EXAM 2 TN Pharmacy Practice Pt2 Flashcards
Who has the authority to prescribe in Tennessee?
-Certified physician assistant
-Authorized nurse under the supervision of a physician
-Pharmacist under CPA
-Other allied medical practitioners
When can OTC products be sold in any retail setting (grocery store) and what are the exceptions?
when they are in the original package
exceptions: has to be sold in a pharmacy
-BTC items: pseudoehperidine
What is the purpose of executing OTC products as a prescription order?
to have access to DUR and maintain a complete medication profile
-patients still need to pay tax
-still need a prescriber authorization
What would be the appropriate practice for a patient who ran out of prescription meds?
can give 72h supply of a prescription drug without authorization if
-> can repeat 72h supply (total 144h supply)
-> Extend to a 20 day supply in case of a disaster
-it is a maintenance medication
-potential endangerment (they don’t have it, and that may cause harm)
-no controlled substance
Can a pharmacy in a hospital receive and keep samples of controlled substances at the request of a prescriber?
need the written request of the prescriber!
Can a pharmacy out of the state of Tennessee mail a prescription to a pharmacy in Tennessee?
but need a license to do so
What is a consortium in regard to Pharmacy practice?
Pharmacies that gather together to buying groups, to have more purchasing power
-> it is allowed!
When are pharmacists immune from liability when discussing prescription orders or patient information with authorized prescribers?
- if they talk to providers and complete the DUR
- assist prescribers in obtaining a drug history of a patient (fe patient in the ER)
- prevent abuse or misuse of any drug or device and the diversion of substances
- provide a medication therapy management (MTM) or quality assurance program
What should a pharmacist do if he can’t read a prescription?
make a reasonable attempt to clarify with
->it is not lawful dispense
law for prescribers: they have to write in a way that is readable for a pharmacist
Pharmacy Practice Act 215
2 Rxs on one Rx blanket
If 2 Rxs on one Rx blank and 1 is a C-II -> you are allowed to transfer a non-scheduled drug to a new Rx blank by scanning, photocopying, transcribing
-shouldn’t be an issue with e-prescribing
If a pharmacy in Virginia serves patients in Tennessee, the Board of which state is responsible for meeting all the criteria?
The Board of Pharmacy in Virginia
-the pharmacy in Virginia must follow USP guidelines
If the pharmacy (with a TN license) in Virginia is serving patients in Tennessee has to face disciplinary action by the FDA for example, how many days does the pharmacy have to notify the Board of Pharmacy in Tennessee?
Within 14 days
What should be on a Collaborative Practice Agreement?
-Nature and scope defined
-Can include mid-levels, but the physician must authorize CPA
-biennially (every 2 years) renewal and review, at a minimum
-Pharmacy can’t hire a prescriber to establish CPA
When can a pharmacist use judgment to adjust the amount of dispensing?
-Does not apply to controlled substances
-Specific to maintenance meds
-Can dispense more than the quantity indicated if less than 90-day supply, up to 90 days
-prescriber has the option of saying the amount prescribed is medically necessary - then you cant adjust
Can a pharmacist get women self-administered contraceptives?
with a non-specific patient collabrative practice agreement with a physician or mid-level under the supervision of a physician
What needs to be done by the pharmacist to prescribe a patient a contraceptive?
-patients need to be 18 or older or emancipated minor
-Training, patient risk assessment, ”fact sheet” provision, coordinate care with prescriber
- Liability protection included
What does a pharmacist need for the provision of Ivermectin?
non-specific CPA
similar rules with contraceptives
How many members of the Board of Pharmacy are pharmacists?
7 pharmacists
1x is a consumer
1x is a pharmacy technician
the Board also employs an executive Director, but they are not a member of the board
What are the requirements for pharmacists to be part of the Board of Pharmacy?
-Resident of the state for no less than 5 years
-a graduate of a recognized school of pharmacy
-licensed in good standing in this state
-be actively engaged in pharmacy practice in this state
-have at least 5 consecutive years of experience in the practice of pharmacy
Who selects the Board of Pharmacy?
the Governor
->TPA and interested pharmacy groups can recommend (usually the Governor picks form here)
-should have one or more who are 60 or older
-1+ racial minority
-represent a variety of practice settings (community, compounding, nuclear, hospital pharmacist)
-7-year term, can only serve 1 term
-can be removed from the board for misconduct
Who elects the President and Vice president of the Board of Pharmacy?
the 7 pharmacy members
Responsibilities of the Board of Pharmacy
Select all that apply question
-Promulgate rules
-Issue licenses
-Keep track of all PICs
-Notify licensed pharmacists of changes
-Set minimum criteria for licensure -> 21 years of age, for example
-Define the scope of practice of pharmacy technicians and the qualifications necessary
-And other things
What is the Kevin Clauson Drug Donation Act?
Prescription drug re-dispensing program
Skip for now -> will be covered in Rules
What is the Federally Qualified Health Center Prescription Drug Dispensing Pilot Program
allows telepharmacy
-so allowing drugs to be given to patients without a pharmacist being present to do counseling
Do pharmacies have to function as a disposal site?
It is voluntary
-if they do they must follow federal regulations
-Pharmacist in charge is the decision-maker (based on the statute)
What shall the Board do in regard to Drug Disposal?
The board shall maintain a list of participating pharmacies
The board shall make applicable rules regarding this Part