EXAM Chpt 4-7 Flashcards
A political system that claims domination over both a central, directly administered territory and other
territories that it governs in other ways is known as:
A ‘state’ requires which of the following components (select all that apply)?
Monopoly over the use of legitimate violence; Territorial boundaries; and one authority within those boundaries
According to the academic definition in political science, which of the following entities would be
classified as a state?
The Italian Republic (Italy)
The Kurds are a stateless nation
A body of people having a common descent, history, culture, or language is known as:
a nation
According to the text, the United States is the clearest example of a “state-first” nation-state
Which of the following is an example of a “nation-first” nation-state?
Democracy scores, as measured by Freedom House and Polity IV have ____________ since 1800.
The type of democracy that extends beyond constitutions, rule of law, and electoral representation to
include minority rights, equality, and free and fair elections is known as:
Liberal democracy
The type of democracy where rights are not very respected outside of the right to vote is often referred to
by scholars as:
Illiberal Democracy
The type of democracy where rights are not very respected outside of the right to vote is often referred to
by scholars as:
Ideally, democracies most clearly align with which base of authority?
Ideally, democracies most clearly align with which base of authority?
Which of the following countries is a textbook example of an “illiberal democracy”?
The country that most closely resembles a theocracy is:
Attempting to achieve descriptive representation means that:
Different racial, gender, and ethnic groups will be represented in legislative bodies
Electoral systems sometimes count each political party’s votes and assign legislative seats according to
a percentage of the votes. This type of system is known as:
Proportional representation
According to Duverger’s Law, when is a two-party system most likely to occur?
When there are single member district plurality rules
According to Duverger, multi-party systems are more likely to occur when a country has:
proportional representation
Which adaptation allows for single member districts to guarantee a majority to the winner (select all that
Two-round voting (runoff voting)
Legislative quotas are used to guarantee representation of (select all that apply):
Women, Religious, ethnic, and linguistic minorities
One of the disadvantages of proportional representation is:
Too many parties may populate the legislature, leading to incoherent politics
One of the disadvantages of single member district plurality systems is:
The winner-take-all system can result in a winner that does not have majority support
There is no clear connection to the candidate who runs for a particular seat
Which type of government has the following traits; in which countries? electoral representation, liberal rights; rational-legal legitimacy; very demanding standards. U.S, Japan, Costa Rica
liberal democracy
Which type of government has the following traits; in which countries? elections with limited rights; effectiveness rational-legal legitimacy; Effectiveness is difficult to deliver, slippery slope to abuse. Singapore, Turkey, Russia
Illiberal Democracy
Which type of government has the following traits; in which countries? Unlimited authority based on status; xyz.
Authoritarianism/Totalitarianism (extreme control over citizens’ lives)
Which type of government has the following traits; in which countries? Hereditary superiority, traditional legitimacy, obsolete notion of superiority. Saudi Arabia, Swaziland
Which type of government has the following traits; in which countries? Religious wisdom, charismatic legitimacy, Hard to maintain pure religious image while exercising secular power. Iran
Which type of government has the following traits; in which countries? Ideological path to utopia, charismatic legitimacy. Drift from ideological goals. China, Vietnam
One-Party Regime