Exam 4 Flashcards
most frequently occurring pancreatic d/o
tx for T1 DM
T2 DM tx
-dietary intake
-oral antiglycemic
T2 DM in children
on rise in children, especially those who are obese
DM T1 typical onset
-5-7 y.o. or at puberty
-onset is abrupt
-initial sx is marked weight loss
DM T1 sx
-marked weight loss
-become acidotic
-polydipsia and polyphagia
-polyuria (often bed-wetting)
-grades drop
-blurry vision
-mood changes (possible behavioral concerns)
-period of remission for 1-12 months
-gradual onset
-become acidotic
-polydipsia and polyphagia
-polyuria (often bed-wetting)
-grades drop
-blurry vision
-mood changes (possible behavioral concerns)
-require meticulous skin and foot care
-no period of remission
T1 DM insulin production
T2 DM insulin production
DM T1 etiology
- immunologic damage to islet cells
-genetic (probably)
insulin fx
-opens cells to glucose absorption
deficient insulin effects (physiology)
glucose builds up in the bloodstream because not absorbed by cells
-kidneys detect hyperglycemia (over renal threshold of 160 mg/dL, then excrete glucose into the urine causing glycosuria and polyuria
ketosis from low insulin
-high BG resulting from low insulin starves cells of energy
-cells compensate by breaking down energy and fat
-this causes abnormal levels of ketones, a product of fat breakdown, which leaves the body in the urine
-potassium and phosphate try to act as buffers and go into blood stream; they then leave the body in the urine, causing low electrolytes
children with untreated diabetes
-very susceptible to low electrolytes
-growth impacted by not having energy
cardinal sx of DM
-polyuria (excessive urination)
-polydipsia (excessive thirst)
Tx T1DM (5)
-stress management
-monitor BG and ketones
new DM diagnosis in children
-3 day hospital admit
-extensive pt. and family education
BG range for children with T1 DM before meal
70 - 110
BG range for children with T1 DM 1 hr. after meal
90 - 180
BG range for children with T1 DM 2 hours after meal
80 - 150
BG range for children with T1 DM between 2AM and 4 AM
70 - 120
Somogyi effect
-rebound hyperglycemic response caused by insulin overuse
-suspected when children have hypoglycemia at 2 or 3 AM followed by early morning hyperglycemia
teach these ketoacidosis signs
-very thirsty
-stomach pain
-shortness of breath
-fruity breath
nursing care for DM
-support child and family
-listen to concerns
-support their goals
-care coordination
etiology of precocious puberty
-GnRH release is suppressed because hypothalamus is very sensitive to small amount of estrogen produced by the adrenal glands
-in puberty, the hypothalamus is becomes less sensitive to estrogen feedback
-if hypothalamus is damaged, can lead to early or late puberty and activation of GnRH
GH Deficiency is a d/o of the _____ and causes ______
-very short stature
GH deficiency tx
injection of synthetic GH
GH excess
-overgrowth of body tissues
diabetes insipidus physiology and tx
-decreased release of ADH leading to polyuria
-tx is DDAVP (an arginine vasopressin)
Pituitary hormones: ADH
-source: neurohypophysis
-target: kidneys
-regulates fluid volume through urine output (decreases), increasing ECF
-low ADH causes polyuria
-high ADH from trauma, pain, anxiety, exposure to high temps
Pituitary hormones: ACTH (corticotropin)
-source: adenohypophysis
-target: adrenal glands
-stimulates adrenal glands to produce glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid hormones.
-increased production of adrenal gland secretions decreases ACTH production and vice versa
Pituitary hormones: somatropin (Growth Hormone, or GH)
-source: adenohypophysis
-target: acts on all body cells
-GH increases bone and cartilage growth by increasing GI absorption of calcium
-if GH production is inhibited, undergrowth will occur, and overgrowth if excessive GH production
Pituitary hormones: thyrotropin (TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone)
-source: adenohypophysis
-target: thyroid
-TSH stimulates thyroid gland to produce hormones (thyroxine and triiodothyronine)
-too little TSH leads to atrophy and inactivity of the thyroid gland; too much TSH causes hypertrophy (increased size) and hyperplasia (increase in number of cells) of the gland
paroxysmal d/o
-d/o that occurs suddenly and recurrently
-ex.: seizures, headaches, breath-holding spells are most common in childhood
-involuntary contraction of muscle by abnormal electrical brain discharges
-all seizures need to be investigated
common types of seizures in children
-infantile spasms
-partial (focal) seizures
-absence seizures
-tonic-clonic seizures
tx for seizure d/o
-antiseizure drugs
antiseizure drugs
-carbamazapine (levels needed, LFTs needed, CBC needed)
-valproic acid
febrile seizures
-associated with high fever (102 to 104); sudden spike, not gradual increase
-usually preschool, but can occur as late as age 7
-generally tonic-clonic for 15-20 seconds
-EEG usually normal afterwards
febrile seizure tx
-antipyretics to prevent
-look for cause of fever and treat it (OM, strep)
-removal of palatine tonsils
-done if frequent throat infections or tonsilar hypertrophy that cause breathing problems
-danger of hemorrhage after surgery, which is then an aspiration risk; general anesthesia compounds the risk
tonsillectomy after care
-very painful procedure
-liquid analgesics are better tolerated; may need rectal admin
-offer ice chips, popsicles, frequent sips of clear liquids
-after 24 - 48 hrs. can have soft food
-be certain parents know who to call if problems after discharge
CF defined
-inherited disease of the secretory glands
-thick mucus secretions (esp. in pancreas and lungs)
-electrolyte abnormalities in sweat glands
-genetic (abnormality of chromosome 7 causes inability to transport small molecules across cell membranes leading to dehydration of epithelial cells of airway and pancreas)
-also affects reproduction
CF in pancreas
-enzyme secretions of pancreas too thick, clogging ducts
-results in atrophy of acinar cells and inability to produce enzymes
-islets of Langerhans and insulin production are affected much later because they are ductless
CF GI implications
-come from effects on pancreas
-inability to digest fat, protein, sugars result in large, bulky, greasy BMs (steatorrhea)
-increase in intestinal flora and fats causes very foul odor
-protuberant abdomen from large stool volume
-malnutrition from not digesting food
-fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are deficient
CF in newborn with CF
-meconium can obstruct intestine because extra thick (aka meconium ileus)
-if newborn develops abdominal distension with no passage of stool within 24 hours of birth should be further evaluated
CF other
-anteroposterior diameter enlarged
-frequent infections from pooled mucus (staph aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, H. influenzae)
-atelectasis may occur as result of absorption of air from alveoli behind blocked bronchioles
-clubbed fingers may occur due to inadequate perfusion
fracture def:
a break in the structure or continuity or structure of bone
structure of childhood bones compared to adults
more porous, so bend instead of break
thick so may not break all the way through
epiphyseal lines in children
may cushion a blow so bone does not break
healing of broken bones in children
rapid because of increased bone growth
plastic deformation
-microscopic fracture line that does not cross bone
-most common in ulna and fibula
buckle (torus)
fracture on the tension side of the bone near the softened metaphyseal bone, causing a buckling and raised area on the harder diaphyseal bone (opposite side)
-bone bent with fracture beginning but not crossing through the bone
complete fracture
-bone divided (transversely, obliquely, or spirally)
-bone remnants possibly attached by a periosteal hinge
types of fractures
-forearm fractures
-Volkmann ischemic contracture
-epiphyseal separation of the radius
-clavicle fractures
-dislocation of the radius
-fracture of femur
Volkmann ischemic contracture
a complication that occurs when an arm is casted in a bent position, which causes the radial artery and nerve to become compressed at the elbow. Frequent assessments of the fingers for normal color and warmth are assessments used to identify this condition when an arm cast is in place).
why greenstick most common in children
high resilience of immature bone
fractures at epiphyseal line
-can be serious because bone growth occurs at this point;
-damage to the area can lead to undergrowth, overgrowth, or uneven growth, resulting in angulation
-observation: deformity, edema, pain, hx of accident
-rule out maltreatment in all unintentional injuries
fracture complications
-fat emboli
Fracture Tx
-x-ray to confirm dx and determine alignment and apposition (amount of end to end contact)
-if skin broken over fracture, tetanus prophylaxis and IV antibiotics
-HCT determination to determine blood loss
-crossmatching for replacement tx if long bone fractured
-analgesia, immobilize fracture site
-unless bone crushed, can be healed
cast used for:
-congenital structural bone d/o
-other musculoskeletal d/o
2 casting materials
-fiberglass : better because lighter and can be made waterproof
-plaster of Paris
how to apply cast
-may need to gently pull on the body part being casted to correctly align
-may use traction table for positioning/tension
-first layer is stockinet stretched over the area with soft cotton padding over bony prominences
-after cast set, stockinet is pulled up and over the edges of the cast
-warn pt. that plaster of Paris strips will feel cool at first, then warm; will not burn
pt. care if casted
-keep cast elevated to prevent edema
-regular neurovascular checks
common neurobiological conditions in childhood that can also persist into adulthood
impairment in fx caused by
presents differently by age
ADHD causes
ADHD: inattention
-difficulty organizing tasks
-reluctance to do tasks that require mental effort over time
ADHD: impulsivity
-acting before thinking
-difficulty taking turns
-blurting answers before ? completed
-interrupting others
-excessive shifting between activities
criteria for ADHD diagnosis
-thorough initial hx
-physical exam
-completion of evidenced-based rating scale by adult familiar to the child
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) purpose and 2 sections
-intelligence test
-verbal scale and performance scale
-3 final scores: verbal IQ, performance IQ, combination/full-scale IQ
Children with language difficulties on WISC test
-typically poor scores on verbal scale, but average or greater on performance scale
Therapeutic management of ADHD
-environmental modification
*reward system
*504 plan
-family support
Dysfunctional First Stage of Labor caused by _____(3)
-Prolonged Latent Phase
-Protracted Active Phase
-Secondary Arrest of Dilation
Prolonged Latent Phase defined as:
- > 20 hours nulliparous
- > 14 hours in multiparous
Protracted Active Phase defined as:
- <1.2cm/hr nulliparous
- <1.5 cm/hr multiparous
Secondary Arrest of Dilation defined as
No dilation for >2 hours
Dysfunctional Second Stage of Labor caused by ________ (2)
- Prolonged Descent
- Arrest of Descent
Prolonged Descent defined as:
- <1cm/hr in nulliparous
- <2cm/hr in multiparous
Arrest of Descent defined as
-No descent for 2 hours in nulliparous
-No descent for 1 hour in multiparous
Complications related to labor caused by: (3)
how power relates to labor complications
-dysfunctional labor
how passenger relates to labor complications
-umbilical cord prolapse
-fetal position, presentation, size
-shoulder dystocia
what is done if passage relates to labor complications
-forceps birth
-vacuum extraction
complications with power of labor caused by
-ineffective uterine force (infrequent or mild contractions)
-hypertonic contractions (frequent contractions with no resting tone)
-uncoordinated contractions (contractions initiated from more than one part of the uterus)
ineffective uterine force
infrequent or mild contractions
hypertonic contractions
frequent contractions with no resting tone
uncoordinated contractions
contractions initiated from more than one part of the uterus
tx for complications of labor related to power (3)
-artificial rupture of membrane (AROM)
-oxytocin (pitocin)
Precipitous labor
labor is that completed in 3 hrs. or less
Precipitous birth
-second stage that lasts 15 minutes or less
risk factors for Precipitous labor & birth
-hypertonic uterine contractions
-multiparous client
-hypertensive d/o
-prior precipitous labor or birth
Nursing Care for Precipitous labor & birth
-reposition on their side
-encourage panting
-MONITOR for complications
-MAY need Terbutaline
Augmentation of labor def
-progress labor that has already started
Augmentation of labor tasks
-AROM (artificial rupture of membrane)
Induction of Labor defined
artificially start labor
Methods of labor induction
-Cervical ripening (prostaglandin gel, cervadil, cytotec, foley balloon)
-stripping membranes (may be done to naturally stimulate birth because stimulate contractions and prostaglandins; must be at least 39 weeks
Uterine Rupture risk factors (4)
-prior C-section
-overdistended uterus
-uterine hyperstimulation
-prior uterine scar
Bishop score
-done by provider after vaginal exam
-Bishop score >6 will get oxytocin
-Bishop score <6 will get something for cervical ripening
Uterine rupture physical assessment findings (5)
-ripping or tearing sensation
-abdominal pain and tenderness
- non-reassuring FHR
-Change in uterine shape
-signs of shock
how often can cytotec be given
-every 4 hrs
-max # of doses is 6
uterine rupture nursing care (6)
-notify provider
-prepare for emergent C-section
-admin IV fluid
-admin O2
-Admin blood as ordered
-educate/support client
-stripping membranes
- may be done to naturally stimulate birth because stimulate contractions and prostaglandins;
- must be at least 39 weeks
-may cause minor bleeding
-if had classical c-section, cannot have membranes stripped
Amniotic fluid embolism risk factors (7)
-advanced age
-placenta previa
-placental abruption
- C-section
-uterine rupture
Amniotic fluid embolism sx (4)
-sudden chest pain or sudden shortness of breath
-indications of respiratory distress
-indications of coagulation failure
-indications of circulatory failure
amniotic fluid embolism (7)
- O2 (81-10 L)
-assist with intubation / ventilation as needed
-CPR as necessary
-IV fluids
-Blood as ordered
-Prepare for emergent C-section
-prepare for transfer to the ICU
umbilical cord prolapse risk factors (6)
-PROM (premature rupture of membrane)
- non-cephalic presentation
-placenta previa
-small fetus
umbilical cord prolapse findings
-visualization or palpitations of the umbilical cord
-FHR with variable or prolonged descent
-Excessive fetal activity followed by cessation of movement
umbilical cord prolapse nursing care
-call for assistance immediately / notify provider (YELL!!!)
-vaginal exam to elevate presenting part of fetus off the cord
-reposition to Knee-Chest or Trendelenburg position
-Admin O2
-Admin IV fluids
-prepare for delivery