EXAM 3 - general knowledge Flashcards
SAPS key findings
impingement signs
painful arc
pain with isometric weakness
SAPS rule out finding
signifigant loss of motion
instability signs
adhesive capsulitis key findings
spontaneous progressive pain
los of motion in multiple planes
- ER most limited
pain are end of ROM
AC issue rule out
normal motion
GH instability rule in
history of dislocation or sublex
apprehension test
relocation test
general laxity
GH instability rule out
no history of sublex or dislocation
no apprehension with testing
common complaint - lateral or anterior shulder pain with overhead act or a painful arc
subacromnial impairment, tendonitis, bursitis
common complaint - reports of instability apprehension and pain when the shoulders are abd and ER
instability, labral tear if a click is present
common complaint - Decreased ROM and pain with resistance
RC or long head of biceps tendonitis
common complaint - Reports of pain and weakness with muscle loading, night pain, age > 60
RC tear
common complaint -
non-specific shoulder pain that occasionally radiates into
the elbow.
Aggravated by movement and relieved by rest.
Age > 45.
Adhesive capsulitis
common complaint - Fall or impact directly to shoulder followed by pain to the AC joint.
AC sprain
common complaint - UE heaviness or numbness with prolonged postures and when lying on
involved side.
TOS, cervical radiculopathy
what does medial border scapula winging indicate
serratus anterior
long thoracic nerve
what does lateral border scapula wing indicate
CN XI (accessory) issue
what could muscle atrophy indicate
possibel spinal accessory nerve or long thoracic nerve involvment
pain before the restriction
pain at the restriction
pain after the restriction to motion
chronic condition