3rd term: C Section
HIV in pregnancy
Check viral load 2-4 weeksAnd at 36w Vaginal if <50 at 36w
C section in HIV pregnancy
IV zidovudine (+ART to everyone as usual) Avoid breastfeeding
Hep B in pregnancy
Vax + HBIG in 12h| Vax at 1 month, 6 months
Core symptoms of depression
Low moodAnhedonia (usual things don’t bring happiness)Lack of energy- for at least 2 weeks
Beck’s triad
High risk of suicide
Anticipation actsPreventing discoveryCareful planningSuicide noteViolent method
GAD must be >6mthHigh dose SSRIBenzodiazepines
OCD management
Exposure and Response PreventionOr SSRI or after 12 weeks, Clomipramine, or alt SSRI
Schizophrenia triad
Auditory hallucinationsAbnormal thoughtsDelusions
Auditory hallucinations
Thought echo3rd person voice Running commentary
Abnormal thoughts
Thought insertion / withdrawal / broadcasting
False fixed belief held despite evidence
Paranoid schizophrenia
Delusions and hallucinations
Hebephrenic schizophrenia
Disorganised mood, inappropriate, childlish
Catatonic schizophrenia
Psychomotor disturbance| Stupor, rigidity, flexibility
Simple schizophrenia
Only negative symptoms: social withdrawal, blunted affect
Typical antipsychotics SEs
Acute dystopia Tardive dyskinesiaAkathisiaParkinsonism
Typical antipsychotics examples
Haloperidol| Chlorpromazine
Treatment resistant schizophrenia
2 drugs failure At least 6 weeks At least 1 atypical
Treatment resistant schizophrenia drug & SEs
Personality disorder treatments
Dialectical behavioural therapy| SSRI, antipsychotic
Capacity assessment
Understand / retain / weigh/ communicate
Section 135
Police enters premises with social worker warrant, move to a płace of safety for 72h
Section 136
Police removes from public space, no warrant, 24h
Section 2
Assessment and treatment 28days Can’t be renewed2 drs (GP, AMHP) and social worker
Section 3
Treatment order 6m 2 doctorsSocial worker needs relative approval (can disagree)
Section 4
Assessment in emergency72h1 AMPH
Section 5.2
Detention of inpatient for 72h| By doctor
section 5.4
Detention of inpatient by nurse for 6h
Hospital anxiety and depression
Patient health questionnaire (screening, diagnosing, severity of depression)
Social anxiety disorder
Fear of being critisized and judged
Fear of being unable to return to safe place
Symptoms for 6 mth
Exposure and response prevention
Positive symptoms (schizophrenia)
DelusionsHallucinationsDisorganised speechCatatonic behaviour
Negative symptoms
Blunted affectAlogia - can’t speakAnhedonia - no enjoymentAvolition - lack of motivation
Persecutory delusion
Persistent false belief that you are about to be harmed
Paranoid delusions
Fear and anxiety and can’t tell what is real and what is not
Delusions of reference
Unrelated external world events have significance in patient
Type 1 bipolar
Mania + depression
Type 2 bipolar
Hypomania + depression
Cyclothymic disorder
Hypomanic + depressive most of the time for 2 years
Binge eating
> 1x week for 3 months| No purging
> 1x a week for 3 months binge eating with purging
SCOFF for eating disorders
S - make yourself sick C - lost control over eatingO - lost 1 stone in 3 monthsF - believe you are fat? F - food dominates life?
Alcohol units
Litres x %
Alcohol withdrawal
Early - agitation sweating nauseaLate 24-48h confusion diarrhoea Seizures peak at 36h48h-72h delirium
Wernicke - triad and Mx
Nystagmus/ophthalmolegia, ataxic gait, confusion| Mx Thiamine
Korsakov syndrome
Wernickes triad + amnesia, confabulation
Paranoid personality disorder
Sensitive to criticism| Suspicion and conspiracy
Schizotypical personality disorder
Magical thinking| Odd speech
Schizoid personality disorder
Lack of emotionLack of interest in othersNo relationships and friends
Antisocial personality disorder
Going against social norms and law| Lying/fighting/ running naked
Borderline personality disorder
Unstable relationships Self harmMood swingsSwitching from ideal to devalued
Histrionic personality disorder
Needs attention ShallowDramatisingSexually inappropriate
Narcissistic personality disorder
Grandiose self importance Takes advantage of others ArrogantNeed for attention
Avoidant personality disorder
Fear of criticism or embarrassment| Social isolation but wanting acceptance
Dependent personality disorder
Needs to be cared forOther need to take control of their livesDesperate need for relationships
Obsessive compulsive personality disorder
Vs OCD- OCPD seek pleasure in tasks Perfectionist Occupied by rules and rituals
Serotonin syndrome
Too much serotonin Fever, HYPER reflexes, myoclonus, DILATED PUPILS- HOURS -
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
Septal haematoma mx and risk
Incise and drain in 24h-> saddle shaped deformity
BPPV| Examination and Mx
Episodic <30s on head movementDix-Hallpike manoeuvreEpley manouvre
Otitis externa
Accitic acid| Fusidic acid
Otitis media
Cystic hygroma
Posterior triangle<2 yoFluctunant
Branchial cyst
Anterior triangle Young people & childrenFluctuant Radiating
Most common thyroid cancer
Papillary - orphan cells, lymphatic spreadFollicular - >50yo, haematologyMedullary - calcitonin, Men 2a/ 2b
Laryngeal cancer
SCCHPV 16, 18Abnormal voice, sore throat, ulceration and cancer
Painless eyelid cyst of meibomian gland
Infected cyst of meibomian gland PAINFUL Tx chloramphenicol
Mild bacterial eyelid margin, erythematous and crusty eyelid margins, uncomfortable Tx warm compress, chloramphenicol
Viral conjunctivitis cause
Bacterial conjunctivitis
Staph aureus
Bacterial keratitis
Staph aureus
Viral keratosis
HSVrf: immunosuppressiveDendritic ulcer on fluorescent stain
Contact lensesRing infiltrateDisproportional pain
Diabetic retinopathy
Gradual vision loss| Micro aneurysm, hard exudate, blot haemorrhage, cotton wool spots
Ectopic pregnancy risk
Previous ectopic PID assisted conception Previous pelvic surgery
Ascending| Fine touch, propritocention
Nephritic syndrome
Increased PCR IgA NephropathyPost Strep GlomerulonephritisHaemolytic Ureamic SyndromeHenoch-Schonlein PurpuraSLE
Nephrotic syndrome
Proteinuria, hypoalbuminaemia, oedemaMinimal Change DiseaseFSGSMembranous Glomerulonephritis
Tetralogy of fallot
Pulmonary stenosisVSDoverriding aortaRight ventricular hypertrophy
Onset of cyanosis in bebos
In days: TGA| in months: TOF
TGA Xray
Egg on a string
TOF Xray
Boot shaped heart
Ejection systolic murmur| Left sternal edge
Pansystolic murmur| Left sternal edge
pulmonary hypertension| Down syndrome
machinery murmur below left clavicle| Indamethasin/ Nsaid
IM adrenaline 1:10005 min later IM adrenaline 1:1000Adrenaline infusion
DKA and dehydration pH
pH > 7.1 = 5% loss| pH < 7.1 = 10% loss
Total fluid deficit volume
%deficit x weight x 10 Over 48h
Maintenance fluids paediatrics
0-10kg 100mL/kg10-20kg 50mL/kg>20kg 20mL/kg
Status epilepticus
IV lorazepam /rectal diazepam, buccal midazolam 10min IV lorazepamPhenytoin infusionGA
Generalised seizure mx
Sodium valproate| Lamotrigine
Focal seizure mx
Absence seizure
MethylphenidateLisdexamphetamine-> may impair growth (hight weight ecg)
Pyloric stenosis treatment
Ramstedt pylorymyotomy
Constipation paeds
Movicol (draw water into intestine)Senna (stimulant laxative, intestine contractions) If impaction: Movicol on 2 week escalation dose + Senna
Bulk forming laxative
Osmotic laxative - draws water to intestine
Movicol| Lactulose
Stool softener
Glycerol| Docusate
Stimulant laxative - augment contractions
Senna| Bisacodyl
red currant jelly stoolSausage shaped massDx USS, AXRMx Rectal air insuflation, surgery
Jaundice 24h - 14d
Breast milkBruising / traumatic birth RBC breakdown
Jaundice <24h
Rhesus incompatibilityABO incompatibilityG6DP deficiencyPyruvate Kinase deficiency
Jaundice >14d
Biliary atresiaCongenital hypothyroidismNeonatal hepatitis
Transcutaneous bilirubin
Jaundice >24h| Born >35w
Serum bilirubin
Jaundice <24h| Born <35w
Hearing tests
Otoacoustic test| Adutiroty brainstem response test
Meningitis in HIV
Cryptococcus neoformans- india ink stain
HIV diarrhoea
Fever followed by maculopapular rash
Roseola infantum| HHV6
Itchy red papular lesions between toes and fingers
Scabies| Sarcoptes scabies
Bilateral malar erythrema
Slapped cheek syndrome / fifth disease| Parvovirus B19
Widespread erythrema and tenderness, desquamation
Scalded skin syndrome| Staphylococcus
Painful lesions on hands, foot, month
Coxsackie virus
Erythrematous pustules with yellow crust
Impetigo| Staph aureus
Blueberry muffin rush
Cancer that metastasises to bone
BLT Kocher PickleBreastLungThyroidKidneyProstate
Homonymous hemianopia - congruous defect
Optic radiation or occipital cortex
Homonymous hemianopia - incongruous defect
Optic tract
Homonymous hemianopia - macula sparing
Occiptial cortex
PPROM sign
Pooling of water in posterior vault| Do FIBRONECTIN test
Praeder Willi
Eating everything OverweightShort statureHypotoniaDelay
Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangitis
AsthmaBilateral nasal polypsNasal obstruction
Painless red eye in autoimmune conditions
Painful red eye in ankylosing spondylitis
Anterior uveitis
Ewing sarcoma
MRI large mass with necrosis| Small blue round cells on E&H
Frontal lobe seizure
Jacksonian movement
Limited systemic sclerosis ab
Anti centromere
Doffuse systemic sclerosis ab
Anti scl 70
Brocas area
Wernickes area
Turner syndrome Heart problem
1st Bicuspid valve| 2nd is coarctation of aorta
Hearing tests in newborn
Evoked otoacoustic emission| Automated auditory brainstem resoinse
Ceftriaxone and Vancomycin
Neonatal jaundice bilirubin check
Serum bilirubin in jaundice >24h and born <35 weeksTranscutaneous bilirubin in jaundice >24h and >35 weeks
Bebo sepsis abx and cause
Benzyloenicillin + gentamycin<72h leisteria monocytogenes, GBS>72h staphylococcus epidermis
Neonatal meningitis tx
Penicillin + cegtriaxone/cefotaxime
Mother; benzylpenicillin| Bebo: benzylpenicillin + gentamycin/ceftriaxone
Hep B treatment
Threadworms tx
Drug for induction of ovulation
When is anaemia checked in pregnancy?
Booking and 28w
Hb levels in pregnancy
1st 1102nd 105 3rd 100
Ovarian cancer risk factors
many ovulationsEarly menarcheLate menopauseNullparity
Endometrial cancer
Many ovulations ObesityEarly menarcheLate menopauseNullparity
ascending| Fine touch and proprioception
Descending| Motor
Ascending| Pain and temperature
TIA onset <1w
Refer same day| 300mg aspirin
TIA onset >1w
1 week wait referral| 300mg aspirin
TIA pharmacotherapy
300 mg aspirin for 14 days| 75mg aspirin + clopidogrel + statin later
Bell’s palsy
Ramsey Hunt Syndrome
Post seizure management
2ww Neurology6m No driving & DVLA notification if idiopathic12 m if diagnosis or abnormality
Focal seizure
Carbamazepine| Lamotrigine
Generalised seizure
Sodium valproate| Lamotrigine
Absence seizure
Subarachnoid haemorrhage
Berry aneurysm
Extradural haemorrhage
Trauma to pterion| Convex not crossing sutures
Subdural haemorrhage
ConcaveCrossing suturesBridging veins
Painless ulcers1* chancre2* condylomata lata 3* gummatous lesions Tx IM benzylphenicillin
Genital herpes
Flu-like symptoms dysuria fever PAINFUL ulcersHSV 1 oralHSV 2 genitalMx: Acyclovir
Genital warts HPV strain
Genital warts tx
Multiple - topical podophyllum| Single - cryotherapy
HPV cancer
16, 18, 33 - cervical cancer
Alzheimer mx
Mild-Moderate: donezepil, gantamine, rivastigmine| Severe: memantine
Dobezepil SE
Do not give in bradycardia| Causes insomnia and weight gain
SLE Derm involvement
Oral ulcers
Glioblastoma multiformae
Young personSpace occupying lesionCrosses midline
Prosthesis septic arthritis
Staph epidermidis