Exam 2 Flashcards
toddler age
how many deciduous teeth for toddler?
how to measure toddler during exam
supine for height, weight, head circumference
toddler weight gain (same, slow, or fast?)
toddler posture
lordosis until abdomen tone increases at 2 yo
toddler hr
toddler respiration
20-40; belly breathing still
toddler BP
99/64 if you can take it
toddler brain growth has reached what proportion of adult size
90% of adult size
why can toddlers tolerate 3 meals a day?
increased stomach acid
how to know child is ready to toilet train
when shows interest and stays dry for 2 hours; DO NOT RUSH
toddler well child visit schedule
15, 18, 24, and 30 months
immunization schedule for toddler
15 & 18 months
screenings @ well child (7)
*observe speech, interactions, nutrition, home life
toddler lab screenings
*H and H at 15 and 30 months
*TB, UA, Dyslipidemia
Anticipatory guidance for parents of toddlers (5)
*poison / unintentional injury
age of separation anxiety
6 months - preschool
chain of infection
- reservoir
- portal of exit
- mode of transmission
- portal of entry
- susceptible host
time period between exposure to infectious agent and symptoms manifesting
prodromal period
early signs and nonspecific symptoms of infection before diagnostic symptoms present
5 stages of infection
- incubation
- prodromal
- illness
- decline
- convalescence
incubation period for hepatitis A
25 days
when is hepatitis A communicable
about 2 weeks before symptoms appear
3 common reservoirs of hepatitis A
- fecal contaminated water
- shellfish
- daycare (changing tables)
how to acquire immunity from HAV (2)
- natural (one past infection)
- artificial (HAV vaccine)
when HAV recommended (3)
*12-23 months
*daycare employees
*international travelers
where in body pinworms live at first
where pinworms lay eggs, causing itching
anal and perineal area
treatment for pinworms
one dose of anthelmintic
examples of anthelmintic meds (3)
acute otitis media (AOM) age most likely to occur
6-36 months
default goal of labor & delivery
vaginal delivery
factors that increase incidence of otitis media (5)
*more likely with males
*Alaskan and Native Americans
*children w/ cleft palate
*formula fed infant
*smokers in household
separates false pelvis from true pelvis
labor typically starts when
37 - 42 weeks
guidelines for inducement
41 weeks
the 5 Ps (factors affecting vaginal birth)
path for baby to be delivered
baby and placenta
if mother believes she can do it
true pelvis
where baby actually goes through to be delivered
parts of uterus
*upper uterine segment
*physiologic retraction ring
*lower uterine segment
upper uterine segment
where baby is during pregnancy
physiologic retraction ring
separates upper and lower uterine segment
lower uterine segment
baby moves into during quickening
where baby actually comes out
cervix def
narrow opening to uterus
fontanelle shape in front
fontanelle shape in the back
ideal baby position to be delivered
vertex (head first, chin tucked)
overlap/sliding of bones to change shape of baby’s head during vaginal delivery
fetal attitude
position of baby’s head
ideal fetal lie
longitudinal lie
breech birth
baby’s bum comes out first
frank breech
baby is tucked, but coming out breech
fetal position (3 letters)
- right or left of mother’s pelvis
- specific presenting part of fetus
- anterior, posterior, or transverse
fetal station
- assessed on vaginal exam
- how many cm above or below presenting part is to ischial spines
- 0 is at ischial spines, +1 cm is 1 cm below
3 parts of vaginal exam
- dilation
- effacement
- fetal station
fetal station is 0 (at ischial spines
the power related to uterine contractions
the power related to cervical changes
- effacement
- dilation
effacement measured
0-100% (a subjective measurement)
widening of cervical canal
opening of the cervix
the os (there’s an external os and an internal os)
dilation is measured how
0-10 cm
frequency of contractions
start of one contraction to start of the next contraction
duration measured
start to end of one contraction
contraction strength
felt by feeling fundus
cardinal movements of labor
*internal rotation
*external rotation
head touches vaginal floor
head is tucked
internal rotation
rotation to get through pelvis
head goes under pubic bone and extends out of introitus
external rotation
provider can tell where shoulders are
expulsion of torso
providers pull top shoulder out first by pulling down, then pull up to get posterior shoulder out
false contractions
irregular and stay irregular
hallmark of labor
active cervical change
number of stages of labor
first stage of labor
- latent phase (0-3 cm dilated)
- active phase (4-7 cm dilated; admission to unit; )
- transition phase (8-10 cm dilated); increased bloody show
second stage of labor
period from full dilation and cervical effacement to crowning and birth of infant
third stage of labor
*placental separation
*placental expulsion
cervix less than 10 cm
do not push until 10 cm; can tear and bleed profusely
placenta out in how long and why
within 30 minutes to get it out before cervix begins to close
done once placenta is delivered
start Pitocin
effects of labor on cardiac output
increases by 40-50%
effects of labor on BP
increase about 15 pts.
epidurals effect on BP
possible hypotension
effects of labor on hematopoietic system
increase in WBC
effects of labor on respiratory system
increased rate like exercise
effects of labor on temp
slight increase
effects of labor on fluid
npo because of risk of aspiration if c section; lots of fluid loss
effects of labor urinary system
won’t know if have to urinate if epidural, may need cath; should go to bathroom every 2 hrs. if no epidural
effects of labor on musculoskeletal
effects of labor on GI
effects of labor neurological and sensory systems
psychological effects of labor
fetal response to labor cardiovascular
reduced blood flow; if cannot compensate well, something is wrong
fetal response to labor integumentary
bruising or petticciae possible
fetal response to labor respiratory
*baby’s chest is squeezed during birth, clearing the lungs and signaling to baby that will have to breath on own
*c-section does not get the squeeze
measuring progress of labor
fetal HR
contraction freq
cervical dilation
rupture of membranes
if water breaks in hospital
immediately check fetal HR because umbilical cord can come out through vagina (cord prolapse) causing fetal HR to drop
Danger signs of labor for pregnant person (3)
*systolic BP>140, or diastolic BP >90
*tachycardia (may just be pain)
*inadequate or prolonged contraction (can cause fetal stress)
Fetal danger signs (4)
*HR should be 110-160
*meconium staining (should not be in utero)
*hyperactivity (sudden abnormal movement) may be sign of hypoxia
*low O2 sat (not usually checked)
leopold maneuver
check position of baby
pregnant person labs
assessment of uterine contractions
fetal assessment in labor
*fetal hr
*monitor for variability
*periodic changes occur in response to contractions and fetal movement
external monitoring tools
*tocodynamometer (freq and duration of contractions)
*ultrasound (hr)
must happen before internal monitoring
water broken
tools for internal monitoring
*spiral electrode
*intruterine pressure cath (IUPC) (measures pressure of contraction)
length of time to get hr baseline
10 minutes
variability can be _____ (4)
*minimal (+/- 5bps)
*moderate (+/- 6-25 bps; desirable)
*marked (>25 beat change)
variability can be caused by
sleep (minimal)
narcotics (minimal)
cause of variable deceleration
cord compression
early decelerations
occur with contractions from compression of the head
late deceleration
after each contraction; placental deficiency; very bad
fetal deceleration and acceleration mnemonic
Fetal Heart tracing
Category 1
ALL criteria must be met
*baseline hr: 110-160
*moderate baseline FHR variability
*no late or variable decelerations
*early decelerations may or may not be present
*accelerations may be present or absent
Fetal Heart tracing
Category II
does not meet criteria for either category I or Category III
Fetal Heart tracing
Category III
Predict abnormal fetal acid-base status and requires immediate intervention
*absent baseline FHR variability and any of the following: recurrent decelerations, recent variable decelerations, bradycardia
*sinusoidal pattern
Nurse interventions for decelerations (7)
*Change person’s position
*Stop Oxytocin
*IV fluids
*notify MD
*prepare for C-section if FHR does not return to normal
nursing assessment during 1st and 2nd stage of labor (7)
nursing during first stage of labor: provide ____ (5)
*ambulation / position change
*encourage to void every 2 hrs.
*pain management
*amniotomy (breaking the water)
Second stage of labor tasks (7)
*prepare for birth
*positioning for birth
*perineal cleaning
*cutting and clamping cord
3rd and 4th stages of labor nurse/ provider tasks
*give oxytocin
*placental delivery
*perineal repair
*immediate postpartum
if ear drainage
% of AOM that resolve w/out antibiotics
S/S of AOM
*Upper Respiratory Infection
*nasal discharge
*tugging at ear
*infants may have difficulty feeding
otoscope technique for <2 y.o.
down and back
otoscope technique for child over 2
up and back
seen in otoscopic exam of AOM
*bulging tympanic membrane
if conductive hearing loss
evaluate for ear infection or OME (otitis media with effusion
typanic membrane color if healthy
blue or yellow
Management of AOM/OME
-allergy tx
-surgery if hearing loss of 25-40 dB
-tubal myringotomy for hearing loss of 12 dB
hearing loss that indicates likely surgery
25-40 dB
hearing loss that indicates likely tubal myringotomy
12 dB
tympanostomy tube in what situation
fluid in ear >6 months
at risk from AOM/OME
language development
adjunct tx to enhance TT effectiveness
can you use hydrocortisone while patch testing?
no. can skew results
to do if allergens causing contact dermatitis found (4)
-remove the allergen from child’s environment
-use topical creams/ointments to reduce itch
-oatmeal or baking soda baths
-document sensitivities in chart
possible allergic responses
-allergic rhinitis
allergic rhinitis and asthma are ______
often diagnosed together (especially older children)