Exam 3 Questions Flashcards
Know the Geologic Time Scale
Describe the Dino Wars. Who were the main players? What good came out of it?
Othniel Charles Marsh
Edward Drinker Cope
Friends to rivals, bombed each others sites
Benefits: sparked public interest -> 136 new discoveries, boom in North America
What was the first dinosaur ever named? How was it described at the time? How did they think it lived?
Described as a giant reptile, thought to walk on four legs.
Describe the reptile categories based on temporal fenestra and give examples of each. What is the
function of reduced temporal fenestra?
Anapsids, synapsids, diapsids, euryapsids. Reduced temporal fenestra lightens weight and provides attachment points for muscles.
Describe Anapsids, Synapsids, Diapsids, and Euryapsids. What is the difference? Give examples of each.
When did they appear in the fossil record? What are therapsids?
Anapsids: 0 opening- turtle Perm
Synapsid- 1 opening- mammals Carb
Diapsids- 2 openings: reptiles, crocs Carb
Euryapsids: 1 opening, lost one, sauropods. Perm.
Therapids: basal mammals, mammal-like reptiles.
Describe the two the two major clades of Diapsids (Lepidosauromorpha and Archosauromorpha). How
are they different? Give examples of each. When did they evolve?
- mosasaur, snakes, lizards
- mobile skulls and extreme loosening of skulls to swallow prey. Tr- rec
- Perm- Tr
- Basal form of triassic archosauria. Protosaurous, rhyncosaur, trilophosaurid, Lack of notochordal canals
What is a key characteristic of the Archosauria? When did the first true archosaurs evolve? When did
most archosaurs go extinct?
Opening on snout just ahead of eye- anorbital fenestra. Early Tr- Late Tr.
Describe the clades of Archosauria. What feature is used to distinguish
between the clades?
Differentiated by Ankle Bands
- Sprawling, semi-erect stance, larger, outwards ankle, many die before Jr
- Smaller, mesotarsal ankle, erect stance
Describe the Permian-Triassic Extinction Event (severity/causes) and how it shaped the world for the
diversification of reptiles.
- Large igneous province. Siberian traps flood basalts
Covers 7 mlilion square km
2 million years of eruptions, spans permian-tri boundary
changed ocean chemistry and circulation- anoxic
changed atmospheric chemistry
Killed a whole bunch of creatures, opening up niches for dinosaurs to fill
Describe the Cretaceous-Paleogene Extinction Event (severity/causes) and how it affected the nonavian
dinosaurs, marine reptiles, and flying reptiles
Volcanism and meteorite went KABOOM mother fuckers. L to the oceans too, cause they become anoxic AGAIN. Big boys died because starvation and bad climate. Little guys survived because they could burrow.
stepwise extinctions
When did the earliest definitive dinosaur evolve? What are the two universally accepted diagnostic
characters that pertains to all dinosaurs? Describe the first dinosaurs of the Carnian Stage.
245ma (footprints)
Body fossil
- 230mya
South America
Perforate acetabulum- an opening in the hip socket of the pelvis
Parasagital stance (not completely dinosaurian): femur position in socket and ankle joint, efficient running locomotion. Mesotarsal joint specialized to move back and forth.
Carnian stage -235-229 mya
Insectovores, d
What is
the Carnian pluvial episode and how did it influence the evolution of the first true dinosaurs?
232 mya
- volcanism, global climate change from dry- humid- dry
- extinctions of nondnios and amniote herbivoores
- new niches open for dinos. explkoded.
How are Pterosaurs and Dinosaurs related? What was the time range for Pterosaurs? What are the
features that all Pterosaurs share?
They’re both Ornithodirans
Late Tr-K
- Flight
- Social
- Reptiles
- Many sizes
- Horny or feathered.
- Large brains, hollow bones
Warm blooded, well developed optic lobes
- Narrow membrane attached to modified 4th finger and thighs
Coastal/marine predators
- Ancestor unk
Describe the 4 main pterosaurs highlighted in class. When did they evolve? What features set them
apart from each other?
- Tr- L JR
- basal
- long tail, stiffened with ligaments
- tail ended in soft tissue tail vane
- needle-like teeth angled forward to catch fish
e Jr- K
Two kinds of teeth
- sharp front, flat back
- Closely related to rham
- 4 foot wingspan
- Short body large head
- Most time on groun
-lJur -K
- First to be named and discovered
Generalist Carnivore
compact body, long neck and skull, small tail
Large crested head
20-25 foot wingspan
weighed 25 pounds
bipedal, slow
soaring animal
scooplike beak
Late K
- Aztec winged serpent god
winged 11-40 feet
large, slender hind legs, long neck, short tail, large eyes, slender beak
Social, hunted in groups
What are the two great clades of dinosaurs. How can you tell the difference?
- bird like pelvis, herbivores
- pubis runs posteriororly along the lower limb of the ischium
- Pelvis like a lizard
- pubis directed anteriorly and slightly downard
- more primitive pelvis in tetrapods
What makes a Saurischian a Saurischian? What are the two types of saurischian dinosaurs?
Well developed grasphing hands and powerful feet
long fingers
tight, articulated mtatarsals
- Sauropoda and Therapoda
Sauro-Long necked herbivorous
therapoda- Toothy carnibores and omnivores
When did Theropods evolve? Describe the features that the nonavian theropods all shared (excl. birds)
L Tr
- Hollow bones, 3 toed limbs.
First all carnis, later developed more
All continents except Ant
- <1m- >15m in length
- Mostly all predators: claws, bipedal, fast, hollow bones
- Digitgrade stance
- Jr-> Birds
3 fingered “hands” primitve 4 fingers
What is a digitgrade vs a plantigrade stance. Which dinosaurs had which stances?
Digitigrade- on it’s front toes, it’s digits
plantigrade- on the heel
Describe the bite of toothed theropods. Describe their teeth. What can their teeth tell us in terms of
diet/way of obtaining food?
Velociratpor teeth: Puncturing and slicing: sliced like hacksaw blades
tyranno: Bulbous teeth and rounded serrations, weaker cutting, crush bone, greater bite power
allosaurus: slash and tear-> thin teeth and lightly built skull
Jaw joint a tthe level of tooth row, like scissors.
Five main theropods were highlighted in class to compare their teeth, lifestyle, and features. Describe
when each evolved and features of each.
Slash and tear-> thin teeth and lightly built skull
Late Jr,
12 m
- 2000kg
- dagger esque teeth w serr edges, 5-10cm long and curved back
pack hunting
- large, powerful legs, small hands, long tail,
most abundant pred in Morrison Fm
Late Tr
- 2-3m
- 27kg
- Teeth are small and sharp, serrated on anterior and posterior
Grasphing claws - speed and agility
- social groups and flocking
-overruled by large reptiles - hollow limb bones
Early K
1100 kg
tyranno group
- 3 fings, long arms, shallow crest, short horns
- feathers
- area cool in early K
- china
- Packs?
Late K
- 12m
- 7000kg
- teeth: 60 saw edged bone crushing, pointed 8 inch teeth
- 3x bite force lion
- skull >5ft long
- good smell, sight, hearing
- maybe social
- 68-66 ma
Late K
7400 kg
Smooth and cone shaped teeth
- fish eater
- sail 1.5 m
- tidal flats and marsh area
- 99-93 mya
- narrow snout with notches
- short legs, paddle like tail
What would be the advantage of loss of teeth in the theropod group? Describe the two main edentulous
theropods highlighted.
- Ornithomimosaurs and Oviraptorsaurs
- less incubation time
- easier eating
- lighter birds
Late K
- No teeth
- Beak
- Gratroliths
- Small skulls, long legs
hook-like hands
2m, 20kg, beak late k
short skull w well developed jaw muscles
found in mongolia
Describe the different senses of theropods. Good/poor? How smart were they?
Sights: giant eyes, good vision
Hearnig: enlarged inner ear cavity-> low freq
Brain: smarter than dog or cat, possibly similar to chimp
Smell: large olfactory bulbs
color: melansomes: organelles w/different shapes and sizes for color
Feather: insulation, protection, camo, display, sensory
Describe the evolution of feathers and what melasomes can tell us about their appearance. What were
the functions of the first feathers and coloration? Which diapsids had feathers?
Started out patchy and thin but some grew full pllumage as time went on.
melansomes: organelles w/different shapes and sizes for color
Feather: insulation, protection, camo, display, sensory
Archaeopteryx and deinonychus
Six theropods were highlighted in class to show the intermediate forms between birds and nonavian
theropods. What were they, when did they evolve, could you describe them?
Late K
- 5.3m
crown shaped weak serrated teeth
pot bellied
big hands with 12 inch claws
shorter tail
partial omnivore
Late Jr
cone like teeth
ate small creatures
sharp teeth, long bony tail
Early K
short tail
large claws
prim skull
large humerus
Early K
- 5.5m
350 kg
Lots of sharp, pointed teeth. Ate bigger prey. Ambush
Largest dromoaesaur
Early K
3.4m 100kg backwards curving teeth
Small, carniv, large scicle talon on the 2nd toe
shorter leg bones
long stiff tail
1.6m, 7kg, sharp, pointed teeth
solo hunting, clutching claws
birdlike hinged ankles, wish bone, forward toes
fine feathers, arm too short to fly
good smell
24 mph, intelligent
When did Prosauropods evolve/disappear from the fossil record? Describe the key features that they all
Primitive form of sauropods
Long neck, small head long tail, barrel shaped
distinctive mobile thumb and powerful claw
primitive leaf shaped teeth
EJur/late Tr- EJur
Describe the evolution of the nares and other
features in the skulls of the sauropods. What do we know about their eggs and nests? Did they
practice parental care?
skull nares migrate over time from tip to up
not chewing
LArge, returned to nesting grounds shallow trops, 15cm eggs, 15-34 per nest, abandoned, grew 12000 pounds a year, sexually mature at 20
When did Sauropods evolve? Describe their key features. What are some specialized features in their
body plan that helped support such a large animal?
eJ- lK
Largest animals
long necks, small heads, not intelligent
non occluding teeth in front of mouth
obligate quadrapeds
teeth changed form
leaf shaped-> spoon shaped
limbs-> rigid columns
sexually dimorphic
plantigrade and digitgrade
tail did not drag
air sacs
Stepping through the Sauropod groups from the Middle Jurassic to the end Cretaceous, what were the
main genera highlighted in class? How did they differ from each other? (Seven were highlighted).
Prosauropods (TR- LJr)
-Primitive forms, long necks, small heads,
barrel-shaped bodies, long tails
* Front limbs < hind limbs, suggesting
primitive bipedality
* Distinctive, mobile thumb with powerful
* Primitive “leaf-shaped” teeth
* Gastroliths, indicating food processing in
the stomach
* Probably herbivorous
- More primitive
characteristics - Still large and
quadrapedal - All sauropods
descended from
this basal group
Extremely elongate, even
gracile sauropods
* A single narial opening at the
top of the skull
* Rows of thin, chisel-like teeth
like a comb; restricted to the
front of the jaws
* Forelimbs shorter than
* Whip-like tail, living in herds,
and big size gave protection
Have a large,
retracted narial
opening on a
robust, stout
* Long forelimbs
and shorter tail
compared to
the Diplodocids
* Stoutly built
Ate tough plant material –
more spatulate (less thin) teeth
than diplodocids
* Distinctive cranial profile with a
blunt snout and an arched skill
that is square
* ‘Chambered lizard’ referring to
hollow chambers (plaurocoels)
on its vertebrate
* Only moderate length neck by
sauropod standards
Largest (heaviest
and longest)
animal (marine or
land) of all time –
60 metric tons!
* Survived until the
K-Pg extinction
What makes an Ornithischian an Ornithischian? Describe the three 3 sections that the skull is divided
into. What is the rhamptotheca and the diastema? Cheek teeth? What is the predentary and the
coronoid process?
Bird-like pelivs
eJr- K
Predenstary bone, unpaired extension of lower jaw
developed large stomach and intestional region
chewed food, cheeks
may have been primitive feathered
skuyll 3 sections
- beak: rhamoptotheca (inscisors)
- diastema (middle part, gap, toothless)
- Cheek teeth: back of skull grind down food
expansion of coronoid process
When did the earliest basal ornithischian show up in the rock record? Which one was highlighted in class
and why do scientists think it is a basal ornithischian?
Late triassic
Pisanosaurus from the late Triassic,
Describe the Thyreophora. When did the earliest appear and what features did they share?
Dermal armor or body plates on the back of the body.
All share: dorsal rows of dermal armor
Earliest in Early Jurrassic
Describe features of the Stegosauria. What are the functions of the plates on Stegosaur backs? How did
they defend themselves? What can their teeth tell us about their diet? How smart were they?
- browser
- northern hemisphere
- quadraped
- solitary
- front< back legs
- dramatically sloping profiles
- not smart
- liesure
- spiked tails
- plates could have been for cooling or display, used to think defense
- weak jaws but chewing teeth
Late Jr
Describe features of the Ankylosauria. How did they defend themselves? Describe the difference
between the two anklyoauria families.
Ankylosauridae and Nodosauridae
- wide bodies
- gut fermentation
- grinding teeth
- large throat bones and strong tongues
- low brosers
- armored skulls
- inset teeth
- 5m
- tail club
triangle head
squamosal horns prominent
heavy build
head down Mid Jr
late jr
no tali club
should spikes
elongate head
long snout
powerful shoulder muscles
more gracile
head not angled down
- slow, solitary,
What two dinosaur groups are included in the Marginocephalia? When did they evolve and what
features do they all share?
Late Jr- Late K
all bear a ridge or shelfe of bone on back of skull
many shapes and sizes
N hemisphere during K
Describe the Pachycephalosaurs. When did they evolve? What are their key characteristics? What is the
function of the thickened skull?
Late K
- teeth and abdominal regions large
bipedal ornithscians with thickened skull roofs
peg like teeth
small thamphotheca
- typical brain
- enlarge smell
- back half angled downward brain
- thickened skulls for rams, secual display, or something else?
social behavior
Describe the Ceratopsia. When did they evolve? What are their key characteristics? What is the rostral
bone? What is the function of the horns and frills? Describe their dental battery and diet. Did
ceratopsians practice parental care? Describe the three ceratopsians highlighted in class.
LJr- K
N hemisphere
thick hooves
6-7 metric ton tanks
hooked beak skulls
rostral bone
not girthy
fairly quick and intelligent
Psittacosaurus eK
- 2m 50kg
round skull unique rostral bone, flared cheek bones
2 or 4
Triceratops late K
horny beak, dental battery
parental care
What dinosaurs are included in the Ornithopoda? Describe their key features. Why the development of
the ossified tendons? Describe their legs and digits. What did they eat? Describe their Pleurokinetic
skull. Describe their complex behavioral habits and evidence for. Why did these features evolve?
Did they practice parental care?
Iguanodon, Hadrosaurids (duck-bills) Middle Jr- end K
- Cows of mesozoic
- all herbivores
- numerous, diverse, everywhere
- early 1-2m later 15m
- long tail, muscular, strengthened by ossified tendons
- horizontal
- powerful hindlimbs
- fairly quick when springting
Gracile forelimbs
- herbivores
- beak, diastema, cheek teeth, inset row, bacterial fermentation
- smart
sexual display for skull
arched snouts, low broad bump on head, traveled in herds
some htachlings were instant travelers, some weren’t. parential care shown.
Five ornithopoda dinosaurs were highlighted in class. What were their main features, when did they
evolve, can you describe them?
- 2m
- horny beak
- grinding cheek teeth
- small, bipedal, Na, burrowing
- Late Jr
- 5m
- beak and teeth
- heavy
- no thumb spike
- 2 or 4 legs
- Late K
- 9m, 3400kg, large bipedal
- bipedal
- duck billed
- cropped vegetation with beak
- large
- crest on head
-reduced 1st and 5th digit hands
- Early K
- 10m
- 4000kg
- chewing teeth and horny beak
- long tongue
- four limbs or two
- thumb spike (1st digit)
- 5th digit opposable pinky
Understand the two hypotheses surrounding how birds developed flight
Ground up,
Tree down.
Know what features of the chicken we used comparative anatomy on, and how those features informed
our classification of the chicken
Enlarged Scapula, furcula, keeled sternum, pygostyle, pelvis similar to ornithischian but is saurischians, clavicle, femur, sternum.
Describe Herrerasaurus, Eoraptor, and Plateosaurus and how they help us understand initial
sauropod evolution.
3m, 350kg, flexible joint in jaw for sliding to bite, serrated teeth
carniborous but preyed on
one earliest fossilized
strong bipedal, long feet, short thighs, swift runner
basal- traits from arch
L Tr
1.7m, 10kg, small razor teeth, omnivore
Small, lightly built, basal,
biped, fast, five digits on hands, humid, warm
L Tr
4,000 Kg, grinding Teeth, horny beak
2 or 4 legs
5 fingers, large thumb