exam 3 Flashcards
endocrine system
glands or organs that secrete hormones into bloodstream
hormones only affect
target tissues
target tissues
tissue cells that contain specific receptors
majory endorcrine glands
pituitary thyroid parathyroid adrenal cortex and medulla panreatic islets ovaries testes
ways to regulate hormone secretion
blood level of hormone
nervous system
other hormones
anterior pituitary
produces and secretes hormones
posterior pituitary
stores and secretes 2 hormones produced by hypothalamus
tropoc hormones
regulate activity of other endocrine glands
secreted by anterior pituitary
anterior pituitary hormones
human growth hormone prolactin tsh acth fsg lh
posterior pituitary hormones
antidiuretic hormone
growth hormone deficiency
pituiary dwarfism
retarded growth and deveopment
growth hormone overproduction
pituitary adenoma
gigantism in kids
acromegaly in adults
prolactin overproduction
milk secretion from non preggo women or male breasts
diabetes insipidus
failure of posterior love to secrete adh or failure of kidney to respond to adh
unable to absorb water
causes excretion of large amounts of dilited urine
pituitary gland tumors
funktional tumor
produce hormones that cause clinical manifeststions
nonfunktional tumors
do not produce hormones
treatment of pituitary gland tumors
type, size, hormone
tumor suppressor drugs
thyroid gland
two lobes connected via isthmus
thyroid follicles that produce and store hormones
hormone regulation regulated by tsh from anterior
actions of thyroid gland
controls metabolism
regulate body temp
normal growth and develoment
nontoxic goiter
no hormones
thyroid enlarges to increase hormone secretion
causes of nontoxic goiter
inadequate hormone output
iodine defieciency
enzyme deficiency
toxic goiter or graves disease
antithyroid antibody that stimulates gland
mimics affects of tsh but not subject to normal control mechanisms
myxedema in adults
metabolic slowing
cretinism in kids
impaired growth and nervous system development
low metabolism
hashimotos disease
autoantibody destroys thyroid tissue
results in hypothyroidsim
parathyroid glands
secrete pth to regulate blood calcium levels
pth secreted in response to low blood calcium
increase breakdown of bone
increase calcium absorption tbrough gi tract
decrease calcium exerction in urine
from tumor
excessive pth leads to increased calcium levels
decreased stimulation of skeletal muscles
accidental removal of parathyroid
neuromuscular excitability and tetany
adrenal glands
kidney secrete from cortex: glucocorticods- cortisol mineralocorticoids-aldosterone androgens- testosterone
secrete from medulla
adrenal medulla
pheochromocytoma: funktional tumor
cardiovascular effectd cerebral hemorrage decreased blood flownto kidneys pale skin excessive sweating
addison disease
hyposecretion of adrenal cortex hormones
cortisol defieciency causes hypoglycemia
aldosterone deficiency causes low blood volume and low blood pressure
hyperpigmentation from increased acth
cushing disease
hypersecretion of adrenal cortex hormones
cortisol causes abnormal carb, fat, protein metabolism and hyperglucemia
aldosteron excess cause high blood volume and high blood pressure
testosterone causes exaggerated male sex characterisitcs
2 types of hormone secreting crlls clustered together in pancreatic islets or islets of langerhans
alpha and beta
alpha cells
secrete glucagon
raise blood glucose
beta cells
secrete insulin
lower blood glucose
diabetes mellitus
very common
important metabolic disease
2 types
type 1 diabetes
insulin deficiency
kids and young adults
type 2 diabetes
inadequate response to insulin
more common
increased glucose levels
type 1 diabetes mellitus
damage from pancreatic islets
reduction or absence of insulin
follows viral infections
production of autoantibodies agianst islets cells
diabetic ketosis
type 2 diabetes mellitus
overweight or obese adults
insulin secretion is normal or increased
reduced response of tissue to insulin
complications of diabetes
increased susceptibility to infection
diabetic coma
renal failure
ketone bodies
glucose absorbed normally but cannot enter cells without insulin
body turns fat as source of energy
ketone bodies produced
accumulation of ketone bodies in blood amd excreted in urine
influences carb, protein, fat metabolism on liver cells, muscle, adipose
main stimuluse for insulin release
high glucose in blood
insulin promotes
entry of glucose into cells
utilization of glucose as source of energy
storahe of glucose as glycogen
conversion of glucose into trglucerides
storage of triglycerides in fat cells
entry lf amino acids into cells and stimulate protein syntheiss
hypoglycemia in diabetes
pancrease regulates glucose in blood by adjusting output of insulin
neurologic manifestations: lightheaded, dizzy, confusion
causes of hypoglycemia
self administration of insulin and not eating
islet cell tumor
treatment of diabetes
type 1: requires insuline
type 2: weight reduction and diet
testes and ovaries
produce gametes
produce sex hormones
testosterone funktions
regulate sperm production
develope male sex organs
funktion of reproductive organs
regulate sex drive
stimulate protein synthesis
estrogen funktions
regualate ovary funktion
uterine blood supply
decrease blood cholesterol levels
stimulate protein synthesis
any event that disturbs homeostasis
acute response to stress
fight or flight
chronic response to stress
alters metabolism
imcreass cv system
impairs inflammatoru and immune response
spinal cord
crainial and spinal nerves
funktional cells
recieve input, process it, generate and conduct response
neruoglial cells
sensory or motor
sensory nerve
transmits impulses into spinal cord and brain
motor nerve
efferent nerve
transmits impulses out of brain amd spinal cord