Why is angina a common symptom of anemia in patients with pre-existing CAD?
Decreased oxygen delivery to the heart b/c of decreased oxygen in the blood
What is the definition of anemia in males and feamles?
- Males= Hb less than 13.5
- Females= Hb less than 12.5
What are the common causes of a microcytic anemia?
1) Fe++ deficiency
2) ACD
3) Sideroblastic anemia
4) Thalassemia
How does iron deficiency lead to microcytic anemia?
Hb= heme + globin
- Decreased iron
- Decreased heme
- Decreased Hb
- ->Microcytic anemia
What is the most common cause of Fe++ deficiency in infants?
What is the most common cause of Fe++ deficiency in children?
Poor diet
What is the most common cause of Fe++ deficiency in Adults?
PUD vs. hookworm
What is the most common cause of Fe++ deficiency in Elderly?
Colon polyps/carcinoma
What lab values are characteristic of Fe++ deficiency anemia?
- Decreased ferritin
- Increased TBIC
- Decreased serum Fe++
- Decreased %saturation
- Increased FEP
How does increased Hepcidin production in ACD lead to microcytic anemia?
1) Hepcidin sequesters Fe++ in storage sites
2) Decreased available Fe++
3) Decreased heme
4) Decreased Hb
–>Microcytic anemia
What are the lab findings in ACD?
- Increased Ferretin
- Decreased TIBC
- Decreased serum Fe++
- Decreased %saturation
- Increased FEP
Explain the etiology of sideroblastic anemia leading to microcytic anemia.
Sideroblastic anemia= congenital defect in ALA Synthease, the rate limiting step of heme synthesis
1) Decreased protoporphyrin
2) Decreased heme
3) Decreased Hb
–>Microcytic anemia
When protoporphyrin is deficient, where is Fe++ trapped? What does this lead to?
Mitochondria –> “Ringer sideroblasts”
What are the acquired causes of sideroblastic anemia?
Pb poisoning
Vitamin B6 deficiency
B6 is the cofactor for ALA synthase
What are the lab findings in sideroblastic anemia?
- Increased ferretin
- Decreased TBIC
- Increased serum Fe++
- Increased %saturation
Outline the etiology of microcytic anemia in Thalassemia.
Decreased synthesis of globin chains=
- Decreased Hb
–>Microcytic anemia
What is the hallmark PBS finding of Beta-Thalassemia?
Target cells
What is the approach to treating stable Fe++ deficiency anemia in the elderly?
Oral Fe++ therapy with 325 mg of Ferrous Sulfate and 500 units Vitamin C
What are the most common causes of macrocytic anemia?
Folate/ B12 deficiency