Exam 1 Flashcards
lab 1-3
Cheek cell
stained with methylene blue, nucleus, plasma membrane
Fat (adipose) cell (tissue)
fat accumulates inside other cell comppnonents pushed out, nucleus on outside part
Goblin cells
Inside lining of intestine, creates mucus that lubricates and protects the inside of the intestine.
Pacinian corpuscle
Looks like onion when cute in have with layers of connective tissue that surround the touch sensitive nerve edges. (mechanoreceptors in skin and organs)
Spinal Neuron
spinal (multipolar) motor neuron, nucleus has large nucleolus, cytoplasm has nissle substance
Bronchus cell
Ciliated cells on free surface of bronchi, (motile) to cleanse debris and mucus from lining of bronchial tubes and tracheas
Multipolar neuron
Motor neuron, has multiple dendrites and its axon
Medullated Nerve
Covered by myelin that acts as insulator for the electrical signal to not jump from nerves or neurons. Has nodes of ranvier
Skeletal Muscle
Voluntary muscle. Fibers (cells) in the SM have striations of dark and light bands of actin & myosin fibers are multinucleated. Damage to nerve causes paralysis
containes chromosomes/enzyme machinary. For cell division as well as cell function.
Cell (plasma) membrane
outer membrane, holds stuff together
Nodes of ranvier
unmylinated area that helps make electrical signal faster
small dark stained structure in nucleus. site for production of ribosomes which make their way to the cytoplasm and participate in protein synthesis.
large space inside an organ such as the intestine or stomach.
actin & myosin
Contractile muscle protiens in filaments
large macromolecular structures formed of RNA and protein which serve as sites for protein synthesis.
one of the four tissue types that is characterized by cells which line free surfaces of the body, such as the skin and lining of the gut.
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
membrane sheets with ribosomes attached which spread throughout the cytoplasm of most body cells with a primary function of protein synthesis.