Exam 3 Flashcards
first breath of infant causes __________
decreased pulmonary artery pressure
decreased pulmonary artery pressure causes (3)
-increased P O2
-closure of ductus venosus and umbilical arteries and vein due decreased flow
-closure of foramen ovale (pressure in left side of heart greater than right side
increased P O2 leads to
closure of ductus arteriosus
immediate care of newborn (6)
-skin to skin
-dry the infant
-APGAR score
-encourage breast feeding
-head to toe assessment
-admin newborn meds (2)
newborn meds immediately given at birth
-vitamin K
heat loss in newborn (4)
APGAR stands for
APGAR activity scoring
0: absent
1: flexed arms and legs
2: active
APGAR pulse scoring
0: absent
1: below 100 bpm
2: over 100 bpm
APGAR scoring grimmace
0: floppy
1: minimal response to stimulation
2: prompt response to stimulation
APGAR appearance score
0: pale, blue
1: pink body, blue extremities
2: pink
APGAR respiration scoring
0: absent
1: slow and irregular
2: vigorous
components of complete newborn assessment (4)
-perinatal hx
-physical exam
-gestational age assessment
-behavioral assessment
when newborn assessments scheduled
-within 1-4 hrs of birth
-within 24 hrs before discharge
newborn v/s taken
-pulse 120-140
-respiration 30-60
general assessment components
-general appearance (symmetry? fontanelles?)
-head circumference
-chest circumference
-length (inches)
-weight (2500 g to 4000 g); lose weight at first, breast fed back to birth weight in 7 days
head assessment
burst blood vessels; won’t cross sutures
caput succedaneum
will cross sutures
face assessment
-lower set ears could indicate genetic abnormality
-hearing test
-patent nostrils
-milia (little white heads) normal
-suck reflex
-epstein’s pearls (little white cysts on hard palate)
-clavicles intact, not broken
-lungs: normal breathing pattern and sounds; watch for signs of respiratory distress
-heart: rate, rhythm (can listen for 15 seconds and multiply to get rate
-retractions are abnormal
birth mark, example: port wine stain, stork bite
Mongolian spots aka congenita
will disappear on own
erythema toxicum
-reaction to external reaction to unfamilair stimuli
reflexes of newborn (7)
-palmar grasp
-plantar grasp
-moro (startle)
-babinski (toes fan when outer edge of foot stroked)
Babinski reflex should end by about
1 year old
high risk pregnancy general types of causes (2)
can be from pregnancy or preexisting conditions
preexisting high risk pregnancy conditions
-pregestational diabetes (pregestational 1-2%)
-gestational diabetes 6-10%
pregestational Diabetes Type I or II subtypes
-subtype A without vascular damage
-subtype B with vascular damage
diabetes mellitus course in pregnancy
-early pregnancy: blood sugar demands lower, tend to be hypoglycemic
-later pregnancy: inulin needs increase
Diabetes subtype slide missing
pregestational (pre-existing diabetes counseling need
preconception counseling
risk of pregestational diabetes for pregnant person
-can cause excess amniotic fluid
-increased risk of mortality
risk of pregestational diabetes (pre-existing) to fetus
-hypoglycemia at birth
-congenital anomolies (cardiac if HgA1C is high at conception)
-respiratory distress syndrome
-IUGR (?
tx goals for diabetes during pregnancy
-normal glucose (65-120)
-ID and treat complications of diabetes
-routine screening (HGA1C, blood glucose monitoring, ???
antepartum period
-insulin/ blood glucose monitoring (-fasting <95
-postprandial 1 hr <140
-postprandial 2 hr < 120)
-frequent prenatal visits
-fetal surveillance
-determine delivery date/route (no later than 39 weeks, before if complications)
intrapartum pregestational diabetes
-monitor fluid status
-BG 90-110
-continuous fetal monitoring
-possible c-section
postpartum pregestational diabetes care
-glucose monitoring
-monitoring for postpartum complications (PPH, preeclampsia/ eclampsia)
-encourage breastfeeding to decrease glucose
Hormone given off by placenta in pregnancy that reduces insulin need
gestational diabetes
-79-87% of diabetes
-2nd half of pregnancy
gestational diabetes risk
Associated risk of gestational diabetes pregnant person
associated risks of gestational diabetes for baby
Gestational diabetes screening & diagnosis
-50g glucose drink given
-checked later by blood draw (130 or higher is positive)
-if positive, not diagnostic, more testing needed
-diagnostic test with 100g glucose; positive if 2 of the following: (fasting over 95, 1 hr 180, 2 hr over 155, 3 hr over 140)
gestational diabetes care antepartum period
-bg <95 fasting, <140 1 hr postprandial, <120 2 hr postprandial
-pharmacological tx
-fetal surveillance (growth every 3-4 weeks, ?)
gestational diabetes intrapartum care
-bg 70-110
-regualr insulin infusion
-possible c-section
postpartum gestational diabetes care
-levels will return to normal
-meds d/c
-perform 2 hr Glucose Tolerance Test 6 weeks postpartum
HIV in pregnancy
-19.2 million women in 2019
-48% of new cases
-anout 5000 HIV positive women give birth per year
vertical transmission
-risk is 15-45% with no tx
-1-2% with tx
-higher risk if high viral load, prolonged ROM, chorioamnionitis, poor antiretroviral tx adherence
Care f client with HIV antepartum
-optimize immune fx
-monitor for infection
-test and treat STDs, pap smear
-provide emotional support
-refer as appropriate
intrapartum and post partum HIV care
-no fetal scalp electrode
-newborn bath
-no breastfeeding
common pregnancy complications first trimester
ectopic pregnancy
common pregnancy complications 2nd trimester
-gestational trophoblastic disease
common pregnancy complications 3rd trimester
1st trimester bleeding: miscarriage
-spontaneous (before 20 weeks)
-threatened (vaginal bleeding early in pregnancy)
-inevitable (vaginal bleeding and cervical dilation early in pregnancy)
-complete (passage of all products of conception)
-incomplete (not all products of conception passed
-missed (loss of pregnancy with no s/s)
implantation bleeding diagnosis
implantation bleeding tx
-expectant management (let body pass on own)
-meds (misoprostol)
-dilation and curettage (D&C): uterus cleaned out with tools; (RhoGAM needed within 72 hrs of bleeding beginning if RH-)
ectopic pregnancy causes
-anything that compromises tubes
-STI (can cause scarring in tube)
ectopic pregnancy sx
-unilateral pelvic exam
-shoulder pain (possible ruptured ectopic)
-can be asymptomatic
ectopic pregnancy diagnosis
-bHCG labs
ectopic pregnancy tx
second trimester: molar pregnancy risk factors
-prior molar pregnancy
-early teens or >40
second trimester: molar pregnancy symptoms
-excessive nausea and vomiting
-rapid uterine growth
-dark brown bleeding
-no fetal HR
-snowstorm appearance on ultrasound
second trimester: molar pregnancy diagnosis
-bHCG high (over 100,000 early)
second trimester: molar pregnancy tx
-dilation and curettage
-close monitoring of bHCG (elevated is sign of cancer)
-RhoGAM if RH-
second trimester: premature cervical dilation risk
-prior preterm delivery
-prior procedure to cervix
second trimester: molar pregnancy sx
-usually asymptomatic
-light pink discharge
-increased pelvic pressure
second trimester: molar pregnancy tx
third trimester bleeding: placenta previa
-marginal (low lying)
-incomplete (partial)
-complete (total)
third trimester bleeding: placenta previa risk factors
-previous placenta previa
-uterine scarring
-age > 35
third trimester bleeding: placenta previa sx
-painless bleeding
-nontender uterus
third trimester bleeding: placenta previa diagnosis
-no vaginal exams
third trimester bleeding: placenta previa tx
-pelvic rest
-possible c-section
-RhoGAM if RH-
third trimester bleeding: placental abruption
premature separation of placenta from uterus
third trimester bleeding: placental abruption risk
-abdominal trauma
-prior abruption
-premature rupture of membranes
-multiple gestation
third trimester bleeding: placental abruption sx
-painful bleeding
-uterine tenderness
-firm tender rigid abdomen
third trimester bleeding: placental abruption dx
third trimester bleeding: placental abruption tx
-labs (CBC, PT/PTT/fibrinogen, kleihaur betke (KB) (tells how much RhoGAM needed), type and screen
-blood products
-RhoGAM if RH-
third trimester bleeding: preterm labor (20-37 weeks) risk
-substance abuse
-hx of preterm labor
third trimester bleeding: preterm labor (20-37 weeks) sx
-pelvic pressure
-vaginal discharge
-urinary freq
third trimester bleeding: preterm labor (20-37 weeks) diagnosis
-vaginal exam
-fetal fibronectin
third trimester bleeding: preterm labor (20-37 weeks) tx
-tocolytics (MGSO4, nifedipine, indomethacin)
-antibiotics (for group beta strep)
-monitor client and fetus wellbeing
when to try to stop labor if preterm
before 34 weeks
tocolytics purpose
stop labor
preterm premature rupture of membrane risk
-prior pre-term birth
preterm premature rupture of membrane sx
-gush or trickle of fluid
preterm premature rupture of membrane dx
-sterile speculum exam (fern, dye (could be false positive), pool)
preterm premature rupture of membrane tx
-monitor fetal wellbeing
-monitor for infection (frequent temp, daily CBC)
chorioamnionitis description
-bacterial infection of amniotic cavity from premature rupture od membrane, vaginitis, amniocentesis, intrauterine procedures
chorioamnionitis assessment
-uterine tenderness
-elevated temp
-pregnant person and or fetal tachycardia
chorioamnionitis tx
Gestational HTN
-after 20 weeks of pregnancy w/o lab abnormalities, sx, or protein in urine
-pre-eclampsia w or w/o severe features
-new onset tonic clonic seizures w/out other cause wuth HTN
HELLP syndrome
-hemolysis, elevated?????
pre-eclampsia w/out severe features
-SBP > 140 and or BBP > 90 with-
-significant proteinuria 300 mg in 24 hr urine
pre-eclampsia with severe features
-SBP >160 and/or DBP >110 with
-significant proteinuria OR
-SBP > 140 or DBP > 90 WITH
-headache unresponive to meds
-vision changes
-epigastric pain unresponsive to meds
-platelets < 100k
-LFTs twice normal
-Cr > 1.1 or twice baseline
-pulmonary edema
vascular effects of vasospasm
-vascular effects
-poor organ perfusion
-increased BP
kidney effects of vasospasm
pre-eclampsia risk factors include
-client <19 or >40
pre-eclampsia physical exam
-brisk reflexes
-decreased breath sounds
-facial edema
-lower extremity edema
Labs (AST, ALT, LDH urine protein, creatinine, CBC (HCT, PLT))
preeclampsia tx
-antihypertensive meds
-magnesium sulfate
preclampsia nursing care
-client fetal monitoring
-monitor for signs magnesium toxicity
-client ed (NPO, bedrest, calm, quiet room, what to expect with magnesium)
Magnesium toxicity sx
-respiratory depression
-shortness of breath
-chest pain
-slurred speech
magnesium toxicity intervention
-stop magnesium
-give calcium gluconate
-draw magnesium level
HELLP syndrome assessment
-epigastric pain/right upper quadrant
-severe edema
-sx of preeclampsia
-general malaise
HELLP syndrome labs
-hemolysis of RBCs: LDH>600
-thrombocytopenia :platelets <100 k
-elevated liver enzymes: alanine amniotransferase and serum aspartate 2x normal
HELLP syndrome management
-Magnesium sulfate to reduce BP and prevent seizures
-reverse thr???
hyramnios: oligohydrmnios
not enough amniotic fluid, lungs may not develop properly, small baby
hydramnios: polyhydramnios
-too much amniotic fluid; more likely for breech, cord prolapse, larger uterus
fetal demise assessment
-decreased fetal movement
-absence of fetal heart tones
-lack of fetal growth
-decrease in fundal height
fetal demise nursing
-supportive care
-assist with delivery
-support naming baby/holding after delivery
postterm pregnancy (after 42 weeks)
-monitor for placental insufficiency
-increased risk of macrosomia
meconium aspiration risk
when can you start giving fruit juice to children?
at least 6 months old, preferably older
how to determine if infant adequately hydrated in first week of life
should have as many we t diapers as they are days old
after first week how many wet diapers per day indicate adequate hydration
preschool age
antigens include (3)
food proteins
responsible for humoral immunity
B lymphocytes
produce antibodies (immunoglobins (Ig) that bind to and destroy specific )
B lymphocytes
autoimmunity result from
inability to distinguish self from non-self, so immune response is directed at normal cells
autoimmune disease risk factors
Different Igs ????
monogenetic inherited Primary Immunodeficiency can be ________ or __________ based
humoral or T-lymphocyte
secondary (acquired) immunodeficiency causes (7)
-systemic infection
-monoclonal antibody tx
anaphylaxis characteristics (2)
-extreme vasodilation
tx for covid in children
-high flow O2
-CANNOT have convalescent plasma
Rheumatic fever caused by
reaction to a group A hemolytic strep infection
if pt. has had rheumatic fever, must
always be followed by cardiologist
rheumatic fever causes
inflammation of heart, blood vessels, brain, joints
-can gradually damage left heart valves
immediate nurse care for suspected rheumatic fever (sx 10 days after strep) (2)
-throat culture
-blood work
rheumatic fever tx
-penicillin for full 10 day course
-pt. may eventually need valve replacement or surgical intervention
-chronic inflammatory disorder of respiratory system
asthma typically presents before age ______
asthma triggers
-environmental factors
-immune response
asthma assessment (4)
-chest tight
asthma cellular process
-allergen invades mast cells, releases histamine and leukotrienes
asthma tx
continuous nebulization of inhaled Beta2 agonist and IV corticosteroids to reduce inflammation; may also take PO corticosteroids
severe asthma case tx
endotracheal tube and mechanical ventilation
anemia is a disorder of_______ and can be classified as a reduction in the # of __________
kinds of anemia in children
-acute blood loss anemia
-anemia of a cute infection
-aplastic anemia, hypoplastic anemia from suppression of the hemopoietic activity (can be congenital or acquired)
-macrocytic anemias occur from folic acid defidiency
-pernicious anemia occurs from vitamin B 12 deficiency
causes of iron deficiency anemia
-poor diet
-blood loss
-adolescent menses
lab results for iron deficiency anemia
Hgb<11g/100mL of blood
RBCs are macrocytic & hypochromic with irregular shape (called polkilocyte)
nursing care for anemia
-packed RBCs
-diet mod (high iron and vitamin C)
-iron supplement
iron supplement admin
-give 1 hour before or 2 hrs after milk
-use straw (teeth staining)
-typically 4-6 weeks (or more)
-teach family diet, med admin, preventing constipation, dental care, blood
iron dextran admin
-Z trach method
hemophilia cause
inherited, sex linked recessive trait
Factor VIII
intrinsic factor of coagulation (thromboplastin)
will child with hemophilia is bleeding, will it clot
yes, eventually
Hemophilia A
-bleeding and bruising may not appear til child walks, plays
-GI bleeding, nosebleeds, peritoneal cavity
-joint pain and soft tissue bleeding may occur
hemophilia A lab work:
-normal platelet
-normal PT
whole blood time may be normal or prolonged
-thromboplastic generator test is abnormal
-abnormal PTT
tx for hemophilia A
Factor VIII via whole blood, fresh or frozen plasma, or concentrate of Factor VII
concentrate of Factor VII for hemophilia A
-powder that is reconstituted at home
other hemophilia
-Von Willibrand Disease: platelets cannot aggregate, prolonged bleeding time, hemorrhages of mucous membranes
Christmas disease (aka hemophilia B/Factor IX deficiency (a sex linked trait)) tx
factor IX
hemophilia C/Factor X deficiency (autosomal recessive trait)
-mild sx
-plasma thromboplastin antecedent deficiency
hemophilia C/Factor X deficiency (autosomal recessive trait) bleeding episode tx
-desmopressin (DDAVP)
-fresh blood
needed for school readiness (3)
-vision & hearing
UTI material ???
Celiac disease ????????
Cerebral Palsy caused by
nonprogressive disorders of upper motor neuron impairment
cerebral palsy sx
-cognitive d/o
CP physiological cause
-abnormal brain development
-damage to developing brain leading to cell destruction of motor tracts
CP caused by
-maternal infections (cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis)
-birth injury
other causes that can leadto CP like sx
-head injury from child maltreatment or automobile accidents
-infections (like meningitis or encephalitis)
CP types (4)
-pyramidal (spastic)
-extrapyramidal (dyskinetic)
preterm gestational age
delivered before 37 0/7 weeks
late preterm gestational age
34 0/7 to 36 6/7 weeks
early term gestational age
37 0/7 to 38 6/7 weeks
term gestational age
39 0/7 to 40 6/7 weeks
late term gestational age
41 0/7 to 41 6/7 weeks
post term
42 0/7 weeks +
Newborn meds
-vitamin K for clotting
-Erythromycin eye ointment
-Hepatitis B vaccine
vitamin K admin in neonates
IM in vastus lateralus
Hepatitis B admin
-within first 12 hours of birth
-needs parental consent
-given IM in vastus lateralus on other side from vitamin K
-hepatitis Ig also given if mother has Hepatitis B
Newborn screenings
-hearing before discharge
-critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) (pulse ox on right hand and either foot, both should be above 95 with less than 3 % difference; failure leads to more screenings)
-metabolic screen
-laboratory tests