Exam four Flashcards
k. Piaget-adaptation:
assimilation and accommodation
L. Vgygotsky:
zone of proximal development
zone of proximal development
the social assistance in an environment that helps an individual to develop
M. Cattell:
crystalized IQ and fluid IQ
Crystalized IQ
information you have gained through the interaction of going through school and formal education
Fluid IQ
how can you apply or use the information you’ve used to come up with ideas and think abstractly
testing children special issues
- getting upset easily,
- going to parents to get information
- attention span is not good
- shyness
advantages to an iq test
- opportunity to observe individual testing
- observe potential learning disabilities
- perceptual or motor problems
- detect mental disabilities
- correlated with academic success
disadvantages of iq test
- no mechanical abilities tested
- creativity
- cultural issues
- motivational level
- music/artistic abilities
mental age is place over chronological age in a formula
mental age divided by chronological age times 100
MA/CA X100
when we modify or change new information to fit into our schemas
when we restructure or modify what we already know so that new information can fit in better.
intelligence tests
- Bayley infant scale
- Raven’s Progressive matrices
- Peabody’s picture vocabulary
picks up fine and gross motor social and emotional reactions
ravens progressive matrices uses pictures with a small section taken out to test progressive logical thinking, and can be used for anyone regradless of age, culture or language
peabody’s picture vocaulary is meant for younger children and includes pictures of people and objects with questions related