exam 5 Flashcards
breasts are modified
sweat glands
types of tissues in breasts
suspensory ligament of breasts
bands of fibrous tissues extending from skin of breats to CT of chest wall
breasts has abundant
blood supply and lymphatic drainage
puberty of breasts
response to estrogen and progesterone
respond to hormonal stimulation
breasts examination
mammogram-identify lesions
benign cystic change in breast
very common
called fibrocystic disease
proliferation of glandular and fibrous tissue
irregualr cyclic response to hormones
young women
tumor of fibrous and glandular tissue
breast carcinoma risk factors
family history hormones birth of first child after 30 early menarche late menopause rare in men
breast cancer causes
estrogen-progestin use increase risk of cancer
just estrogen slight increase in risk of cancer
mutant BRCA1 gene
increase breast and ovarian cancer (80%)
mutant BRCA2 gene
breast cancer risk of 80%
classification of breast cancer
site of orgin
presence or absence of invasion
degree of differentiation
evolution of breast cancer
mammogram identify 2 years before exam
cancers may become invasive
metastizes to lymph nodes
early diagnoses
breast cancer treatment
radical masectomy-total masectomy with lymph nodes
partial masectomy-remove parts
lumpectomy-removes tumor
mild chronic inflammation of cervix
caused by std
tubal infection
pelvic inflammatory disease
inflammation of fallopian tubes and ovaries
lower ab pain
increase leukocytes
tubal scarring
venereal warts in genital tract
benign tumer like overgrowths
deposits of endometrial tissues outside normal location
remove via laparascopy
synthetic hormones to compress menstrul cycle
cervical polyps
benign arise from cervix
erosion of tip may cause bleeding
cervical dysplasia
abnormal growth and maturation of cervical epitherlium
mild dysplasia of cervix
cervical inflammation
regresses randomly
secere dysplasia of cervix
does not regress
cervical intraepitherlial neoplasia
different stages of abnormalities
some HPV cause this-common
resolve randomly
pap smear shows abnormal cells
benign endometrial hyperplasia
excessive growth
irregular uterine bleeding
benign endometrial polyps
may bleed if tip is eroded
uterine myomas
benign smooth muscle tumors from uterine wall
dysfunktional uterine bleeding
follicle fails to mature and no ovulation
disturbances of hormones
normal uterine cycle
first half- endometrial glands and stroma proliferate under estrogen
midcycle- ovulation
no preggo- corpus luteum sheds and hormone levels fall
primary dysmenorrhea
most common
prostaglandins sysnthesize under influence of progesterone during secertory phase-contractions-pain
ovarian cysts
arise from ovarian follicle that fail to regress normally
funktional cysts
follicle and corpus luteum cysts deranged maturation and involution regress randomly
endometrial cysts
deposits in ovary fill with old blood and debris
benign cystic teratoma
arise from unfertilizes ova that undergo neoplastic change
contains teeth, hair, bone, etc
serous tumor
resembles cells lining fallopian tubes
mucinous tumor
resemblwa mucus secreting tumor of endocervix
endometeroid tumor
resembles endometrial tissue
from fibrous CT cells of ovary
toxic shock syndrome
caused by toxin produced by normal flora in reproductive tract
natural family planning artifical contraception barries methods oral contraceptives IUDs
kidneys produce
urine by filtering blood
takes urine from kidney to bladder
stores urine
takes urine outside of body
3 basic funktions of kidney
excrete wastes of food metabolism
regulate mineral and water balance
produce erythropoietin and renin: hormones
funktional unit of kidney
bundle of capillaries
surrounded by capsule
mesangial cells
contractile phagocytic cells that hold capillaries together
regulate diameter of capillaries-filteration rate
renal tubule
reabsorbs most of filtrate
secrete unwanted gluid to tubular fluid
requirements for normal renal funktion
free flow of blood through capillaries
normally funktioning glomerular filter
normal outflow of urine
released in response to decreased blood volume and low BP, low sodium
angiotensin 2
powerful vasoconstrictor- raise BP
stimulates aldosterone secretion
self regulating
renal agenesis
failure of one or both kidneys to develop
inflammation of glomeruli caused by antigen-antibody reaction
usually follows strep infection
autoantibodies attack basement membrane
nephrotic syndrome
marked loss of proteins in urine-edema low plasma osmotic pressure
arteriolar nephrosclerosis
complication of severe hypertension
renal arterioles undergo thickening-high pressure
gout nephropathy
elevated blood uric acid levels
urate may enter henle loops
gram negative bacteria
contaminate perianal and genital areas and ascend urethra
how to prevent UTI
free urine flow
large urine volume
complete bladder emptying
acid urine
causes of UTI
anything that impairs free drainage
stagnation of urine
injury from kidney stone
affects only the bladder
common in women
burning pain on urination
frequent peeing
upper urinary tract
ascednign infection from bladder
carried to kidneys from bloodstream
urinary calculi
stones in urinary tract
high concentration of salts in urine
reduce solubulity of salts
staghorn calculus
urinary stones increase in size to from large branching structures
treatments for urinary stones
shockwave lithotripsy
urinary obstruction
blockage of urine outflow leads to progressive dilation of tract
dilation of ureter
renal tubular injury
impaired renal blood flow
tubular necrosis caused by toxic drugs or chemicals
renal cysts
solitary cysts common
autosomal dominant
first manifestation of renal tumors
renal failure
retention of excessive byproducts of protein metabolism in blood
acute renal failure
tubular necrosis from impaired blood flow to kidneys
funktion will return
chronic renal failure
toxic buildup
substitutes fro funktions of kidneys by removing waste
spherical glands that surrounds urethra
secrete alkaline fluid into urethra
inner group of prostate glands
surround urethra as it passes
may arise benign hyperplasia
outer or main group of prostate glands
bulk of prostatic glandular tissue
may arise prostate cancer
benign prostatic hyperplasia
moderate enlargement of prostate gland
inner group of glands
obstructs outflow of urine
acute inflammation of prostate
prostate cancer
outer group of glands
metastasizes to bones of spine and pelvis
increase in PSA
testis do not descend into scrotum
must surgically bring down
testicular torsion
abnormal attachment of testis in scrotum
twisting of testis and spermatic cord
may lead to hemorrhagic infarction
excess fluid accumualates
varicose veins in spermatic cord
causes of erectile dysfunktion
low testosterone damage to nerves impaired blood supply anti-hypertensive drugs stress
penile erection
arteries dilate to deliever large volume of blood
compress draining veins
parasympathetic- nitric oxide cause relax smooth muscle
funktions of liver
portal vein
delievered nutrient rich, oxygen poor blood
hepatic artery
supplies liver with oxygenated blood
from breakdown of RBC water and bile salts (emuslify fats) lecithin cholesterol minerals
types of liver injury
cell necrosis
fatty change
hepatitis A
RNA containing virus transmitted via fecal contamination/person to person or food and water self limited no chronic liver disease vaccine
hepatitis B
DNA containing virus transmitted via blood or body fluids antigen-antibody tests few become carries or develop chronic liver disease vaccine
hepatitis C
RNA virus transmitted via blood and body fluids no immunization no prevention after exposure most are carries and develop chronic liver disease
hepatitis D
small defective RNA virus
only infects those with HBV
hepatitis E
RNA containing virus
transmitted via oral-fecal or contaminated water
no prevention after exposure
no vaccines
fatty liver
fat accumulates secondary to injury
common in heavy drinkers
injury still reversible
alcoholic liver disease
group of structural and funktional changes in liver from excessive alcohol
3 stages- fatty, hepatitis, cirrohosis
diffuse scarring of liver from abnormal liver funktion and regeneration
possible esophageal varics = hemorrhage
primary biliary cirrhosis
autoimmune disease attacking small bile ducts
requires liver transplant
secondary biliary cirrhosis
obstruction of large bile ducts
gallstone, cancer
stones in gallbladder higher in women influenced by solublity of cholesterol in bile cause jaundice must remove gallbladder
inflammation of gallbladder
reyes syndrome
combined effect of viral illness and use of aspirin
liver and brain damage
infants and kids
primary liver cancer
uncommon in US
high in HBV carries
metastic liver cancer
spread from primary sites other than liver
yellow discoloration of skin and slcera from accumulation of bile in body fluds
liver biopsy
determine cause and extent
pancreas exocrine funktion
secretes pancreatic juices itno duodenum
acute pancreatitis
escape of pancreatic juice from ducts into tissue cause destruction and hemorrhage buidlup of juices may rupture from gallstones or alcohol high mortality
chronic pancreatitis
repeat episodes of inflammation
may lead to diabetes
cystic fibrosis
autosomal recessive trait infants and kids 50% die before 32 defective transport of chloride mucus thickens causing plugs in pancreatic and bile ducts and bronchi
funktion of GI tract
digestion and absorption into bloodstream
cleft lip and palate
2 masses of tissues that fuse to separate nose and mouth
surgical correction
pharynx to stomach with sphincters
upper esophageal sphincter
skeletal muscle
lower esophageal sphincter
smooth muscle
difficulty swallowing
choking and coughing
disturbances of lower esophageal sphincter
spasm- fails to open properly
incompetent- remains open
causes of esophageal obtruction
tumors narrows lumen
food impaction
scar tissue due to necrosis and inflammation
inflammation of stomach
acute gastritis
self limited
ulceration or bleeding
H pylori gastritis
bacteria that colonize in stomach
may lead to ulcers
peptic ulcer
digestion of mucosa due to increase acid secretions and enzymes
hemorrhage, perforation, obstruction
treat with antacids
stomach cancer
abdominal pain
inflammation of intestines
crohns disease
chronic inflammation and ulceration of mucosa with thickening and scarring of bowel wall
surgical ressection
ulcerative colitis
inflammation of mucosa
bowel wall NOT thickend
bloody diarrhea
treat with corticosteroids
antibiotic associated colities
broad spectrum anitbiotics destroy normal flora
produce toxins = necrosis
diarrhea= stool culture
drugs that decrease molity
most common inflammatory lesion of bowl
plugged with fecal matter
merkels diverticulum
outpouching of distal intestine
outpouching of colonic mucosa in large intestine
inflammtion of diverticulum trapped with fecal matter
lactose intolerance
unable to digest lactose into glucose and galactose due to lactase deficiency
fermented by bacteria in colon
diarrhea and constipation
excessive mucus secretion
emotional tension
increase molitiy
anorexia nervosa
false perception of being fat
food intake restricted to lose weight
vomitting and laxatives
bulimea nervosa
binge and purge
gastric mucosa tears from vomitting
dental problems
high intestinal obstruction
severe cramps from peristalsis
vomit=loss of water
low intestinal obstruction
mild cramps
adhesvie bands of CT
loops of bowel become kinked, compressed, twisted
protrusion of loop of bowel into opening of abdominal wal
inguinal hernia
bowel moves through inguinal ring into scrotum
umbilical hernia
bowl enter umbilicus
femoral hernia
bowel enters femoral vessels of groin
strangulated hernia
bowel tightly constricted obstructing blood supply
rotary twisting bowel impairing blood supply
telescoping bowl into other segemtns
symtopms of intestinakl cancer
weakenss and fatigue