Exam 4 Flashcards
A flawed system of classification, with no biological basis, that uses certain physical characteristics to divide the human population into supposedly discrete groups
Individuals’ thoughts, actions, and institutional pattens and policies that create unequal access to power, privilege, resources, and opportunities based on imagined differences among groups
The inherited genetic factors that provide the framework for an organism’s physical form
The way genes are expressed in an organisms physical form as a result of genotype interaction with environmental factors
The practice by which a nation-state extends political, economic, and military power beyond its own boarders over an extended period of time to secure access to raw materials, cheap labor, and markets in other countries or regions
A demeaning historical term for interracial marriage
White Supremacy
The belief that whites are biologically different from and superior to people of other races
A culturally constructed concept designed to establish clear boundaries of who is white and who is not (a process central to the formation of US racial stratification
Jim Crow
Laws implemented after the US Civil War to enforce segregation legally, particularly in the South, after the end of slavery
Sometimes the “one drop of blood rule”, assignment of children of racial “mixed” unions to the subordinate group
The favoring of certain long-term inhabitants, namely whites, over new immigrants
The process of categorizing, differentiating, and attributing a particular racial character to a person or group of people
Individual Racism
Personal prejudiced beliefs and discriminatory actions based on race
Common, everyday verbal or behavioral indignities and slights that communicate hostile, derogatory, and negative messages about someone’s race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion
Institutional Racism
Patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies, and systems
Racial Ideology
A set of popular ideas about race that allows discriminatory behaviors of individuals and institutions to seem reasonable, rational, and normal
An analytic framework for assessing how factors such as race, gender, and class interact to shape individual life changes and societal patterns of stratification
A sense of historical, cultural, and sometimes ancestral connection to a group of people who are imagined to be distinct from those outside the group
Origin Myth
A story told about the founding and history of a particular group to reinforce a sense of common identity
Ethnic Boundary Marker
A practice or belief used to signify who is in a group and who is not, but yet may chance overtime
Situational Negotiation of Identity
An individual’s self-identification with a particular group that can shift according to social location
Identity Entrepreneurs
Political, military, or religious leaders who promote a worldview through the lens of ethnicity and use war, propaganda, and state power to mobilize people against those whom they perceive as a danger
The deliberate and systematic destruction of an ethnic or religious group
Ethnic Cleansing
Efforts by representatives of one ethnic or religious group to remove or destroy another group in a particular geographic area
Melting Pot
A metaphor used to describe the process of immigrant assimilation into the US dominant culture
The process through which most minorities accept the patterns and norms of the dominant culture and cease to exist as separate groups
A pattern of ethnic relations in which new immigrants and their children enculturation into the dominant national culture and yet retain an ethnic culture
An autonomous regional structure of political, economic, and military rule with a central government authorized to make and use force to maintain order and defend its territory
A political entity, located within a geographic territory with enforced boarders, where the population shares a sense of culture, ancestry, and destiny as a people
Legal membership in a nation-state
The identification with a group of people thought to share a place of origin
The desire of an ethnic community to create/ maintain a nation-state
Imagined Community
The invented sense of connection and shared traditions that underlies identification with a particular ethnic group or nation those members likely will never all meet
A group of people living outside their ancestral homeland yet maintaining emotional and material ties to home
One who sacrifices self
-Represents honor, bravery, and sacrifice
Anyone who dies fighting in defense of the nation/ homeland
-Includes non-combative victims
Martyrous one
-Emphasizes heroism in sacrifice
-Military and political strategy
-Challenge international community
-Does not exist in traditional Islamic philosophy
-Aimed at Israeli public life
-Relies on volunteers
Rural communities
Collective land ownership
Measurement of land
Based on how much one man can plow with one working animal
Village residents who owned the land