Exam III - General Information Flashcards
The liver lies mostly in what abdominal regions?
Right Hypochondrium and epigastric regions
What vertebral level is the Transtubercular plane found?
L.V. 5
Identify the 9 regions of the abdomen
Right Hypochondrium, Epigastric, Left Hypochondrium
Right Flank, Umbilical, Left Flank
Right Groin, Pubic, Left Groin
The spleen and the fundus and body of the stomach can be found in which abdominal regions?
Left Hypochondrium
The umbilical lies between what vertebral levels?
L.V. 2 and L.V. 5
Which layer of fascia is fatty and continuous with the superficial fascia of perineum and thigh?
Superficial Layer (Camper’s Fascia)
Which layer of abdominal fascia is firmly fastened to the fascia lata of the thigh?
Deep Layer (Scarpa’s Fascia)
What is the largest raphe in the body?
Linea Alba
The Linea Alba connects _____ to _____?
xiphoid process to pubic symphysis
What muscle acts as an internal back-brace?
Transversus Abdominis Muscle
What forms the lateral edge of the 6-pack?
Linea Semilunaris
What runs transversely across the rectus abdominis and fuses with the rectus sheath?
Tendinous intersections
What muscle is often absent and lies anterior to the rectus abdominis?
The anterior abdominal wall muscles are active in what 6 body functions?
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Vomiting
- Micturition (urinating)
- Pooping (defication)
- Parturition
What structures make up the rectus sheath?
Aponeuroses of the external oblique, internal oblique, and transversus abdominis muscles
What is enclosed within the rectus sheath?
- Rectus abdominis
- Pyramidalis Muscle (When present)
- Superior Epigastric Artery and Vein
- Inferior Epigastric Artery and Vein
- Anterior Primary Rami of Lower 6 T. Nerves
What is the crescent-shaped line in the posterior layer of the rectus sheath midway between the umbilicus and pubic crest?
Arcuate Line
What are the five folds on the posterior surface of the anterior abdominal wall?
- Median Umbilical Fold
- Medial Umbilical Fold (bilateral)
- Lateral Umbilical Fold (bilateral)
Which fold runs from the apex of the bladder to the umbilicus?
Median Umbilical Fold
Which fold extends from the side of the bladder to the umbilicus?
Medial Umbilical Fold
Which fold contains the obliterated umbilical artery?
Medial Umbilical Fold
Which fold runs from the deep inguinal ring to the arcuate line?
Lateral Umbilical Fold
Which fold contains the inferior epigastric vessels?
Lateral Umbilical Fold
The Median and Medial Umbilical folds form what fossa?
Supravesical Fossa
The Medial and Lateral umbilical folds form what fossa?
Medial Inguinal Fossa
The two lateral umbilical folds combine to form what fossa?
Lateral Inguinal Fossa
What structure above the umbilicus contains the obliterated umbilical vein?
Ligamentum Teres
What is the blood supply to the anterior abdominal wall?
- Superior Epigastric A.
- Inferior Epigastric A.
- Lumbar Arteries
- Deep Circumflex Iliac A.
What is the innervation of the Anterior Abdominal Wall?
- Lower 6 Thoracic Nerves
What is formed by the lower edge of the external oblique aponeurosis?
- The Inguinal Ligament
The inguinal ligament extends from the _____ to the _____.
- Anterior superior iliac spine; pubic tubercle
What are the most medial fibers of the inguinal ligament and insert into the superior pubic ramus?
- Lacunar Ligament
what is the lateral extension of the lacunar ligament?
- Pectineal Ligament
What is the 3-5 cm canal through the anterior abdominal wall?
- Inguinal Canal
The inguinal canal begins at the _____ and ends at the ______.
- Deep inguinal ring; superficial inguinal ring
What is transmitted in the inguinal canal?
- Spermatic Cord
- Round Ligament of the Uterus
- Ilioinguinal Nerve
What is formed by the fusion of the aponeuroses of the internal oblique and transversus abdominis muscles?
- Conjoint Tendon (Inguinal Falx)
What strengthens the posterior wall of the medial half of the inguinal canal?
- Conjoint Tendon (Inguinal Falx)
What are the boundaries of the inguinal canal?
- Ant. Wall: aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
- Post. Wall: conjoint tendon and transversalis fascia
- Roof: internal oblize and transversus abdominis
- Floor: inguinal and lacunar ligaments
What is the triangular opening in the external oblique aponeurosis?
- Superficial Inguinal Ring
What is transmitted in the superficial inguinal ring?
- Spermatic Cord (male)
- Round ligament of the uterus (female)
- ilioinguinal nerve
The superficial inguinal ring is formed by the splitting of the external oblique aponeurosis into two crura…
- Lateral Crus (pubic tubercle)
- Medial Crus (pubic crest)
The deep inguinal ring is an opening within which fascia?
- Transversalis Fascia
What are the boundaries of the inguinal triangle?
- Med: lateral edge of the rectus abdominis muscle
- Lat: inferior epigastric vessels
- Inf: inguinal ligament
Where do direct inguinal hernias mostly occur?
Inguinal Triangle
T/F) During childhood development, the inguinal canal shortens and moves into a more vertical position.
False; It LENGTHENS and becomes more OBLIQUE
What muscles, upon exertion, may force abdominal contents into the inguinal canal?
Anterior abdominal muscles (coughing & straining)
What two anatomical adaptations function to strengthen the inguinal canal?
- Its oblique positioning
- The conjoint tendon
A ______ is an abnormal protrusion of tissue through an opening.
- Hernia
What organ is most commonly involved in hernias?
- Small Intestine
T/F) Inguinal hernias are more common in males than females.
1) Large diameter of inguinal canal (spermatic cord))
2) Scrotum creates a large potential space
What in the female is homologous to the male scrotum?
- Labia Majora
What are the types of hernias?
- Direct, Indirect, Femoral, and Umbilical
Which hernia accounts for 75% of inguinal hernias?
- Indirect Hernias
What is a processus vaginalis?
- An embryological outpouching of peritoneum which forms the inguinal canal and tunica vaginalis that does not obliterate
Trace the path of an indirect inguinal hernia.
Deep inguinal ring -> inguinal canal -> superficial inguinal ring -> scrotum/labia majora
(lateral to the inferior epigastric vessels)
Trace the path of a direct inguinal hernia.
Posterior wall of inguinal canal -> scrotum/labia majora
medial to the inferior epigastric vessels
Which type of hernia is ALWAYS acquired?
- Direct Hernia
What kind of hernia is more common in females?
- Femoral Hernia
Umbilical Hernias usually result from defects in what structures?
- Anterior abdominal wall (incomplete closure)
- Linea Alba
What are the layers of fascia that cover the spermatic cord?
- External Spermatic Fascia (external oblique apo)
- Cremasteric Fascia (internal oblique apo)
- Internal Spermatic Fascia (transversalis fascia)
What is the bundle of muscle fibers within the cremasteric fascia referred to as?
- Cremaster Muscle
What structures are contained within the spermatic cord?
- Ductus Deferens
- Testicular A.
- Pampiniform Plexus of Veins (bulk of spermatic cord)
- Artery to the Ductus Deferens
- Cremasteric A.
- Genital Branch of Genitofemoral N.
- Remnant of Processus Vaginalis
- Autonomic N.
- Lymphatics