exam 2 material Flashcards
Epithelial tissue
line the external and internal spaces of the body, external layer of skin and lining of the gut.
Connective tissue
cells, fibers, ground substance. Bone, cartilage, loose connective tissue, blood
Muscle tissue
Contractile properties. skeletal, smooth, cardiac. SSC
Nervous tissue
Carrying out impulse conduction
Simple Squamous E.
flattened cells lining a body surface, one cell layer thick
Simple Cuboidal E.
cells shaped like cubical boxes. one cell layer thick
Simple Columnar E.
shaped like shoe boxes. one cell layer thick. help take up digested food products in small intestine like, amino acids, proteins and sugars
Stratified squamous E.
Epithelium formed of many cell layers of flattened cells
outer layer of skin, made by stratified squamous E. cells closest to free surface water proofed by high keratin
water proofing molecule produced by the outer cells of the epidermis
Skeletal muscle fiber
Single muscle fiber that has multiple nuclei, striation and is volantary mode of contractile control
Cardiac muscle fiber
In the heart and have only one nucleus per cell, striations, fiber branching, involuntary muscle
Intercalated disks
only in heart muscle, dark stained areas indicating where two cardiac cells have adhered together end to end.
Smooth muscle fiber
Do not show striations, one nucleus per cell
Movement of digested food through the intestine by a sequential contraction of layers of smooth muscle in the intestinal wall
Nerve process
Dendrites or axons
Carries signal away from neuron
Carries signal towards Cell body
Nerve cell body
where nucleus of neuron is
Multipolar neuron
Spinal motor neuron that has multiple dendrites, sends signals to muscles to coordinate skeletal muscle contraction, axons can reach leg
Elastic cartilage
Like in the ear, contains elastic fibers, allow ear to be bent yet go back to normal shape
Reticular fibers
provide support and ability for aorta to expand with each heart contraction due to pressure of blood flowing into it but then when the heart relaxes, they help aorta contract back to normal shap helping to push blood foward while heart is no longer contracting
a tuft of capillaries in the kidney, serve as the filtering mechanism step to rid the body of waste material in the blood
Hyaline cartilage
composed of chondrocytes, fibers, and a gel-like substance which is fairly flexible and forms the tracheal rings which keep the trachea open for air passage.
cells found in cartilage after it is fully formed.
Haversian system
Round like areas in compact bone, circular area surrounding a capillary in compact bone which contains many osteocytes (mature bone cells).
Haversian Canal
The center of the Haversian system that containes blood capileries bringing blood to the osteocytes
Areolar Connective Tissue
Form dermis, loose connective tissue that consist of cell fibers (collagen and elastic), ground substance that is gel like.