exam 3 - anxiety disorders (GAD) Flashcards
strong negative (emotional and physical) fits of tension in anticipation of future danger. Concern that bodily and/or emotional harm is to come in the future
Could be real OR imagined danger
Future oriented
a sense of worry that an immediate imminent threat will cause harm
Occurs in face of danger
Strong escape tendency
Present oriented
a group of fight/flight response symptoms
Unexpectedly occurs when there is no obvious danger
Absent of fear and anxiety
“When am I going to have a panic attack”
Persistent anxiety about having a panic attack
An attempt to avoid situations which induce panic can worsen symptoms and reinforce their onset
Panic attacks are uncomfortable in the moment but are temporary
Need to lean in instead of avoid
behavioral inhibition
during feelings of stress or fear a person may withdraw or retreat when faced with novel stimuli (environments, people, objects)
Those who exhibit BI have an increased risk for anxiety
BI is unique to the individual
More BI=More withdrawn, More anxious
positive affectivity
persistent positive mood
States of joy, enthusiasm, and energetic
Significantly lower in rates of depression
Independent from symptoms of anxiety
negative affectivity
persistent negative mood
States of nervousness, sadness, anger, and guilt
Present in both anxiety and depression
PA is ___ correlated with depression
the more depressed = the lower positive affectivity
PA is _____ correlated with anxiety
no correlation between PA and anxiety
NA is related to both depression and anxiety
The more anxiety AND/OR depression = the more negative affectivity
anxiety disorders covered in chapter
Specific phobias
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Social anxiety disorder
Separation anxiety disorder
Selective mutism
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Hoarding disorder
Panic disorder
Excoriation disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder
Related problems
school related behavior
fight flight response
Immediate reaction to perceived danger or threat aimed at escaping potential harm
Adrenaline and noradrenaline are released from adrenal glands
HPA-Axis (stress response system)
behavior lens principle
child psychopathology is viewed through the lens of a child’s culture to decipher whether something is appropriate or not
two factor theory
a combination of operant and classical conditioning contributes to learning maintenance of fears
Classical conditioning’s role: learning to be fearful
EX// little Albert was conditioned to be fearful of the animal even though it was a noise that initially startled him and the animal was truly harmless
Operant conditioning’s role: maintaining the fear
EX// Albert may go on to discover that avoiding the animal brings instantaneous relief. This association reinforces the behavior to avoid this animal because of how “good” the relief felt over the “fear”
generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
excessive, uncontrollable anxiety and worry which can be episodic or continuous
Worry happens over big AND small things
Worry about everything going on
Worry rules life
Do not find enjoyment because they are consumed with worry
Loss of friendships because of their negative outlook on the world
not as intense as panic disorder but more chronic and persistent
1 worry reminds of another worry which brings up another worry
somatic symptoms of GAD
headaches, stomachaches, muscle tension, trembling, elevated heart rate
causes health risks with prolonged somatic symptoms
being in a constant state of worry and anxiousness makes somatic symptoms more _____