Exam 4: NR414 Flashcards
Objective Findings for Osteoarthritis
- Limited ROM in the affected joint
- fluid iseasily moved around the joint space
A murmur heard after S1 and before S2 is classified as
systolic (possibly benign)
During a visit for a school physical the 13 year old questions the asymmetry of her breasts. What is your best response?
“One breast may grow faster than the other during development”
During examination of the breasts of a pregnant woman, what are the expected findings?
A blue vascular pattern over both breasts
moving a limb away from the midline of the body
really dark stools b/c of blood
an abnormal sensation such as burning or tingling.
What is the sequence used during examination of the abdomen?
- Inspect
- Auscultate
- Percuss
- Palpate
all ascending and descending fiber tracts; it has vital autonomic centers for respiration, heart, and gastrointestinal function as well as nuclei for cranial nerves VIII through XII.
What would cause a false positive fecal occult test?
red meat
When is the bulbourethral gland assessed
exam of a male patient
What does a “normal” tympanic membrane look like?
Shiny, translucent, pearly grey
a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D.
What 4 areas do you auscultate when listening to the heart?
- Aortic, Pulmonic, Tricuspid, Mitral
What is the time frame for full breast development?
1.5 - 6 years
A 78 year old male comes into the office and the nurse assesses that he has a greying/white arc/circle around his cornea with no vision loss. She should conclude that the patient has:
Arcus Senillis
describe the anal canal
- 3.8 cm long long outlet of the GI tract
skin normal findings seen mostly in infants? x3
- Cafe Au Lait Spot
- Mongolian Spot
- Lanugo
Describe the Left Lung
- narrower than the right w/ 2 lobes
Each half of the cerebrum is a
How common is prostate cancer
How do we detect Prostate Cancer early?
- Blood for prostate specific antigen (PSA)
- Digital Rectal Examination (DRE)
style of speech for a person with parkinsons
slow monotonous
The best exercises to maintain bone health are
Weight bearing exercises
Straightening a limb at a joint
Normal stool characteristics
Softs, brown, BM daily
An area of the body that is supplied mainly from one spinal segment through a particular spinal nerve is identified as a:
When is a baseline mammogram recommened for women?
Between 35 and 39 yrs
slow, writhing, continuous, and involuntary movements of the extremities.
When is the best time to perform a breast self examination?
on the 4th - 7th day of the cycle
The knee joint is the articulation of three bones, the:
- femur,
- tibia
- patella.
occurs with diabetes, epilepsy, and alcoholic liver disease. Chronic hyperplasia of the palmar fascia causes flexion contractures of the digits.
Dupuytren contracture
Turning the forearm so the palm is up
Clonus that may be seen when testing deep tendon reflexes is characterized by a(n):
- a set of rapid, rhythmic contractions of the same muscle.
How do you examine the trigeminal nerve in an infant
offer the baby a bottle
Swan-neck, boutonnière deformity, and ulnar deviation are conditions associated with
rheumatoid arthritis
The test where you place a coin on a person’s hand and ask him or her to indentify it
Anterior and Posterior Stability are provided to the knee joint by the
- anterior/posterior cruciate ligaments
Older Adult Expected Finding During Breast Exam
- lactiferous ducts are more palpable
- feel firm and stringy b/c of fibrosis and calcification.
Turning the forearm so the palm is out
n impaired ability to coordinate movement, often characterized by a staggering gait and postural imbalance.
What is a symptom of internal hemorroids?
frequent constipation, rectal bleeding and pain. No mass at anal opening
An expected postmenopausal breast change includes:
- glandular tissue atrophy.
- increased fibrous connective tissue.
- fat tissue atrophy.
- Decrease Breast Size
Subjective Data for Osteoarthritis
- Pain (worse later in the day)
- stiffness
- reported limited ROM
Where is the most common site for breast tumors
upper outer quadrant
Crepitation is an audible sound that is produced by:
roughened articular surfaces moving over each other
What is a findiing that indicated prostate cancer in the prostate gland?
diffuse hardness
Which of the following options is not a change that comes with menopause?
- The vaginal pH becomes more alkalotic
- The vagina becomes shorter and narrower
- The cervix shrinks
- The ovaries hypertrophy
localized uncoordinated, uncontrollable twitching of a single muscle group innervated by a single motor nerve fiber or filament.
How do you elicit Babinski Reflex
stroke the lateral aspect of the sole of the foot from heel to the ball
A known risk factor for breast cancer includes:
Early Menarche, or Late Menopause (after 55)
a person hears and comprehends words but is unable to speak correctly; incoherent words are substituted for intended words.
During neurologic examination the tendon reflex fails to appear. Before striking the tendon again, the examiner might use what type of technique?
A positive babinski sign is
dorsifelxion of the big toe and fanning of all toes