EXAM 3 Conflict Flashcards
conflict defined
an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals
4 levels of conflict
1) specific concrete behaviors(running late)
2) relational rules and norms
3) personality traits
4) metaconflict (conflict about how we conflict)
- 94% accuracy which newlywed couples will remain married and with will divorce in 6 years
- the coding system focusses on the positive or negative nature of what the spouses recall and how they refer to their partner
number 1 predictor of divorce is the…
- avoidance of conflict
- stems from contempt
- we avoid conflict because we fear it causes divorce
4 Horsemen
Certain kinds of negativity, if allowed to run rampant, are so lethal to a relationship that we call them the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
- criticism
- contempt
- defensivness
- stonewalling
- Treating others with disrespect and mocking them with sarcasm
- hostile humor, name-calling, mimicking, and body language such as eye-rolling and sneering
- fueled by long-simmering negative thoughts about one’s partner
- seek an explanation for their negative feelings and, over time, people can develop a negative habit of mind to search for why they feel so bad
- It makes the victim feel assaulted, rejected, and hurt
- “I’m tired of picking all of your clothes! Your messiness is exasperating”
- men are particularly are sensitive to this
- think only in terms of defense and attack
- no longer look for responses that will restore the situation
- the fight option in “fight or flight”
- shouting
- feels unjustly accused
- not taking responsibility for part of the problem
- a masculine specialty (85% men)
- upsetting to women
- foreshadows the final stage of a relationship
- total emotional withdraw from the situation
- heart rate of above 100 beats a minute
criticism anecdote
- use soft set up
- talk to partner while starting the sentence with “I”
- if I talk about what I feel, then no-one can argue with me
- expose vulnerability in myself
- this candor will make the other person cooperate
Gottmans coding system
focuses on the positive or negative nature of what the spouses recall and how they refer to their partner
what gottman looks for when predicting the future
- 4 horsemen
- repair attempts
the dreams within the conflict
- understanding the underlying purpose or dream behind the conflict
- the speaker voices what they want when that person argues
- ex: honor and having a place of order
contempt anecdote
- build a culture of appreciation and positive qualities
- start gratitude journal
defensivness anecdote
- be accepting of partners perspective
- take responsibility
stonewalling anecdote
- phycological self soothing
- take a deep breath
- stepping away from the situation
6 things Gottman looks for in 15 minutes that predict divorce
1) Harsh setup
2) Four Horsemen
3) flooding
4) body language
5) failed repair attempts
6) bad memories
kitchensinking/ gunny sacking
- putting everything into the fight
- throw a bunch of arguments into one fight
- “storing up” grievances acquired in the course of a relationship, rather than resolve them when they first occurred
Harsh setup
- When a discussion leads off with criticism and/or sarcasm
- women initiate 80% of conflict
-when negative is so overwhelming, and so sudden, that it leaves you shell-shocked
body language
- heart rate 100 beats a minute
- hormonal changes
- burst of adrenaline
- brain is less rational
failed repair attempts
- efforts the couple makes to deescalate the tension during a discussion
- failure of these attempts is an accurate marker for an unhappy future
bad memories
- when couples look back at their relationship and only see the bad things
- When they talk about the tough times they’ve had, they glorify the struggles