Exam 3 Flashcards
Enterotoxaemia is often seen in lambs that are on?
Heavy ewes
What is Enterotoxaemia?
It is an overeating disease in lambs
Which disease is sometimes confused with a reportable disease?
Contagious Ecthyma can be confused with foot and mouth disease
What type of animal experiences high incidence of urinary calculi?
Wethers (castrated males)
Why do wethers have a higher incidence of urinary calculi?
Because they lack reproductive development due to less testosterone
Chronic mastitis is?
Often undetected
What is the appearance of Acute mastitis teats?
They have discolored, dark, mammary glands
What is the most common cause of abortion in sheep/goats?
Chlamydia abortus
What is the causative agent of gaseous lymphadenitis ?
Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
What is the causative agent of foot rot?
Fusobacterium necrophorum and Dichelobacter nodosus combination
What is the causative agent of listeriosis?
Listeria monocytogenes
What is the causative agent of epididymitis in rams/bucks?
Brucella ovis
What are some of the most common lab diseases?
Pregnancy toxemia Milk fever Mastitis Prolapses Abortion Epididymitis White muscle disease Urinary calculi
When is Pregnancy toxemia most likely to occur?
In late gestation
What should a healthy sheep or goat look like?
Walks without discomfort Chews the cud Regular normal vocal sounds No droopy ears Attentive and alert
What pathogen causes enterotoxemia?
Clostridium perfringes bacterium (Type C, D)
How can enterotoxemia be prevented?
Vaccination (Covexin 8)
Who are at highest risk and most affected by enterotoxemia?
Weanlings on lush pastures Lambs nursing on heavy ewes Weanlings on hot feeds
What are “hot feeds”?
Energy dense or high concentration feeds/diets Ex: silage
What are the affected areas in Soremouth disease?
It is seen around the eyes Nostrils Mouth Mammary gland vulva
What is the Tx for Soremouth?
Treatment is ineffective
How long does it take for Contagious ecthyma to resolve on its own?
1-4 weeks
Is Contagious ecthyma zoonotic?
What is Soremouth A.K.A?
Contagious ecthyma
What is the causative pathogen of Soremouth disease?
ORF virus
What bacteria causes Epididymitis?
Brucella ovis
What are the c/s of Epididymitis?
enlarged testicles can cause infertility Rams should be testes or be virgin prior to breeding
What is Enterotoxemia A.K.A?
Overeating disease
Largest lambs are affected by what disease?
Is there an effective treatment for Epididymitis?
No real TX, prevent by using disease free rams
What are the c/s of White Muscle Disease?
Stiffness in rear limbs and tucked flanks Degeneration of skeletal muscle White stripes in cardiac muscle
What causes White Muscle Disease?
Selenium deficiency
How can WMD be treated/prevented?
Selinium supplement (pre-birth & post birth) Trace mineral block or injectable supplement
What is urinary calculi A.K.A?
Who are most affected by urinary calculi?
Wethers (castrated rams)
What causes urinary calculi?
Calcium and phosphorus from high concentrate diets
What are the c/s of Waterbelly?
Calculi obstructs urethral process and prevents urine flow Urine can get backed up and rapture bladder
How can urinary calculi be prevented?
Acidifying feeds with ammonium chloride prevents formation of stones in acidic urine.
Treatments/surgery for urinary calculi?
Penile Urethrostomy: bypass sigmoid flexure Males urinate like females after Urethral process amputation
What is the main cause of abortion in sheep/goats?
What are some of the causes for abortions in sheep/goats?
Viral: Hairy shaker disease (a.k.a Border Disease) Nutritional: Toxic plant ingestion (false hellebore), ingesting too much Johnson grass Bacterial: Chlamydia
What are some of the common lambing/kidding diseases?
Pregnancy Toxemia Milk Fever Mastitis Prolapses Abortion
When does Pregnancy Toxemia occur?
During late gestation
Who are primarily affected by Pregnancy Toxemia?
Ewes that are thin, over fattened or are pregnant with multiple fetuses
What causes Pregnancy Toxemia?
Negative energy balance due to a lack of adequate nutrition
How is Pregnancy Toxemia treated? What other disease is similar?
Glucose, propylene glycol supplementation It is similar to Ketosis in cattle
What are the symptoms of pregnancy toxemia?
Down, won’t eat, lateral recumbency, muscle fasciculations
What causes Milk fever?
Hypocalcemia (low calcium)
How is milk fever treated?
Supplement calcium given
How is milk fever prevented?
Calcium supplementation
What is mastitis?
The inflammation of the mammary gland
What causes mastitis?
Physical injury or bacterial causes Staphylococcus, Pasteurella, Coliforms, E. Coli.
How is mastitis treated?
intramammary infusions, NSAIDS, antibiotics. Systematic antibiotics for acute mastitis
What are the signs of acute mastitis?
Discoloration of milk, purple and swollen teats yucky smelling discharge.
What are the signs of chronic mastitis?
Decreased milk production but it often goes undetected.
What are some of the drugs used to treat mastitis?
Tomorrow, Today, Pursue, penicillin base
How is prolapse treated?
Suture, spoon, harness
What are some common causes of abortions?
Viral: Hairy Shaker disease (Border disease=neurologic signs), similar to BVD Nutritional: Toxic plant ingestion (False heliborne) Bacterial: Chlamydia
Abscesses in sheep/goats
A.K.A Caseous Lymphadenitis
Caseous Lymphadenitis
Very contagious bacterial infection Submandibular lymph node affected Masses form in lymphatic joints
What pathogen causes lymphadenitis?
Cyanobacterium pseudotuberculosis
What disease is similar to strangles in horses?
Caseous lymphadenitis
How is Caseous Lymphadenitis treated?
Isolation Not very effective antibiotic tx. Take pus out and test @ lab Let it drain and take its course
What are the two types of Bloat?
Frothy and Gaseous
Gaseous Bloat
Tx: Nasogastric tube Trochar for vagal indigestion (Cranial nerve 10 = Valgus nerve)
Frothy Bloat
Hemicellulose increases surface tension of water Tx: dish soap Caused by legumes Trochar or stab it
A.K.A Circling disease Caused by: Listeria monocytogenes
What are the c/s of Listeriosis?
Head pressing cornered, circling, “moon gazing”, head twisting
How can Listeriosis be treated/prevented?
No vaccine available Tx: antibiotics, but keep things clean
Bacterial causes: Pasteurella multocida or Mannheimia haemolytica Viral causes: Influenza, Caprine arthritis & encephalitis (CAE) virus, aderovirus OPP (ovine progressive virus) Weaning increases susceptibility due to increased stress
C/S: Similar to mad cow disease -aggression -Intense rubbing -Tremors -Chronic weight loss
What is the oldest Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy known (TSE)?
Scrapie Affects the CNS Transmission: Ocular contact, placental, milk, potentially environmental (2-5 years incubation) No Tx
Foot diseases
Foot Rot Foot Scald
What are the causes of foot rot?
Bacterial: Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacterium necrophorum produces a powerful enzyme that dissolves hoof horn and leads to the undermining of the sole.
What causes foot scald?
The bacteria Fusobacterium necrophorum causes a common disease known as foot scald
How can foot rot and foot scald be treated?
Sync and copper sulfate footbaths -antibiotics -Mastitis tx can be effective
Internal External
Haemonchus contortus : Barber pole worm Trichostrongylus colubriforms -Bankrupt worm Teladorsagia circumcincta (formely Osstertagia) -Brown stomach worm Nematodirus
Nematodes life cycle
Abomasum Eggs in feces/environment L3 infective stage
How much blood can a H. contortus drink/day?
1 drop/day 1000 worms = 2 qts per month
Trichostrongylus colubriformis
c/s diarrhea, unthrifty appearance, rarely leads to death -Look like hookworm eggs
Nodules of abomasum Larval Hypobiosis = damage when they come out Do not drink blood
Adults seem immune -Severe diarrhea, may lead to death in lambs -Obstruction can kill them
Eimeria Ovina and Crandallis (commonly kwnon as Coccidia)
-Host specific -Big problem in young lambs -c/s: diarrhea, weakness, dehydration, glomerulonephritis (kidney shutdown), secondary bacterial infections of the intestines and fly strikes ( parasitic flies lay eggs in wounds/wool). -Problem usually in 1-6 mts old -Prophylactic Tx recommended -Lambs exposed from early age from ewe’s often develop lifelong immunity
Eimeria in goats similar to sheep
Mostly problem with kids during stressful times such as shipping and weaning
Eimeria Tx
Sulfur drugs, antiprotozoal Ex: TMC tabs once per day for 15 days
Internal parasites
Monitor with Famacha Card (made by Faffa Malan)
External parasites
ex: Lice, flies, ticks Control: Fly control, topical permethrin
Which operation would be the most expensive to operate, including al equipment?
Which breed is known for the leanest and mostly heavily muscled hog?
Which breed is considered a versatile breed?
What causes the pungent smell that is associated with manure treatment?
Volatile fatty acids are byproduct of protein breakdown
Diamond-shaped derma lesions are pathognomonic for what disease?
Acute erysipelas
Arthritis and vegetative valvular endocarditis is seen in what disease?
Chronic erysipelas
What serovar are swine the maintenance host of?
L. Bratislava
What type of pneumonia can cause widespread issues in a hog operation?
Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae