Exam-3-Final-B Flashcards
Data Processing
business technology in the 1970’s.
-used to imp[rove the flow of financial information.
Business Intelligence
Software applications that analyze an organizations data and take insights from it.
Key Types of Business Information
1-Business Process Information
data gathered at point of sale
2-Pyshcial World observations
the data from electronic devices in public places.
3- Biological Data
forms of identification that read human features
4-Public Data
free data included in electronic traces
5-Date that indicate personpal references
interent shopping that leaves a trail
Four characteristics of useful information
1-Quality accurate information and reliable 2-compleeness -enough information to make a descion 3-timeliness information must reach managers quickly 4-relevance different managers have different information needs
firm wide network closed to public access, that uses technonlgy type technology
semiprivate network that allows more than one company to access the same infomration
Network computing system
computer systems that allow personal computers to obtain needed information from huge databases
also clinet/server computing
software that is copyrighted but distributed to potential customers free of charge
an embellished logo on an email to require the user to link to another site
programing code used to cause unexpected and undesirable events.
terrorist hackers can shut down entire commuciations networks