EXAM 3 Rules of the Board 1140-11 Flashcards
Who appoints members to the Controlled Substance Database Committee?
The Governor
the members are from boards with a vested interest (a profession that prescribes or dispenses: medical, nurses, pharmacy, PA)
Who promulgates the rules?
Commissioner of Health
the committee makes recommendations to the commissioner
High patterns of prescribing or dispensing are reported/sent to..
the committee sends it to the appropriate board
prescribing -> board of medicine
dispensing -> board of pharmacy
The data of which scheduled drugs are gathered by the CSMD (controlled substance monitoring database)?
C-II to C-IV
C-V that are identified as demonstrating a potential for abuse -> the ones that need prescription!!!
A C-V drug that doesn’t require a prescription was dispensed. Does the pharmacist need to report to the CSMD according to the Rules of the Board?
No. since it didn’t require a prescription (OTC)
ex: Guanfenacine with Codeine
Who shall register with the CSMD?
When shall the register with the CSMD?
all healthcare practitioners who prescribe or dispense controlled substances on more than 15 days in a calendar year
register up to 30 days after receiving the DEA number
(within 30 days from when you are in a position of dispensing controlled substances, pharmacists don’t get a DEA number)
What information is submitted to the CSMD by a community pharmacy?
(A) Prescriber identifier;
(B) Dispensing date of a controlled substance;
(C) Patient identifier;
(D) Controlled substance dispensed identifier;
(E) Quantity of controlled substance dispensed;
(F) Strength of controlled substance dispensed;
(G) Estimated days’ supply;
(H) Dispenser identifier;
(I) Date the prescription was issued by the prescriber;
(J) Whether the prescription was new or a refill;
(K) Source of payment; and
(L) ICD-10 code when provided
(M) Medical necessity “value” (ICD10 Excempts)
(N) Other relevant information as required by rule
Within what time must the information have to be sent to the CSMD?
must submit the information of each business day, not later than the end of the next business day
exceptions: Veterenian must submit at least every 14 days
Prescribers must check the CSMD when…
-prior to prescribing at the beginning of new
episode of treatment
-prior to issuance of each new CS Rx x 90
-and at least every 6 months thereafter
-Opioids, BZDs, and C-II stimulants (1145-
01-.04) all are considered drugs of abuse
and trigger a check.
Dispenser must check the CSMD when…
-prior to dispensing the first time patient is dispensed a controlled substance at that practice site
-and at least every 6 months thereafter
-Opioids, BZDs, and C-II stimulants
Prescribers and dispensers shall check the CSMD if…
reasonably certain fraudulent, illegal, or medically inappropriate purposes
When are Prescribers and dispensers exempt from checking the CSMD?
-Patients receiving hospice care
-<3-day treatment period and no refills
-directly administered to the patient in inpatient or residential treatment in hospital or nursing home
CSMDs are allowed to communicate with other databases of other states. T/F
Where do wholesalers and distributors report activities of controlled substances?
To the CSMD committee (not to the CSMD)
-wholesaler and distributor shall report suspicious ordering to the appropriate boards
(ex: a pharmacy orders a suspicious amount of controlled substances)
Know the definitions of 1140-11-01
see Handout
-means a pharmacy where a controlled substance is dispensed from a licensed pharmacy
-when outside the pharmacy: means an authorized
individual when a controlled substance is
dispensed outside a licensed pharmacy
Healthcare Practioner
-physician, dentist, optometrist, veterinarian or other person registered to prescribe or dispense controlled substances
-also pharmacies (not pharmacists), hospitals, or other institutions permitted to dispense, distribute, or administer controlled substances
Healthcare practitioner delegate
-any person designated by a healthcare practitioner, who acts as an agent of the healthcare practitioner -> to check CSMD on behalf of the practitioner
Patient identifier
-patient’s full name
-address including zip code
-date of birth
-SSN or alternative identification number (see below)
What are the alternative identification numbers?
-driving license number
-Telephone number
->if they dont have them: 000-00-0000
->if they refuse to provide them: 999-99-9999
-if someone is picking it up for the patient use the same order:
SSN -> DLN -> phone number, 000-00-0000 -> 999-99-9999
How should the information be sent to the CSMD?
electronically per their specs
-veterinarians can submit via alternative approved methods