exam lab 3 Flashcards
Superciliary arches
below your eyebrows and just above the orbits where your eyes are located.
Frontal Bone
broad flat area underneath your forehead.
temporalis muscle
temple region and clench your teeth
frontalis muscle
your forehead wrinkles
occipital protuberance
back surface of your skull and feel the large bump or knoblike structure
superior nuchal line
Feel for a ridge of bone running laterally away from the protuberance
occipital bone
forming the rear and underside of the cranium
lacrimal fossa
portion of the orbit nearest the nose
nasal bones
By squeezing the bridge of your nose with your thumb and index finger
dorsum nasi
By moving your thumb and finger down your nose, they will travel over the anterior margin of the nose
tip of the nose
portion of the nose that is flared laterally
finger under the apex of the nose and run it down the surface of the skin from the nose to the lip
anatomic term for the flaplike structure on the side of your head
external auditory canal
leads to the eardrum and guides sound waves to begin the process of hearing
The outer rim of the ear
ear lobe
superficial temporal artery
place two fingers just in front of the ear in the temple region of the skull
zygomatic arch
extension of the temporal bone and the zygomatic bone
muscles of facial expression
make a smile, frown, or grimace, you will feel the skin move and muscles
lower jaw
masseter muscle
clenching your teeth
facial artery
inferior edge of the mandible
temporomandibular joint
placing your fingers directly anterior to the ear’s external auditory canal and then opening and closing your mouth.
head of the mandible
The structure you can feel moving when you open your mouth wide and close
spinous processes
Reach around to run your fingers in an inferior direction along the posterior surface of your neck
vertebral prominens
The seventh cervical vertebra’s spine is most easily felt
hyoid bone
hard structure at the angle between the floor of the mouth and the vertical part of the neck
laryngeal prominence
part of the larynx called the Adam’s apple
jugular notch
superior part of the sternum between the two clavicles
attaches to both the sternum and the clavicle
external jugular vein
gently pressing your fingers inward on the skin just superior to your clavicle.
trapezius muscle
muscle contracts when you shrug your shoulders
latissimus dorsi
located inferior to the trapezius, swimmer’s muscle
erector spinae
the two lines down the back
posterior median furrow
line going down middle of back
spine of the scapula
teh wing thing victor can do
iliac crests
wing part of hips
top of little tail bone
little tail bone
on the sternum inbetween clavicles
xiphoid process
bottom part of sternum
pectoralis major