Exam 4 Flashcards
annuals survive unfavorable periods as seeds. Complete life cycle from seed to seed in one season
geophytes (cryptophytes)
buds buried in the ground on a bulb or rhizome
perennial shoots or buds on the surface of the ground, often covered with litter
perennial shoots or buds on the surface of the ground to about 25 cm above the surface
perennial buds carried well up in the air, over 25 cm. Trees, shrubs, and vines
plants growing on other plants; roots up in the air
the collection if animal and plant populations interacting directly or indirectly
feeding groups
bird species become more diverse as vertical stratification
increases in forest ecosystems
vertical stratification
vertical layering of a habitat; the arrangement of vegetation in layers, a key factor for structuring their species richness and biodiversity
the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life
a predator controls the structure of the community and so must be regarded as the dominant species
basal area or aerial coverage, species A/ area sampled
relative dominance=
basal area or coverage, species A/ total basal area or coverage, all species
Shannon- Weiner index
H = n log n - sum fi log fi /n
this formula is used to measure the evenness of diversity
fi= the number of individuals in a given species
competition if more evident among
the species of the same guild (eating the same food) ex: chipmunks
food chain
feeding relationships in nature are not simple straight-line chains but complex webs
grass > grasshopper > flycatcher > hawk
what limit herbivores
what does the bottom-up regulation view emphasize
the limitations imposed by the availability of food resources
in its most general definition is the temporal change in community structure through time, begins with disturbance
Henry Chandler Cowles
studied ecological succession in the Indiana Dines of Northwest Indiana. This led to efforts to preserve the Indiana Dunes
FE Clements
described plant succession (the word)
characteristics of disturbance
4 factors
1. the magnitude of the physical force, such as the strength of the wind, or the heat of a fire
2. the morphological characteristics of the organisms that influence their response to the disturbance
3. the nature of the substrate (soil). Is the soil wet, dry, clay, or sand
4. The amount of aboveground biomass accumulation and height of vegetation