Exam 3 Terms Flashcards
Acetic spill clean up
Wear gloves and safety goggles.
Open doors and windows.
• For hydrofluoric acid keep calcium gluconate gel handy.
• Use cat litter to surround the spill.
• Pour excess sodium-bicarbonate on and around the acid until after bubbling stops, to neutralise.
• Use the plastic dust pan to scoop the acid-damp material into a plastic bucket.
• Re-sprinkle more sodium-bicarbonate on the spill area to ensure neutralising, and scoop up.
• Wash the affected area with excess water.
• Clean up and leave area dry.
• Dispose of neutralized liquid down the drain.
• Dispose of neutralized damp solid as chemical waste.
• Report to supervisor
Act or process of sucking in or up
Taking in of nutrients
activity during a fire
activate alarm
contain fire
requiring oxygen to live and grow
AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the final stage of HIV disease, which causes severe damage to the immune system
amino acids
basic component of proteins
not requiring oxygen to live and grow
medications that destroy bacteria
enzymes or organic molecules
help protect the body from harmful chemicals called free radicals
aseptic control that inhibits, retards growth of, or kills pathogenic organisms
not effective against spores or virus
being free from infection
autoclave is good for how long?
12 months?
rod-shaped bacterium: an aerobic, rod-shaped, spore-producing bacterium.
basal metabolic rate
minimum caloric amount for an individual
best resovoir
bile production
liver secretion that is concentrated in gallbladder
aids in the emulsification of fats during digestion
bird flu
from contact with poultry or contaminated surfaces
death rate between 50-60%
bland diet
easily digested foods that do not irritate the digestive tract
body fluids
need: handwashing, gloves, gowns, masks and eye protection
body mechanics
ways in which the body moves and maintains balance while making most efficient use of al parts
border of sterile field
broad base of support?
feet 8-10 inches apart
chain of infection
causative agent reservoir portal of exit mode of transmission portal of entry
chemical cleaning
chemical digestion
chemical disenfection
must completely cover item
must be changed frequently
read directions
sterol lipid found in body cells and anima products
contact precautions
wash hands
daily cleaning
contamination of worker
presence of unwanted material
damaged equipment
N-95 or P-100
95% tested surgical mask
highest rated mask
organic compounds
gas, liquids, or solids containing carbon
diabetic diet
contains an exchange list that groups food according to type
allowed a certain number of items from each exchange list
sugar heavy foods avoided
disaster policies
follow policy of health care facility
process by which body breaks down food into smaller parts and changes the food chemically
diseases caused by viruses
smallpox, anthrax, plague, botulism, tularemia, filovirus
process that kills pathogenic organisms
dry heat cleaning
use of high temp for a period of time to disinfect
320-350 degrees for a minimum of one hour
study of causes of disease
infection or disease originates inside the body
infection of disease originates outside the body
fat-restricted diet
avoid cream, whole milk, cheeses, fats, fatty meats, rich desserts, chocolate, buts, coconut, fried foods, and salad dressings
fire drill
follow facility regulations
plantlike organisms that live on dead organisms
life threatening diseases spread to humans
high calorie diet
used for underweight and anorexic patients
extra proteins and carbs
High density lipoprotein
complex of lipids and proteins that is particularly high in the protein component and that binds with cholesterol
Good cholesterol
High protein diets
High protein diet
Organism that harbors another organism
Human energy comes from where
ATP protein
Without recognizable cause
Self originating condition
Importance of water
Essential for digestion
Makes up blood
Absorbs nutrients
Moves waste
Infectious agent
Infection capable of producing a virus
Lipids in body
Organic compounds
Fats and oils
Triglycerides, phospholipids, sterols
Low cholesterol diet
Reduces high saturated fat
Low protein diet
Limits proteins
Low residue diet
Limits undigestible foods
Mechanical digestion
Physical breakdown of food
Use of food nutrients to produce energy
Mode of transmission
How an organism is transferred from host to host
Needle safety and precaution act
Identify and use effective and safer medical devices
Incorporate changes in annual update of exposure control plan
Solicit output from non managerial employees who are responsible for direct patient care
Maintain a sharps injury log
Normal flora
Mixture of bacteria found at specific body sites
Pertaining to or originating in a health care facility
All body processes related to food
taking advantage of opportunities: taking advantage of an opportunity, or exploiting opportunities and situations in general, especially in a devious, unscrupulous, or unprincipled way
Occupational safety and health administration
Divison of the department of labor
Enforces safety standards
OSHA regulations
The occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals standard
Blood borne pathogen standard
Bones become porous and break easily
Parasitic microorganisms
Organisms that rely on a host to survive
Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep
Fire extinguisher procedure
Disease producing organism
Portal of entry
Way of a causative agent to enter a new reservoir or host
Portal of exit
Way of a causative agent to escape a reservoir or host
PPE what do you where and when
Personal protective equipment
Protective goggles, outer wear, gloves
Important or hazardous times
Principles of body mechanics
Wide base of support
Low center of gravity
Proper body alignment
Microscopic one celled organisms often found in decayed materials and contaminated water
Rescue, alarm the hospital, contain fire, extinguish fire
Reading labels on solutions
Manufacturers must provide Material Safety Data Sheets
Follow facility procedures
Religious diets
Restrain and prohibit certain things
Storage place or cavity
Alternate host
Parasitic organisms that cannot live outside the cells of another living organisms
Risks associated with obesity
Hypertension Diabetes Coronary heart disease High cholesterol Cerebrovascular accidents Sleep apnea Osteoarthritis Gallbladder disease
Risks of a nosocomial infection
(Infection acquired inside a hospital facility)
Most are antibiotic resistant and can cause serious problems
Staphylococcus, pseudomonas, enterococci
Solution guidelines
any of several spirally twisted, aerobic bacteria of the genus Spirillum, certain species of which are pathogenic for humans
Stages of illness
Symptom experience Assumption of sick role Medical care contact Dependent client role Recovery
Standard precautions origins
Steam cleaning
Sterile field transfer
Sterile technique
Ultrasonic cleansing
Uses sound waves to clean
Sound waves produce millions of bubbles in a cleansing solution
Vaccine for bioterrerism
Smallest microorganisms
Cannot reproduce without unless inside another cell
Cause diseases and infections
microscopic projection on cell: a tiny projecting thread, found with many others on a cell or microscopic organism, that beats rhythmically to aid the movement of a fluid past the cell or movement of the organism through liquid
What are your strong muscle groups?
Big parts vs. small parts
Spherical bacteria