Exam 3 cards 1.0 Flashcards
- What types of learning/memory are preserved in people like H.M. who have bilateral hippocampal damage (what types of things can they still learn, even though they won’t be aware of their learning, and why)? What types of neuropsychological tests are used to determine what they can still learn?
What is lost if hippocampus is damaged?
H.M. (1953, 27 y.o): intractable epilepsy >bilateral medial temporal lobectomy… how did he change?
Seizure frequency decreased
IQ increased
Working short term memory was intact
Long term memory, EXPLICIT (declarative):
Retrograde amnesia (2-3 years)
Anterograde amnesia
What learning/memory is preserved?
Motor learning tasks (e.g. “mirror-drawing” – fig. 11.2) (cerebellum)
Classical conditioning (CS tone + US airpuff > eyeblink) (amygdala)
Repetitive priming tasks (“incomplete pictures”—Fig. 11.3)
But each time H>M was tested, he had no EXPLICIT memory of doing the task previously!
…such “unconscious” types of learning/memory rely on cerebellum (learned movement), basal ganglia (habitual movement, memory, learning), amygdala (conditioning), sensory cortex - explains why H.M. acquired new implicit memories despite his lack of awareness of learning new things
- What is the difference between retrograde and anterograde amnesia? What are some common causes of amnesia?
Retrograde amnesia: old memories are lost
Anterograde amnesia: Cannot retain new memories
II. Other causes of amnesia
A. Stroke (may cause only transient memory loss)
B. Korsakoff’s syndrome (in 1-2% of alcoholics, due to thiamine deficit)
C Alzheimer’s
• more general memory deficit (not just declarative LTM), +
working memory impairment
D. Concussion (Fig. 11.5) Usu. short period of retrograde amnesia
variable anterograde amnesia
E. Seizures (incl. those induced by ECT)
F…. “childhood amnesia”
- Describe what learning is in terms of changes in “synaptic strength” (LTP, LTD), including what nt, what receptors, and what ion channels are involved, and how these function under conditions of transient (brief) activation vs. strong or repeated activation. What are some pre- vs. post-synaptic mechanisms of synaptic strengthening/weakening? How can you develop/strengthen circuitry in your own brain, for example, to retain memories of Psych 372 material (or to improve your memory of anything)?
- Long-Term Potentiation (LTP): long-lasting facilitation of synaptic transmission (“strengthening of neural connections”)
observed in various brain areas; most prominent in hippocampus
- 3 ionotropic glutamate receptors: AMPA (on Na+ ion channel), NMDA (on Ca++ ion channel), kainate
- Low-level (transient) excitation of post-synaptic neuron occurs via glutamate binding to AMPA rec. > Na+ influx → A.P.
- glutamate also binds to NMDA rec., but its Ca++ channel is blocked by Mg++, so no Ca++ influx - High-level (sustained, strong) excitation of post-synaptic neuron dislodges Mg++ from Ca++ channel, so glutamate binding to AMPA & NMDA rec’s >Na+ and Ca++ influx > A.P. + Ca++-dependent protein synthesis
- Protein synthesis → synaptic strengthening:
a Post-synaptic neuron: synaptic contact strengthens = dendritic spine widens, more AMPA rec. synthesized & inserted into dendritic spine membrane
b. Pre-synaptic neuron: more glut. synthesized, released
More glut released
Wider dendrite with more receptors
Synaptic connections are constantly forming/strengthening and weakening/disappearing
Long-Term Depression (LTD): weakening of synaptic connection (e.g. due to AMPA receptor loss decrease neuro transmitter)
- Explain, on a neuronal or circuitry level, how a behavior or emotion becomes classically conditioned. For example, how can a tone come to elicit a flinch after the tone has been presented with a shock to the skin several times? Make sure you can distinguish between UCS, CS, UCR, CR (identify them in some examples you come up with yourself).
C Example: fear conditioning
- UCS (shock) >>>>> UCR (flinch): single sensory neuron excites motor neuron + “low level excitation
- If a particular tone is heard at the same time shock is experienced: two sensory neurons (one auditory, one somatosensory) that synapse on single motor neuron fire at same time = “High level excitation” >>> LTP occurs, strengthening tone-to-flinch synaptic connection
- Later, tone Cs alone will trigger flinch CR, because there is a stronger synaptic connection.
How might this explain hyperreactivity to noise in those with PTSD
- What is the role of the hippocampus in learning/memory (and what is the evidence for this role)? Include the different types of cells that have been discovered in this brain area, and how their firing can contribute to the experience of “déjà vu” for a place or person.
III. Brain Areas Crucial for Learning/Memory
A. Hippocampus (+ medial temporal cortex):
Episodic memory formation: link SENSORY PERCEPTION (sights/sounds/smells, etc.) toPLACE and TIME
“place cells”: where did event happen?
“time cells”: when did event happen? (flow of events)
“concept cells” who/what is this? (e.g. people, ideas)
[e.g. what do you recall about your h.s. graduation?]
hippocampal “place cells”
Electrode implanted into hippocampus to record single neuron firing….. When does neuron fire the most (ticking noise = A.P.)?
…when you move to a new place, your hippocampal cells rapidly acquire “place fields” so gradually you “know” where you are no matter how you are oriented in that place (i.e., your hippocampus creates spatial maps)
What is déjà vu?
• Associated w/ hippocampal place cell firing..
…these cells fire, causing you to think you’re somewhere familiar
…same for concept cells: when they fire, cause you to think you’re seeing a particular familiar person or thing
- What is the role of the amygdala in learning/memory, and what is the evidence for this role?
Amygdala: crucial for emotional learning • e.g. fear conditioning
- What are the differences in learning/memory deficits between someone with bilateral hippocampal damage vs. someone with bilateral amygdala damage vs. someone with prefrontal cortex damage?
- Describe the different stages of sleep in terms of EOG, EMG, and EEG, and describe how the relative length of sleep stages change as sleep progresses.
Sleep stages
A cyclic pattern and are 90 min cycles as night progresses, less deep sleep, more REM
Sleep stage measures (polysomnography)
- EOG: electrooculogram
- EMG: electromyogram
- EEG: electroencephalogram
- Describe the main two theories of sleep; what is the evidence supporting each theory?
Why do we sleep?
- Adaptation Theory: sleep conserves energy, at times when species is most vulnerable to threat
“prey species sleep less than predators”
b. Recuperation theory: body and or brain requires recovery from daily activity (energy use).
Neither theory explains this fully
- Describe the impact of sleep deprivation on physical, physiological, mood, cognitive functions.
- Impact of Chronic sleep deprivation
- On physical performance: small increments (e.g slight clumsiness, decreased reaction time)
- On physiology: increased susceptibility to illness, disease (immune suppression, metabolic dysregulation)
- On mood: increased irritability, lower mood
- On cognition: Decreased vigilance particularly for boring tasks
- Decreased executive function
Increased microsleeps!
However most “lost sleep” isn’t made up (e.g randy gardner)
- Compare/contrast the apparent importance of REM vs. deep sleep – what happens when people are deprived of only REM or only deep sleep?
REM-deprivation: results in REM rebound on subsequent nights, Except if substitute short period of wakefulness for each REM stage (i.e “default theory”) >>> suggests REM not crucial?
In contrast, deep sleep (stage 3) always made up after total sleep deprivation, and short-sleep nights have same deep sleep time as longer sleep nights (brain gets more efficient getting to stage 3) so getting deep sleep most important?
REM cant be made up, deep sleep is always made up.
- Explain what the suprachiasmatic nucleus does, and describe where it’s located.
Brain mechanisms of sleep
- Retina>>> SupraChiasmatic Nucleus (SCN, part of hypothalamus): “master clock”, maintains circadian rhythm of brain (entrained by light)
- What is the reticular formation (“reticular activating system”), and how does neural activity in this area change on a circadian basis, and during REM sleep?
Reticular formation, “ARAS”
- input from SCN and other sensory systems
- Output to thalamus > cerebral cortex
- Key “alertness” nuclei:
- Locus ceruleus (LC: NE-releasing)
- Raphe (5-HT releasing)
- How would drugs that alter NE or 5-HT affect sleep/wake cycles.
Also activated during REM, to:
Generate visual images (“PGO waves”)
Trigger eye movements (>superior colliculus)
Relax core muscles (inhibit spinal motor neurons)
- What are “PGO waves” and when do they occur?
PGO waves are internally generated during REM> visually vivid dreams
Pons > geniculate > occipital lobe
- Describe the various causes of insomnia. How can sleep in someone who has depression differ from someone who does not have depression? How do strong stimulants like amphetamines interfere with sleep?
Sleep disorders
Sleep medication overuse
Sleep apnea
Leg movement disorders (e.g “restless legs syndrome”)
Sleep cycles in depression
Longer to fall asleep, more awakenings, less deep sleep: decreased sleep efficiency also short latency to long duration of first REM (They have more REM initially which shortens through out the night)
Meds can also disrupt sleep
Locus curuleus decreases firing at night, so brain NE and alertness decrease; some antidepressants prevent reuptake of NE > so increase synaptic NE levels… thus can cause insomnia
Raphe: similar circadian rhythm; SSRIs increase synaptic 5-HT
Stimulants such as amphetamines also increase synaptic NE, 5-HT, DA levels
Caffiene = adenosine antagonist
Amps block reuptake and increase synthesis of MAOs