Exam 3 - Ethnicity & Race Flashcards
Historical population patterns – comparing Spanish & Portuguese areas
In the Spanish colonies: 17M total; 7.5M indigenous, 5.3M
mestizos, 3.2M whites, 1M blacks and mulattos
In Brazil: blacks and mulattos 2.5M, whites 1M,indigenous
and mestizos 500,000
Spanish asiento
Spanish asiento was the licensing system which contracted with British,
Dutch, Portuguese, or French to supply labor from Africa
Diversity of African populations in Americas
The populations of Africans brought to the New World were very diverse like the sending regions they were from; ½ died on way to coast
West Africa (Senegal & Gambia), central African coast, Congo & Angola, East Africa (Mozambique)
About 9M total in Latin America
Middle Passage, Tumbieros
The Middle Passage – the harsh voyage from Africa to the New World – many died from the conditions on board
Tumbeiros: “slavers” or “coffin ships” were used to
transport the captives
Designed for maximum occupancy
Captives were only brought above deck for
about one hour a day during the 6-8 week journey
Colonial powers & the rights of enslaved
Circumstances of slaves was based on the colonial power – Spanish/Portuguese: guaranteed rights based on Roman legal codes
Right to life, could not be legally killed
Protection of women & children from their masters
Right to own personal property
Right to enter into personal contracts
Right to purchase their personal freedom
Catholic Church – slaves possess immortal souls; should have Sundays and religious holidays off
Manumission/other freedoms, Free Black populations
Manumission (granting freedom) & other forms of freedom
(purchasing freedom)
Free Black populations grew so that by the end of the colonial era they outnumber slaves
Mexico & Panama by 9:1; Brazil 3:1
Slave resistance (forms of), quilombos
Passive—feigning illness or laziness; sabotaging crops and property
Violent—rebellions/revolts occurred less frequently; also took form of suicide
Escape—individual acts of short duration; groups to physically isolated backlands
Maroon/cimarrones/quilombos – communities of free blacks/escaped slaves
NE Brazil, British & Dutch Guyana, Colombia, Mexico, Jamaica
Abolition (when/where) and migration (rural to urban)
Slavery was abolished in British and French empires in
1830s, by mid-1800s in independent countries, Brazil in
The freed Black populations tended to relocate from
rural areas to urban areas
Asian populations (where & why)
Indentured workers
800,000 came as contract laborers in sugar zones (recall that Black populations migrated away from rural areas after slavery is abolished)
Chinese (Peru/Cuba), South Asians (French/English colonies), Javanese (Suriname)
Terms of service
Passage for committed period of work on plantation
Generally low wages/bad living conditions
After service
Reenlist, remain, return
Less than 1/3 returned
Became farmers, tradesmen, and (later) white-collar professionals
Miscegenation—racial mixing
Few women migrated to Americas
Tradition from Moorish Iberia
Castas—categories created to define mixed groups (meztizo, mulattos, etc.) Race correlated to socioeconomic class in colonial era Became almost infinite—lost meaning—meant different things to different people
Social race
Confusion over the infinite number of castas lead to the
construction of social races—determined by lifestyle over physical
Social vs. biological markers
Occupation, language, dress, diet, religion
Made it possible for people to change their racial classification by
altering their lifestyle
EX: dressing like a European or wearing traditional indigenous
“whitening” of populations
Physical “whitening” or “bleaching” of Latin American populations
Population becoming more European-like—declining numbers of Indigenous & Blacks
Fewer Black women than men; they tended to marry later; miscegenation
Black men died in military campaigns in Argentina; Indigenous were targeted in wars of extermination (“Indian Wars”)
Blacks: 30% (early 1800s) to 1.8% (1887)
Indigenous: 5% (1869) to 0.7% (1895)
Social Darwinism
Social Darwinism – theory that human societies could be compared to competing natural species
Led to racist immigration policies—encouraging white indentured and non-indentured migration
Argentine immigration – btw 1880 and 1930 added 3,225,000 – mostly from Italy (43%) & Spain (34%)
Social racial prejudice
Social racial prejudice vs. physical racial prejudice
Internalized racism
Internalized racism—repudiation of culture & self – “denial of the self”
Indigenismo – exaltation of indigenaity, preservation of culture; anti-Columbus campaign in 1992, Zapatista uprising, MAS movement in Bolivia
‘To the Indian, the Spaniard is only a tenant. And we have to hit him, complain about him and tell him to
leave, because we are the owners and we are going
to return.’
Pan Africanism/Negritude
Negritude/Pan-Africanism— celebrated Black culture and challenged notions of race constructed as part of the colonial project of domination; influential in anti-colonial,
nationalist struggles