Exam 6 Flashcards
supraorbital notch (foramen)
upper rim of orbit, nerve and blood supply to forehead
superior pharyngeal constrictor
contraction constricts upper pharynx and forces food or contents down pharynx
what is the name of the fluid that secretes TMJ for lubrication?
contraction pulls sides of the tongue up and back, pulls soft palate down, narrows space btween right and left facial pillars
verticle folds of tissue in front and back of tonils
hypophyseal fossa
houses pitutary gland
all nerves of facial expression muscles from what cranial nerve?
VII (facial)
upper border of sternum
what two areas is the TMJ articulated between?
between the temporal bone and the mandible
posterior cranial fossa
houses brain stem, and cerebellum
submandibular fossae
depression BELOW mylohyoid line (submandiublar gland)
infraorbital foramen
arteries and nerves to the upper lip, lower eyelid and side of nose (hardest injection)
what nerve innervates the muscles of mastication?
V3 mand. branch of trigeminal
what is the TMJ referred to as?
hinge and sliding joint with two movements, rotational and grinding
what is the muscle of mastication that insets into coronoid process and elevates mandible?
temporal muscle
where does most of the growth of the maxillae take place?
maxillary tuberosity
what are the grinding sounds of TMJ?
adhesions in synovial cavities, arthritis, disc perforations
retromolar triangle
area immediately behind third molars
muscles of the eye
orbicularis occuli
levator palebri superiosis
what is the horse shoe shaped bone suspended beneath the mandible?
hyoid bone
nasal septum
midline partition of nasal cavity
formed by vomer bone and part of ethmoid bone
movements of jaw and larynx
protrustion retrusion lateral excursion elevation depression
levator palpebri superioris
raises eyelid
region at posterior end of nasal septum where it opens into nasopharynx
10 muscles of mouth
orbicularis oris
levator labii superioris
zygomaticus minor
zygomaticus major
levator anguli oris
depressor labii inferioris
depressor anguli oris
aids in smiling but poorly developed
grinding of teeth, mostly occurs at night
arthritis is possible
middle meatus
hiatus semilunaris (half moon shaped opening)
orbicularis oris
circles oral cavity in lip
closes and compresses lips
anterior cranial fossa
houses frontal lobe of the brain
4 types of infrahyoids
what are the wavelike constrictions of digestive tube
peristaltic contractions
lamboid suture
formed by parietal and occipital bones
foramen rotundum
branch of V2 maxilla
2 bellies separated by an intermedaite tendon
from scapula and hyoid
crosses under sternocleidomastoid (SCM)
ethmoid sinuses
AKA ethmoid air cells
anterior, middle, posterior (infection gives a feeling of congestion and aching within nasal cavity)
what is a long tubelike opening thru the bone?
temporal and digastrics
muscles of pharynx
elevators/ dilators are two types
superior pharyngeal constrictor
middle pharyngeal constrictor
inferior pharyngeal constrictor
coronal suture
formed between frontal and parietal bones
foramen ovale
branch of V3 mandible
dislocation of mandible
manual manipulation back into place
this muscle pulls mouth angles up and toward midline
levator anguli oris
contraction elevates pharynx
bones of the face (14)
mandible (1) vomer (1) nasal bones (2) lacrimal (2) zygomatic (2) inferior nasal concha (2) palative (2) maxilla (2)
tensor veli palatini
opens audiotry tube when closed
what are fibers that penetrate tmj capsule into a disc?
superior head, lateral pterygoid muscle
sternocleidomastoid muscle
area referred to pain
palpate to check for enlarged lymph nodes
from mastoid process to sternum and clavicle
tilting and rotating of head
innervated by CN 11
levator veli palatini
elevates posterior end of soft palate
lateral pterygoid plate
lateral pterygoid muscle arises
maxillary process- frontal, zygomatic, alveolar process, horizontal palatine
what is an attachment for the sphenomandibular ligament?
contracting, backward pull on mandible (retrudes)
2 nerves supply-
anterior V3
posterior V2
lateral pterygoid muscle
superior head- fibers penetrate tmj capsule into disc
inferior head- fibers insert into neck of condyle and protruces and depresses mandible
muscles of the neck
platysma- from inferior border of mandible down to clavicle, moves the skin over the neck
middle cranial fossa
houses temporal lobe of brain
canine eminence
ridge of bone over maxillary canine
from genial tubercle to hyoid
depresses mandbile and elevates hyoid
1st cervical nerve
lingual artery blood supply
what is referred pain of the TMJ?
sensory messages apparently from TMJ are actually traveling to the brain from other regions
maxillary tuberosity
buldge of bone posterior to the 3rd molars, much of growth of the maxilla takes place
superior meatus
smallest meatus
what is a short, tubelike opening thru the bone?
sphenooccipital synchondrosis
major area of endochondral bone formation, develops facial profiles and malocclusions
projection of bone partially covering mandibular foramen
located under nasal conchae
inferior, superior, middle
work that is accomplished when muscle fibers contract
from bridge of nose to lateral eyebrow
end of muscle that is attached to the least moveable structure
bones surrounding the brain (8)
frontal (1) sphenoid (1) ethmoid(1) occipital(1) temporal(2) parietal (2)
what muscle moves skin over neck?
what are the muscles of mastication responsible for?
elevating, protruding, retruding, lateral movements (side to side)
inferior meatus
opening of nasolacrimal duct
what is a fibrous pad of dense collagen tissue that sits between the condyle head and the anterior glenoid fossa?
articular disc
thickest in posterior-posterior band
thinner in middle-intermediate zone
thicker in anterior-anterior band
glenoid fossa
part of temporal bone where condyle articulates (part of TMJ)
mandibular foramen
(lingual surface)
nerve/blood supply enters here
this pulls down the lower lip
depressor labii inferioris
lacrimal groove
from inner croner of eye to maxillary sinus (where tears flow into the nose)
from thyroid cartliage to hyoid bone
carotid canal
opening for internal carotid artery
other end of the muscle that is attached to the moveable structure
curvature associated with the tooth root
protruding lateral margins (forming wing-sides of nose)
nasal aperature is pear shaped
bolus of food
ball of food shaped by teeth, cheeks, tongue
what are the four muscles of mastication?
masseter, temporal, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid
goblet cells
secrete mucous substance that traps contaminants as they enter the nasal cavity
what prevents the condyle from being displaced?
temporomandibular ligament
What surrounds the brain and protects from injury, forms facial features, and participates in the growth process of the jaws?
The bones of the skull
3 components of pharynx
nasal-posterior end of nasal cavity
oral-back throat wall
laryngeal-below tongue where digestive/resp. system branch
muscles of the scalp
occipitofrontalis (epicranius)
foward and backward movement of scalp
CN 7
lateral pterygoid and hyoids
canine fossae
depression in bone above canine eminence
crista galli
attachment for the layers covering the brain
mental foramen
located on the mandible, mental nerve and vessels pass to chin, lower lip and labial gingiva of anterior mandible (easiest injection)
from bridge of nose to medial eyebrow (frowning)
what is the muscle for smiling
zygomaticus major
paranasal sinuses
ethmoid (2)
frontal (2)
maxillary (2)
sphenoid (2)
middle pharyngeal constrictor
contraction constricts pharyngeal opening and foces food toward esophagus
mandible parts
alveolar process, ramus, body, angle of mandible, dividing line between body and ramus
what is the function of sinuses?
to lighten the overall bone weight by being hollowed out cavities
what is the mentalis
pulls skin up toward the incisors in mandible
stylomastoid foramen
VII exits to muscles of facial expression
small foramen between mastoid and styloid process
floor of the mouth
from the mylohyoid line of the mandible to hyoid bone
v3 innervation
inferior alveolar artery blood supply
this is the passageway for the olfactory nerve or nerves of smell from the nasal cavity to the brain…
cribriform plate
nasal conchae
located on lateral walls of cavity
what are the 4 types of suprahyoids?
digastrics, mylohyoid, geniohyoid, stylohyoid
anterior nasal spine
radiographic landmark for cephalometric films (ortho)
movements of anterior soft palate
optic foramen
opening in orbit where optic nerve enters in
eye cavity
orbicularis oculi
circles the eye
orbital part-around the eye
palebratal part-eye lid
where does the rim of the orbit come from?
frontal, zygomatic, and maxillary bones
projection of bone partially covering mandibular foramen
attachment for sphenomandibular ligament
what is the most important muscle in mastication
origniates from pterygomandibular raphe
aids in mastication
musculature of cheek
Styloid process
projection behind ear, attachment for muscle and ligaments
medial pterygoid, masseter, temporal
sublingual foasse
depression ABOVE mylohyoid line (sublingual gland)
inferior pharyngeal constrictor
contraction continues to force food down to esophagus and onto the stomach
foramen magnum
large opening toward posterior of skull on inferior view (spinal cord exits)
lateral pterygoid muscles
muscles of nose
naslis-opens and closes the nostrils
dilator naris- flares nostrils
compressor naris-closes nostrils
respiratory epithelium
pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium with goblet cells (found in respiratory tract)
upper part of sternum to thyroid cartliage
How many bones and groups are in the skull?
22 bones
2 groups (neurocranium, viscerocranium)
this is the area posterior to the disc, the tissues are present and loose connective tissue and nerves and blood supply?
retrodiscal pad
depressor anguli oris
pulls corner of lip down-pouting
maxillary sinuses
largest paranasal sinuses (infections gives feeling of clogged up head, and can cause teeth to hurt)
mastoid process
projection of temporal behind external auditory meatus (insertion pooint for sternocleidomastoid muscle -SCM)
foramen spinosum
middle meningeal artery (blood supply to the covering of the brain)
what is the hard palate formed by?
palatal process of maxilla and the palatal process of palatine bone
zygomatic arch
projects from temporal joints with zygoma
maxillary sinuses
largest paransal sinuses (infection affects teeth and vice versa)
what is the most difficult view of the skull for a student?
mental protuberance
tip of the chin
what is a shallow depression in the tooth?
causes of subluxation
depth of glenoid fossa
height of articular eminence
position of capsule around joint
this elevates the lip but poorly developed
zygomaticus minor
what is the most powerful muscle of mastication?
masseter muscle, also elevates
means the area associated with the apical portion of the root of the tooth
lateral excursion
lateral pterygoid (side to side)
(L) pterygoid contracts, mandible goes to the right
(R) pterygoid contracts, mandible goes to the left
frontal sinuses
located in frontal bone above orbit (infections cause pressure and pain above eyes)
squamosal suture
squamous portion of temporal and pariteal bones (overlapping suture)
what elevates the upper lip
levator labii superioris
genial tubercles
(midline lingual)
muscle attachment
(bulls eye on xray)
portion of the nasal complex that protrudes outward from the skeletal component
mylohyoid line
(lingual surface)
attachment for mylohyoid muscle
medial pterygoid plate
medial pterygoid muscle arises
muscles of soft palate
muscle of uvula
leavtor veli palatini
tensor veli palatini
muscle of uvula
contraction shortens, broadens uvula
opening into nasal cavity from maxillary sinus
ramus parts
condylar neck
coronoid notch
-depression in ramus
coronid process
external oblique line (ridge)
trapezius muscle
from external occipital protuberance and spinous process of cervial and thoracic vertebrae-scapula and clavicle
adducts/elevates scapula (adduct-move towards midline)
triangular in shape
what muscle elevates the mandible and closes the mouth?
medial pterygoid muscle
sagital suture
formed between parietal bones (midline of skull)
sphenoid sinuses
body of sphenoid just under pituitary fossa (infections cause pressure and congested feeling that is hard to localize but its deep in the head)
what muscles can you refer pain to the TMJ?
muscles of mastication
styloid process to hyoid
hyoid bone backward and upward
cranial nerve V 2
facial/occipital arteries
what is another name for ethmoid sinus?
ethmoid air cells
what are the popping and clicking sounds of TMJ?
disc displacement
pterygopalatine fossa
major nerve/blood vessels to oral/nasal cavity branch (between maxilla and pterygoid process)
what is the joining of 2 or more bones?