Exam 3 (Ch. 10-11) Flashcards
the psychological and physical response to a stimulus that alters the body’s equilibrium
-a stimulus that throws the body’s equilibrium out of balance
-2 types: chronic and acute
the 3 parts of the stress over time graph
alarm reaction, resistance, and exhaustion
describe the stress over time graph
stress resistance dips in alarm reaction, rises and steadies in resistance and dips in exhaustion as time goes on
low arousal=
weak performance
high arousal=
weak performance due to anxiety
interest in activity
first 2 stages of sleep
1: transition from alpha waves to theta activity
2:characterized by appearance of sleep spindles and K-complexes
slow wave sleep (SWS)
-occurs about 15-20 min after stage 2
-transitions to REM 90 minutes after SWS
rapid eye movement sleep(REM)
-occurs 90 mins after SWS
-desynchronized theta and vivid narrative based dreams occur
REM phases get longer the…
longer you sleep
functions of SWS
-restoration of the brain
sleep deprivation (specifically SWS)
cognitive deficits
functions of REM sleep
-rebound phenomenon suggests need for REM sleep
-protects consolidation
who investigated dreaming? what 2 ideas did he study ?
manifest content and latent content
the 4 main sleep disorders (dyssomnias)
-conditioned insomnia
-idiopathic insomnia
insomnia (dyssomnias)
-inability to fall asleep
-sleeping pills can help get you to sleep it will not be deep and you will feel unrested
conditioned insomnia (dyssomnias)
results from association and conditioning
idiopathic insomnia (dyssomnias)
caused by neurophysiological abnormality
hypersomnia (dyssomnias)
-excessive sleepiness
-tired even after a lot of sleep
sleep disorder: narcolepsy
-neurodegenerative disorder
-sleep attacks (unpredictable)
-cataplexy (loss of muscle control)
-hallucination before and after sleep
-intense dreaming
hypnagogic hallucinations
-hallucinations that occur before sleep
hypnopompic hallucinations
-hallucinations that occur before waking up and after sleep
2 types of parasomnia sleeping disorders
-REM sleep behavior disorder
-slow wave sleep disorders
REM sleep behavior disorder (parasomnia sleeping disorders)
-acts out contents of dreams
slow wave sleep disorders (parasomnia sleeping disorders)
-bedwetting (common for kids in transition to potty training)
-night terrors (common for kids, rare in adults)
-sleep walking (walking and talking or just one of the 2)
-depressant and decreases inhibitions
-affects several neurotransmitters
-prolonged repeated use leads to major health problems
determinants of alcoholism
-genetic susceptibility
-self esteem
-stimulates cortex and hippocampus
-depressant and mild hallucinations
-leads to poor attention and memory
-not physiologically addictive but psychologically addictive
what reduces the side effects of chemotherapy
-amphetamines and cocaine
-increases alertness and elevates mood
-low after high
-change perception, thinking, and self awareness
-interferes with serotonin
-effects depend on amount, setting, and personality
-bad trips and flashbacks
-not addictive
the 2 types of coping
problem solving and emotional focused
problem solving coping
-finding ways to deal with the issue
emotional focused coping
-not directly addressing the problem but handling the negative sides of the stress
-sharing your problems with others (social support)
poor coping strategies
-thought suppression
-drugs and alcohol
the 3 types of internal conflicts
-approach approach conflict
-avoidance avoidance conflict
-approach- avoidance conflict
approach approach conflict
-having to decide between 2 good things
-there is no “bad” choice in this scenario
approach avoidance conflict
choice that ahs positive and negative outcomes
avoidance avoidance conflict
choices that are both bad, but you have to pick one
the 4 d’s of psychological disorders
-deviance (statistically rare, not general in the population)
-distress (does behavior cause stress for the person)
-danger (is behavior causing danger to yourself or others)
how we talk about mental health (to make the person feel better)
person first language rather than disability first language
-interferes with daily activities
-diminished sustained attention
-may end up homeless
3 types schizophrenia
disorganized schizophrenia
-disorganized thoughts and word salad
catatonic schizophrenia
-physical rigidity and flat affect
-no matching of emotions to moment
paranoid schizophrenia
-hallucinations and delusions
-seeing or experiencing something that doesn’t exist
-something following you (shadow people)
-something there but your mind makes a story that dramatizes it
manic episode (bipolar disorder)
-impulsively doing something while under stress
depressive episode
-extreme sadness and lack of interest
-higher rate for women than men
-more common overall than manic episodes
major depressive disorder
-includes suicidal behaviors: thoughts, plans, and attempts
-sadness, emptiness, hopelessness, loss of focus, and irritability
Sad Persons
S- male sex
A- age (9-45)
D- depression
P- previous attempt
E- ethanol abuse:
R- rational thinking lost
S- social support lacking
O- organized plan
N- no spouse
S- sickness
anxiety disorder in general
-most common psychological disorders in the US
-anxiety is problematic when it disrupts your daily life
-fear of open spaces
symptoms of generalized anxiety disorders
-restless, on edge
-easily fatigued
-difficulty focusing
-sleep problems
-fear of closed spaces
social phobia
fear of social situations and evaluation
-being without a phone
how to help specific phobias
-systematic desensitization
-recurrent unwanted and intrusive thoughts, fears, urges, or images
-behaviors in response to an obsession
-ex. repetitive handwashing
hoarding disorder
-difficulty getting rid of useless things
-results in excessive accumulation
disorders can be produced from __ and __
trauma and stress
emotional experience to something shocking or dangerous
reaction to life demands
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
-witnessing a traumatic event
-ex. war, natural disorder, crime, etc.
general dissociative disorders (positive symptoms)
feeling of separation or dislocation from ones body or the world
general dissociative disorders (negative symptoms)
loss of memory or mental function, identity, or emotion
general somatic symptom and related disorders
-intense focus on symptoms of physical illness or pain
-may experience real symptoms of illness or injury, but there is no medical explanation
general somatic disorder used to be known as
binge eating disorders (bulimia nervosa)
-recent but most common eating disorder
-cant stop eating and consume large food quantities
-feel very guilty about overeating
anorexia nervosa
-strong fear of gaining weight
-purging to control weight
general elimination disorders (2)
-enuresis: elimination or urine
-encopresis: elimination of feces
in places other than a toilet
general sexual dysfuntion
-sensitive topic
-probably more prevalent that current estimates due to underreporting
-sexual problems affect both men and women of all ages
general personality disorders
-drastically different characteristics, beliefs, and behaviors
-most common personality disorder
-mistrustful, no sense of guilt, not sociable
-prideful and bragful
borderline personality disorder
-mistrustful i relationships and in general
-elements of bipolar disorder
2 main disorders that affect sex
-fetishtic disorder
-strong, persistent sexual interest in a typical object, situation, or behaviors
-sexual urges for objects equal to or greater than the actual intercourse
fetishistic disorder
-sexual arousal and gratification depend on nonliving objects and specific body parts
gender dysphoria
-psychological distress that results from incongruence between sex assigned and ones gender identity