Exam Missed Qs Flashcards
In HIV+ patients, what bacteria/virus is Kaposi Sarcoma assoc with
Human Herpesvirus 8
In labor what does the L:S ratio represent
Fetal lung maturity
L:S ratio of <2:1 means lungs are immature
Pt is lip smacking, teeth grinding, and rolling tongue
a. tardive dyskinesia
b. NMS
c. serotonin syndrome
d. acute dystonic rxn
e. akathisia
tardive dyskinesia
patient started an antipsychotic med and now days later has intermittent spasms, truisms, protrusions of the tongue, facial grimacing, torticollis and diff speaking.
acute dystonic rxn
should include “reversible”
the need for restlessness and constant motion
what causes NMS
decreased dopamine
what are symptoms of NMS
urinary incontinence
what do prostaglandins and oxytocin do
cause increased contractions
signs of right anterior cerebral artery occlusion
contralateral (left sided):
hemiparesis LEG > ARM
urinary incontinence
personality change
abulia (lack of will)
signs of right posterior cerebral artery occlusion
visual hallucinations
“crossed symptoms” - ipsilateral nerve deficits, contralateral weakness, comas, drop attacks
what is Naegeles rule with estimated delivery date
Day 1 of LMP - 3 months + 7 days
what is koebner’s phenomenon
new skin lesions appearing along lines of trauma
nonspecific, e.g. psoriasis, vitiligo, lichen planus, infx
what electrolyte issue is usually caused by brain bleeds
SIADH –> hyponatremia
when are koplik spots seen
describe the measles/rubeola rash pattern
starts on face and spreads to trunk
lasts 7 days
(after a prodrome)
describe the rubella rash pattern
light red to pink
lasts 3 days
describe the 5ths disease rash
slapped cheek
lacy red rash on extremities
describe the CSF findings for SAH
increased CSF opening pressure
xanthochromia that does not diminish
describe CSF findings for idiopathic intracranial HTN
increased CSF opening pressure
otherwise normal
describe the CSF findings for Guillain Barre syndrome
high protein
normal WBC
describe the CSF findings for ms
increased oligoclonal IgG bands
describe the CSF findings for viral meningitis, aseptic meningitis, or encephalitis
increased protein
normal glucose
increased WBC (*lymphocytes)
describe the CSF findings for fungal meningitis and TB meningitis
increased protein
decreased glucose
increased WBC (lymphocytes)
describe the CSF findings in bacterial meningitis
increased protein
decreased glucose
increased polymorphonuclear neutrophils
what is the 1st line therapy for unstable tachycardia
synchronized cardioversion
what is the 1st line therapy for stable narrow-complex tachycardia
what is the 1st line therapy for stable wide-complex tachycardia
amiodarone (class iii anti arrhythmic)
unsynchronized cardioversion is aka
kidney stones: urea-splitting enzymes causing struvite stones (3)
trisomy 21 vs trisomy 18 on the triple screen test
trisomy 21:
AFP: low
BHCG: high
estradiol: low
trisomy 18:
AFP: low
BHCG: low
estradiol: low
which cardiac med contains iodine
brief, sporadic, single repetitive jerks or twitching of 1+ muscle groups
repetitive, rhythmic, jerking that usually lasts less than 2-3 minutes
sustained contraction with twisting of the body and abnormal posturing
repetitive, non-rhythmic movements or vocals
rapid, involuntary, jerky, uncontrolled purposeless movements
what do you use as a tumor marker in medullary thyroid carcinoma / MEN2
mtc arrises from the parafollicular cells which secrete calcitonin, so in this dz calcitonin is elevated
patient with MG: how do you tell myesthenia crisis versus cholinergic crisis
*give Edrophonium
If sx worsen –> cholinergic
If sx improve –> myastheia
GI: “string sign”
crohns dz
PE test for ACL?
PE test for menisci?
epigastric pain better w/ food: duodenal or gastric ulcer
epigastric pain worse w food: duodenal or gastric ulcer
what electrolyte abnormality may be seen with B12 injections
Bartonella; Pasteurella
which one assoc with cat scratch, which one assoc with cat bite
bite: pasteurella
scratch: bartonella
FOOSH with fat pad in a kid vs. in an adult
kid: supracondylar fx
adult: radial head fx
what are these signs: tapping of facial nerve causes spasms, carpal spasms with inflation of BP cuff
and what electrolyte abnormality is it assoc with
hypocalcemia WHICH GOES HAND-IN-HAND WITH hypomagnesemia
signs: Chvostek’s sign and Trousseau’s sign
pathognomonic: tetrad inclusions seen within RBCs on peripheral smear
morale clusters within WBCs on peripheral smear
intracellular RBC parasites seen on peripheral smear
larvae in striated muscle on muscle biopsy
brain tumor occurring in the hemispheres and parasagittal regions, attached to the dura
brain tumor costing the corpus collosum with butterfly appearance
glioblastoma multiforme
brain tumor seen in kids in 3rd or 4th ventricle
brain tumor in the cerebellopontine, assoc with unilateral senrosineural hearing loss
schwannoma (tumor of CN VIII)
a sterile wisp of cotton to test corneal riflex: which nerve is being tested
CN V (trigeminal)
name all of the cranial nerves I-XII
1: olfactory
2. optic
3. oculomotor
4. trochlear
5: trigeminal
6: abducens
7: facial
8: vestibulocochlear (auditory)
9: glossopharyngeal
10: vagus
11: spinal accessory
12: hypoglossal
which CN controls taste on the posterior 1/3 of tongue and swallowing
glossopharyngeal (CN 9)
which CN controls chewing and facial sensation
trigeminal (CN 5)
which CNs control eye movement (3)
oculomotor (CN 3)
trochlear (CN 4)
abducens (CN 7)