Exam Final Flashcards
What are the parameters for muscle strengthening?
Frequency, Pulse duration, Ratio duty cycle, Rx time
Freq:35-50, 80pps for pt comfort
P.duration: 150-300ús (150-200 small/200-350 large)
Ratio: 1:5 (10sec on 50 sec off)
Time: 10-20 min (10-20 contractions every 2-3 hours)
Your pt is a 25 y/o female who sustained a gunshot wound to the posterior proximal brachium (upper arm). While the wound itself underwent repair and is well healed the pt presents with paralysis that includes the inability to extend the elbow.
- What is the specific peripheral nerve damaged and location?
- What are the areas of sensory loss due to nerve damage?
- What is the severity of the nerve damage (complete or partial)?
- Are there any other muscles affected (paralysis or weakness) by nerve damage?
- Should estim be administered?What is the goal of Estim? (If administered describe parameters, pt positioning, treatment progression)
- Radial Nerve, C6-T1
- T1 Dermatome (Sensory)?
- Complete (paralysis)
- Triceps Brachii, Brachioradialis, Anconeus (Extensors)
- Yes, Wrist Extensors. Parameters? Strengthen deinnervated muscle?
A PTA is treating a pt with lower extremity peripheral nerve injury to the common peroneal nerve. The plan of care indicates strengthening, functional training, and pt education for skin checks. State one example of treatment and identify which area of POC the treatment addresses?
- Estim to strengthen the innervated muscles (peroneal/a.tibialis)
- Drop foot (lack of dorsiflexion/eversion)
Walking with crutches and leaning on them is likely to compress the axillary nerve. T/F
False (Radial)
A pt with thoracic outlet syndrome will benefit from stretching of the pectoralis minor. T/F
A sign and symptom of nerve impairment can be motor weakness. T/F
Biofeedback is a form of intrinsic feedback. T/F
False (extrinsic)
A lower plexus injury will most likely involve impaired sensation to the hand. T/F
Premodulated current is primarily used with one channel and two pads.
The branches are the section of the plexus where all terminal nerves are developed. T/F
A full recovery of sensory and motor function is anticipated with neurotomesis. (T/F)
A pt notes the following area as pins and needles while waiting in the lobby. The pt you are working with stated that it’s consistent with finding on the evaluation although the pt only reported muscle weakness at the time. When you apply traction, which level of the lumbar spine do you suspect involvement? What associated muscles are most likely to have decreased mm strength?(picture shows mark on dorsum of foot from 2nd - 4th ray)
- L5
- Extensor Digitorum, Extensor Brevis/Longus
A compression fx at L5-S1 would most likely affect the _____ nerve and the _____ nerve. The _____ group of muscles would likely demonstrate weakness as well as the _____ group.
- Tibial
- Peroneal
- Plantarflexor
- Dorsiflexor
IFC can reduce acute, chronic, and post operative pain. T/F
Your pt sustained a colles fx, distal radial fx. While immobilized in a short arm cast, she had experienced periods of intermittent numbness and pain. State where you’d look for muscle atrophy and sensory changes, which Nerve innervation you would suspect due to fx site and compression?
- Hyperthenar eminence
- 1st, 2nd, and 3rd fingers
- Median
_____, _____, and _____ are 3 major uses for biofeedback.
- Re-Education
- Inhibition
- Relaxation/Anxiety
What type of current should be used for muscle re-ed and FES?
- Symmetrical/Asymmetrical Biphasic or Russian (could use monophasic)
IFC is a monophasic waveform. T/F
False (Biphasic)
What are the parameters for muscle re-ed and FES?
Frequency, Pulse duration, Ratio duty cycle, Rx time
Freq:35-50, <40 to avoid fatigue
P.duration: 150-200 (150-200 small/200-350 large)
Ratio: 1:1 (10sec on 10 sec off)
Time: 15-20 min (10-30min 2-3 x /day)
The _____ theory supports conventional, high rate Tens, as a treatment strategy. The pulse frequency is set to _____ to produce a _____ sensation in the pt. The relief of pain is “immiediate/delayed by 4 hours” and the treatment can be administered for up to _____ hours/day.
- Pain Gate
- 100-150pps
- Tingling
- Immediate
- 24 hours/day
_____ is a form of estim that controls pain by stimulating the production of endorphins (opioids) which act similar to morphine. To achieve this, “longer/shorter” pulse durations and “higher/lower current amplitude must be used compared to conventional TENS.
- Low Rate Tens/IFC
- longer
- higher
Your pt injured her ulnar nerve falling up steps by falling on the _____ side of the hand 2 days ago. The pt currently has constant tingling and decrease sensation to pressure and touch in the _____.
During the acute phase of injury _____ is important to include in pt education and aggressive _____ is contraindicated.
- Medial
- 4th and 5th digits
- Immobilization (protection)
A pt with C5 nerve root involvement can expect to have altered sensory innervation to the lateral portion of the upper arm as well as decreased shoulder abduction function. T/F
TENS may be used over the carotid sinus. T/F