[Anatomy: Cervical Vertebrae ]
?x in number
Occupy the _____ region
Unique features:
_____ _____ located on transverse processes
_____ _____ processes
[Anatomy: Cervical Vertebrae]
Seven in number
Occupy the neck region
Unique features:
Transverse foramina located on transverse processes
Bifid spinous processes
[Anatomy: Cervical Vertebrae]
First two are atypical to join with skull:
_____ or _____
_____ or _____
_____ is also atypical to join with _____
[Anatomy: Cervical Vertebrae]
First two are atypical to join with skull:
C1 or atlas
C2 or axis
C7 is also atypical to join with T-spine
[Anatomy: C1 (Atlas) ]
Consists of:
What four things and how many?
[Anatomy: C1 (Atlas)]
Consists of:
Anterior arch
Posterior arch
Two lateral masses
Two transverse processes
[Anatomy: C1 (Atlas)]
C1 has no _____ _____
_____ _____ _____ receive the condyles of the occipital bone
[Anatomy: C1 (Atlas)]
C1 has no vertebral body
Superior articular processes receive the condyles of the occipital bone
[Anatomy: C2 (Axis) ]
Has a _____ process, called the _____ or _____, on upper, anterior of body
_____ is received into _____ _____ of C1
[Anatomy: C2 (Axis)]
Has a conical process, called the dens or odontoid, on upper, anterior of body
Odontoid is received into anterior ring of C1
[Also note about C2: the Axis ]
Odontoid process (Dens)
Largest _____ of C-spine
Tallest _____ _____ of C-spine
Allows _____ of head (pivot)
[Also note about C2: the Axis]
Odontoid process (Dens)
Largest body of C-spine
Tallest spinous process of C-spine
Allows rotation of head (pivot)
[Anatomy: C7]
Also called the _____ _____ because of its long, prominent spinous process
Easily _____
[Anatomy: C7]
Also called the vertebra prominens because of its long, prominent spinous process
Easily palpated
[Also note about C3 through C7 ]
Each has ?x foramina:
L + R _____ foramina
_____ foramen
Spinous process has _____ tips
[Also note about C3 through C7]
Each has 3 foramina:
L + R transverse foramina
Vertebral foramen
Spinous process has bifid tips
[Also note about C3 through C7]
Articular pillars
C7 _____ _____ –long spinous process
[Also note about C3 through C7]
Articular pillars
C7 vertebra prominens –long spinous process
[Intervertebral foramina]
Formed by articulation with vertebrae above and below at _____ _____
[Intervertebral foramina]
Formed by articulation with vertebrae above and below at vertebral notch
[Intervertebral foramina]
Transmission of _____ _____ + _____ _____
[Intervertebral foramina]
Transmission of spinal nerves + blood vessels
[Intervertebral foramina]
Seen on what position?
[Intervertebral foramina]
Seen on 45° obliques
[Zygapophyseal Joints ]
Articulations between _____ _____ of the vertebral arches
[Zygapophyseal Joints]
Articulations between articular processes of the vertebral arches
[Zygapophyseal Joints]
Allow passage for the _____ _____.
[Zygapophyseal Joints]
Allow passage for the nerve roots.
[Zygapophyseal Joints]
Seen in _____ C?-C?
Seen in _____ C?-C?
[Zygapophyseal Joints]
Seen in Lateral C2-C7
Seen in AP C1-C2
[Patient Preparation]
Patient preparation for cervical spine (C-spine) procedures requires removal of artifacts from the anatomy of interest:
Earrings Necklaces Eyeglasses False teeth Clothing artifacts
[Patient Preparation]
Patient preparation for cervical spine (C-spine) procedures requires removal of artifacts from the anatomy of interest:
Earrings Necklaces Eyeglasses False teeth Clothing artifacts
[IR/Collimated Field Size]
Typically a 10”x12” IR is used for the radiography of the _____ _____.
If available, an 8”x10” IR can be used for the _____ and _____ projections.
[IR/Collimated Field Size]
Typically a 10”x12” IR is used for the radiography of the Cervical Spine.
If available, an 8”x10” IR can be used for the AP and Odontoid projections.
[SID ]
A __” SID will be used for the Lateral and Oblique projections, and a __” SID will be used for the AP and Odontoid projections.
Theoretically, a __” to __” SID is recommended for projections with increased OID
A 72” SID will be used for the Lateral and Oblique projections, and a 40” SID will be used for the AP and Odontoid projections.
Theoretically, a 60” to 72” SID is recommended for projections with increased OID
[Patient Instructions ]
Respiration is suspended during most _____ essential projections:
Lateral (Grandy) breathing technique: ?
AP open-mouth position: ?
Swimmer’s technique can use breathing technique to blur _____ anatomy
[Patient Instructions]
Respiration is suspended during most C-spine essential projections:
Lateral (Grandy) breathing technique: suspension after full expiration to depress shoulders
AP open-mouth position: patient phonates “ah” to depress tongue to floor of mouth
Swimmer’s technique can use breathing technique to blur lung anatomy
[AP Dens (Fuchs)]
Fuchs method contraindicated if _____ _____ or _____ is suspected
Only upper part of _____ is demonstrated
[AP Dens (Fuchs)]
Fuchs method contraindicated if cervical fracture or disease is suspected
Only upper part of dens is demonstrated
[AP C1-C2, Open Mouth]
Part position:
Align edge of upper _____ and _____ tip perpendicular to IR
Mouth open as wide as possible
[AP C1-C2, Open Mouth]
Part position:
Align edge of upper incisors and mastoid tip perpendicular to IR
Mouth open as wide as possible
[AP C1-C2, Open Mouth ]
Directed perpendicular to the IR
Enters patient at midpoint of _____ _____
[AP C1-C2, Open Mouth]
Directed perpendicular to the IR
Enters patient at midpoint of open mouth
[AP Axial C-Spine]
Part position:
_____ in same horizontal plane
_____ aligned with long axis of IR
_____ in center of IR
_____ of head perpendicular
Extend chin to place _____ _____ perpendicular to tabletop
[AP Axial C-Spine]
Part position:
Shoulders in same horizontal plane
MSP aligned with long axis of IR
C4 in center of IR
MSP of head perpendicular
Extend chin to place occlusal plane perpendicular to tabletop
[AP Axial C-Spine ]
CR: ?
[AP Axial C-Spine]
CR: Directed through C4 at 15 to 20 degrees cephalad
[Lateral C-Spine (Grandy) ]
Lateral projection demonstrates…?
[Lateral C-Spine (Grandy)]
Lateral projection demonstrates zygapophyseal joints of cervical spine.