exam 4 Flashcards
Sally thinks that she has no ability for math and will never be able to pass more advanced math courses. Which view of her own ability does she have?
fixed mindset
what is fixed mindset also called?
entity mindset
which of the following is NOT good advice for the use of goal setting with children and adolescents?
encourage students to focus on long term goals instead of short term goals
Ms. Ocampos avoids comparing students to each other, uses errors as opportunities for instruction, and emphasizes effort as the cause of learning and success. She is emphasizing which kind of goal?
Two students fail a science test. Mia explains her poor grade by saying “I didn’t try to study very hard”, whereas Bai explains her poor grade by saying “I’m just not good at science.” Which of these students will most likely be more motivated to learn science in the future?
What is attribution?
the causes that people perceive for their own and other people’s behavior
why do you think you succeeded/failed?
believe that our effort matters
Give an example of intrinsic motivation
Tyler is motivated because he wants to prove to himself that he can finish it and he wants to improve his best running time
^mindset when training for marathon
Give an example of extrinsic motivation
John is motivated because his best friend promised to give him $1000 if he managed to finish a marathon
^mindset when training for marathon
some students feel like the odds are stacked against them. they feel like no matter what they do, they won’t be able to succeed or improve. this low self efficacy can be the result of an unresponsive environment.
students who feel this way are showing:
learned helplessness
Give an example of mastery goal
Ben wants to study hard because he wants to make sure he understand his math unit- he knows he’ll need it later
^attitude about upcoming math test
Give an example of performance-APPROACH goal
Alex really wants a high score to prove that he’s better at math than his friends
^attitude about upcoming math test
Give an example of performance-AVOIDANCE goal
Carlos just wants to get a C or better so he doesn’t look dumb or get yelled at by his parents
What is intrinsic motivation?
the desire to pursue and activity for its own sake or to satisfy yourself
What is extrinsic motivation?
the desire to pursue an activity for reasons external to the activity such as getting a reward, avoiding punishment, or earning a grade
What are the four main sources of self-efficacy?
- previous experiences
last semester got A- - vicarious experience of models
if younger people can do it, I can
too! - verbal persuasion
Mom says I can do it! - physiological reactions
Sweaty Palms mean I can’t do it
what is goal theory?
people are motivated by different sets of goals
What are mastery goals?
learning for the sake of learning
goal is to develop skills
What are performance goals?
a goal to demonstrate ability by performing better than others
focused on outcome
What are performance APPROACH goals?
want to PERFORM better than others
What are performance AVOIDANCE goals?
want to AVOID performing worse than others
What is fixed mindset?
intelligence is static/unchangeable
What is another name for fixed mindset?
static view of ability
What is another name for growth mindset?
incremental view
What is self efficacy?
your confidence that you can accomplish some behavior
do you think you can succeed?
how does intrinsic motivation change over time?
intrinsic motivation STARTS out HIGH in early elementary school and DECREASES through high school
Why might motivation change with age?
changing mindsets
but can change to fixed with
comparison to others shows that effort does not equal ability
changing contexts
more academically challenging
What are group differences in achievement?
Gender (girls tend to have higher grades)
What are the types of media?
Mass media
New Media (digital media)
age trends in media use
children from preschool to high school spend great deal of time using media
preschoolers: more mass media
adolescents: more new/social media
What are the four fears of adolescents on social media?
- parents worry about whom adolescents interact with and what type of info they are sharing
- impact on peer relationships
- impact on parent child relationships
- physical health & sleep & cognitive performance
what is nonverbal language?
communication that does NOT include words, such as posture, gesture, and facial expression